Today Boswick's bush blocked out the sun.
Boswick Personal Hygiene
Are you guys getting at what i think your getting at or am i missing something?
Today, Boswick's bush helped me learn the majesty of colors.
When winter comes around the bush will be stripped bare. And we won't have anything to hang our balls on.
You know, for Christmas decorations. If there's no bush then I'm stuck playing with those balls...
I learned today that a snipe in the hand is worth two in Boswick's bush.
Today, Boswick's Bush taught me how to read big people books.
i heard that if you put and non-prismatic accessory near boswick's bush, it'll quickly turn prismatic, which is why the silver key is 750CE, and another reason why we hate him.
Boswick's Bush is a reason why many protesters are protesting in NYC and all around the United States...I went to Wall Street and joined them for a few minutes yelling "Blame Boswick's Bush".....Many looked at me and asked me who this mighty Boswick was I replied he the bringer of all that is bad in the world.
LOL nice,
i found a weapon that might destroy boswick's bush
we get a chromalisk to eat it
minutes later:
MAN! the chroma licked it instead :(
I just throw things at the protestors, they don't know the real problem is Boswick's Bush inflating energy prices.
I realized Boswick did not post on this yet...This is blasphemy.
but now we know whats boswick's avatar pic is, a bush
We always knew he had that as his avatar thus BOSWICKS bush =0
Unlike his twin.HE IS MAKING ALL THOSE HORRIBLE MONSTERS AND GREMLINS APPEAR.Ever wander whats in this box?
A bunch of crowns for your head. It's got a picture of them on the side of the box. King krogmo wears one inside of the box itself.
@Everyone else-
Of course Boswick's bush is his avatar. It's a lot nicer in that picture than in the one's we've posted but lets be serious. That's a perfectly taken picture to be used for social networking sites. What we need are more nitty gritty pictures.
I think Boswick's bush can use all types of accessories excluding volcanic and and toasty since it will burn his poor bush.
Two pages and still no Boswick himself in this thread. Maybe his bush ate him...
Boswick I hope your bush did not take over your body since Dogrock was slacking on trimming the mighty Boswick Bush =0
Boswick's bush does not need silly accessories. Boswick's bush is already the best there is.
I am afraid, there will come the time that the bush itself will reply instead.
chills up my spine...
True dat. BUMPIN TO DA MAX!!!!!
The other day i saw a white jelly in boswicks bush!!!!! FYI thats just snipe poop. luckily Dogrock can use the cracks in his sudaruska to get it out daily.