I made this thread for anyone that might be looking to join a guild.
Please fill this out its all option and you can add whatever.
Character Name:
Real/Nick Name:
Time Zone:
Playing Spiral For:
Average Play Time:
Viop (voice chat programs):
About you:
Here is mine for a example
Character Name: Tanner-kun
Real/Nick Name: Tanner
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Time Zone: EST
Played Spiral For: 1 day
Average Playtime: Until i'm out of energy.
Mic: yes
Viop: Skype, willing to download others though.
About you: I'm a otaku/weaboo. I am a amateur at making AMV's (www.youtube.com/user/xcommando13) I would like to join a guild with people that also like anime/manga. I would also like to be able to just chat with everyone after we run out of energy. I will probably also need a bit of help learning some features of the game. One last thing, I want a organized guild.
After you join a guild please edit your post saying your taken.
Still looking for a guild, Tanner? The Spanish Inquisition may not be an anime or manga-based guild, but some of our members (myself included!) are fans of many different anime and manga. We are a casual guild that is just getting started, so we are small. But I think being small means you get to know everybody a bit better!
If you'd like more info, you can check out our website at http://spanishinquisition.mmoguildsites.com
You can also send me a message in game, my IGN is Scarlette :)