I think it's a shame the OP is coming across as a bit of a dick because I do sort of agree with him; OOO advertised to people outside of the states. They made the game easily accessible for those who speak German, French and Spanish, including the hiring of a GM to speak each of these languages, and the players outside of the states are paying customers just like the Americans.
I also agree with those people saying they may not be able to afford servers elsewhere.
So basically I think those of us who suffer with bad ping have a right to complain, but also need to be patient. OOO is a small company
@Crawdunt its that kind of unproductive thinking that drags a game downward and not upward. As far as I'm concerned part of the content of most thing you buy/use is triggered by consumers' demands. Applies to games as well, as unbelievable as it may seem to you. Last example to date, in Spiral Knights: nick's thread about how would we, players, like the new PvP mode to be like. As for how "easily" I sprout the word troll, as you seem to be saying, I invite you to read the comments that triggered my reaction. Sorry to tell you that if a post isn't meant to answer to the leading lines of my thread but only to drop some stupid stereotyped hence extremely predictable comment such as "live in America instead" or "guess what, somebody is complaining about lag like every once in a month" its certainly not with the slightest good intention, it'd rather be pure willing of challenging the OP for the sake of..trolling? Sounds like a good definition of trolling to me. Just look at the 3 poor guys I've kindly thanked for their contribution and asked to leave making a force comeback with no better answer than "troll!". Yah, good job pals, maybe you should have thought twice clicking the "save" button, you certainly knew what would happen next, judging on the stupidity of your first comments. Then again, what would be trolls if they couldn't create struggles?
Its just insane some persons here are so unsensitive to some other players willing to express their concern allow themself such comments, isn't it?
@jeburk yeah this is internet..can't figure exactly what's wrong, where. Its good to have opinions from others about it, it helps figuring out where the problem(s) most probably seems to be. Thanks, its always rejoycing to see one more concerned player among a small nest of "rude people", to not-say the T word they hate so much to be faced with.