Here numbers:
Depth 28: NO UVs + Bonus dmg ( vs construc,jelly,etc)
Storm driver: 178-168 dmg ?(if shock +28, +30 dmg every 3 sec ?)
Nova Driver: 205 dmg, Same dmg than a leaviathan blade.
Umbra driver: 205
Magma driver: 178-168 dmg ? (+status 70 dmg every sec)
Pulsar: 190 Explosive shot dmg ( +status 30, 28 dmg every 3 sec?)
oh, sure!
i'll try to do that tonight or tomorrow.
i hit several guys just a few minutes ago 3 times for one shot with both umbra driver and magma driver.
it's cool with the firotech line because it almost always applies fire when it happens and the fire hits immediately.
you should be able to test it for yourself with the smaller alchemers too.
if i remember correctly, they all do the internal ricochet.
it's pretty awesome.