Pretty, fast, agile, and got the most annoying status effect, shock, their what I would be.
If you could be a monster?
Darkfang Mender
everyone loves T3 menders
(when your on their side)
Pit Boss. Because we all need to promote synergy in the workplace.
*translation: work harder, slaves!*
rock jelly ftw,
id be a colony, a big one, when i die i give the knights lots of rewards.
id hate to be anything in tier 1
Alpha Wolver
I'm fast and daring and a danger to all beasts(fitting my daring rigadoon quite well :D) I swoop around my enemies with weapon charged and poised to STRIKE! lol hope i didn't make it sound weird
least favorite JK gave me ENOUGH trouble getting my 2 weapons yeah that doesn't put him high on my "like-list"
PS how do you get those images to apear under your name???(i don't post in forums often)
and i don't really like healers 1. they have no attacks
2. they are always targeted
3. any knight( or monster) can kill them and thats all there is to it :/
Probably either Pit Boss, Yesman or a Silkwing.
They don't do any real hard work haha. That and i personally like them.
I'd hate to be a Tortodrone, with that extinction thing and all.
A Gremlin Demo would be nice
I like to see knights trying to shoot me down while i spam a large number of bombs on them
I want to shock the player's to make them mad so i can trololo :3
Ans i dont want to be a impostocube (AKA the jelly cube that has a pipe) i just keep geting killed for my gold coin :(
Mecha knight because i get to SHOCK YOU WITH MAH PWNZA BODY.Wanna touch it?-!ZAP!-
I wouldnt want to be a scuttle bot weak no life robot dog.
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