Hello Mimey and Yugi, I feel that Dirt Nap Gaming would be a great clan for you! We have people submit applications and hang out on our TeamSpeak server for a few days just to make sure you are mature enough (as we only accept people 15 and up, and you are both 21 so I am sure you are) and would be a great addition to our family! We also support many other games besides spiral knights. We are only about a 4 day old clan but already have over 60 people from all kinds of games and plan to grow bigger. I have added both of you in game (IGN: Greekjr). Let me know what you think!
Here is all of the information about Dirt Nap Gaming which includes everything about us and our TeamSpeak information: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/12016#comment-67711
Head of DNG Spiral Knights Department
Character Name: Mimey
Real/Nick Name: Kris/Mime
Age: 21
Gender: F
Time Zone: EST US, -5 GMT
Playing Spiral For: about three days as of now
Average Play Time: idk, 2-4? hours depending on the day. I don't wanna sit on the computer too long.
Mic: on laptop (Macbook Pro, silver chassis, not unibody; not the best for gaming this is mostly my work computer), not on desktop currently, but we'll probably get one soon(PC).
Viop (voice chat programs): I can acquire whatever is necessary.
About you: I'm an artist and I play video games when I'm not working. I like sci fi (Star Trek & Star Wars, Doctor Who, BSG for some) ink (this is my medium), and booze (I do a bit of bartending). Woo! I play through Steam, so you can contact/add me there. (ID: limeymimes) I'm looking to make more friends through the game and join a community, mostly. I have a fairly flexible schedule due to working freelance.