i feel no need really to reply to you because you strike me basically as a minor because of the simple fact you cannot type one reply without misspelling something... that is all, good day sir
People quitting in lockdown

So now your points are;
It's not worth fixing.
You aren't the boss of me.
I spent money.
I'm not a minnor.
I'm a better typist.
and I'm a better player.
Notice how all of those only apply to you?
I have to try and type super fast becuase you like to make posts that are one sentance long, thus striking me as a minnor.

this man has it spot on Overourlimit your nothing but a selfish player and you should feel bad!

And as stated twice, Overourlimit backs out, becuase he dosent actuualy have anything he can say, becuase his point dosen't have a point.

Oh really now i had to comeback and make one more post to rectify this.....
1st of all Mr Orangeo i dont have to explain anything to you, i can tell your a kid because all you say is why why why and why should i argue with a child??? Kids think they are right regardless of how hard you try to explain it and try to clarify it so i basically see no reasoning beyond it..
2nd im selfish because i dont want some dumb imposing rules really??? It limits others as well as myself so i dont really see how that is selfish or anything close to it

"i dont have to explain anything to you"
I don't have to argue. You chose not to becuase, for the fourth time, you don't have a place to stand.
"should i argue with a child"
Should you lose?
"im selfish because i dont want some dumb imposing rules really?"
You're selfish becuase you want to waste my money as you please really?
The fact that this isn't even chalanging inforces the thought that you aren't even thirteen.

i was actually born in 1985 so try and guess my age and also it doesnt waste my money so i dont see how it wastes yours....
No matter what point i came up with you're gonna argue regardless, you just like to argue and thats fine but i dont.
This topic isnt even logical to begin with, basically alot of arguing and fighting going on for nothing

Am feelin' free to just quit games in the middle if I feel like. No reason to help myself until the end of a game. I don't have to undergo some highly BS-ing lag (only reason why I happen to leave) when I can just alt f4 and get back to some funny activity, instead of buggy playing. I don't see any use giving something like a 10 minutes restriction to those who leave a game amidst it, because if they left, why would they join another right after? If I leave, I'm almost sure I won't even try any other time of the evening, because I know for sure the later I play, the worst it is due to more connections on the server (am not from US, so evening is something like midday for em).

Exactly we choose to play so we shouldnt be subjected to being told how to play thats basically my only issue with this thread

"i was actually born in 1985 "
Says you ;)
" it doesnt waste my money so i dont see how it wastes yours"
I spend 200 CR on a fair match, and decide to fill up the bidding bar, with cough-money-cough, only to have someone quit and waste my 25 energy and 200 crowns.
"This topic isnt even logical "
It's very, very logical. Try and prove me wrong, you're like a fly bouncing off of a glass window, trying to get to the light inside without looking dumb.

All you have to keep you going is some smart analogies which will only get you so far....
Its very logical to people of your kind, but to others not so much
I do the same but usually everyone chips in to fill it up atleast some so if you fill it all right away then you're just a fool
If you have nothing else to do but try to tell me how old i am, that makes you into a even bigger fool then you originally were

"Am feelin' free to just quit games in the middle if I feel like"
Exactaly, that's fine occasionaly. I'm mostly reffering to people who leave then quit, then do it over a million times. Screwing me. I'll scarfe up 200 crowns if someone has crappy lag, or has some doctor appointment. But quitting becuase you don't like your team is ridiculous. If you honestly can't play, then your intitled to quit and spend your time elswhere. But the fact is that people who repetadely rage quit then rejoin ruin the game for everyone who dosent, eventuualy including you, who, if ragequitters keep it up, will force OOO to create a rule fixing it, pissing you off a ton.

I seriously doubt they would do that because they risk losing players, which is a road they dont wanna venture down...
This isnt like school where there is rules for everything, its a game, you play, you have fun, though there is a few things you might not like...
Not enough people will likely complain about this, which is why to me it isnt that big of a deal if over half of the users dont seem to come in this thread posting i would say the game is fine as it is...
Would you rather them put off releasing new content to put in a pvp rule, where likely once new content is released pvp will have barely any excitement left for people?

" if you fill it all right away then you're just a fool"
You are once again taking advantage of selfless people? Then I get to call you selfish again, smooth move keith stone.
"If you have nothing else to do but try to tell me how old i am"
I'm just stating that using something you can't prove in an argument is pretty dumb. Allow me to form an annalogy to summarise that;
That's like me saying to you that god dosent want people to ragequit.

God... wants people to get along and stop crying
So im selfish because you rage hurry to fill the bar and waste your CE when a few others would of likely chipped in some CE as well, sounds like intelligence if you ask me

I'm geting along fine, this is fun. Can't wait untill euridice shows up.
And the "..." after the word god really put allot of strenght into that random statement.

But i do want to thank you Orangeo ive never laughed so hard at another player before but you made my day and ive been laughing ever since we started talking.... Thanks for the many laughs good sir!!

I'm allowed to donate as much as I chose, but I feel pressed when if goes down the drain like a turd. You'd e correct if you said I was stubborn, but I'm certianaly very intelligent.
By deciding that you can abuse your right to enter or exit a match, you alienate yourself from kind people who deposit money and the actuual game company OOO.
Also, you're not laughing, ;) And if you are, you're lying to yourself. Keep that subconcious in check.

If you wanna rage hurry fill it as soon as you join thats fine but you dont have a right to say your money is wasted when you freely do it and in a hurry....
I am laughing @ you mostly because its hilarious
Also if i wanted to quit i would be free too i put in my crowns and usually put in some energy so i kinda have a right to leave if i must and i say if others put in energy and need to leave i shouldnt be able to say they cant.

Yes, kids think they are right regardless of how hard you try to explain and try to clarify things. Remember that adults do too. Age does not make you right.
And with that I think I shall leave this topic alone before it degenerates any more towards becoming a flame war.

Nope i agree Gwen.....
Age and Spelling make you right.

I like flame wars Gwen D:
"If you wanna rage hurry fill it as soon as you join thats fine but you dont have a right to say your money is wasted when you freely do it and in a hurry...."
You're lecturing me becuase I'm too nice? I've been going easy on you mate. The fact that you pulled the common, bogus line that you're "laughing" means that you're at the end of your rope.
"Also if i wanted to quit i would be free too i put in my crowns and usually put in some energy so i kinda have a right to leave if i must and i say if others put in energy and need to leave i shouldnt be able to say they cant."
Also if i wanted to make a nonpunctuated run on sentance that didnt have a purpose in the middle of a argument i shouldnt be able to durrhurr.

Im not really fighting though im just enjoying your incompetence , it amuses me enough that i wanna keep talking to you..
If your allowed to type and act like a child then im gonna do the samething

" im just enjoying your incompetence "
So you really still don't have an argument that suppourts your point?
Look, you havent made an actuual jab at my argument, only at my age and typing style. The fact still is that if you repetadaly ragequit like a child, your abusing the game, wasting my time, and wasting my money. You're stealing from a generous person overourlimit. Still laughing? Continue, I'm counting on it. When a GM comes here they'll decide to break this up, read all the posts, and realize that people like you are the reason why they shouldn't allow rage quitting.

Rofl funny thing is i have yet to ragequit in any game that ive played and just the thing that you think i have, is what makes this so funny and also why its so amusing

Look man, make an argument. You're just trying to make fun of me, and it's not working. You havent actuualy tried to suppourt your cause.

My point is if they wanna add a rule then theres no reason to be a F2P game they might as well have a monthly fee if they are gonna tell you how to play
and thus lose alot of their player base
^ theres my point

About time!
My point is that F2p or not, OOO still makes the rules, and is all the better for it. Being free means free of charge, not free of regulation. They won't lose a scrap of their player base, becuase all the people who claimed they were gonna quit durring bomberman are still on the fourms. Plus, I do belive you said it's "not that big an issue", so not too many people would even feel inclined to quit.

Its not a big issue so i doubt OOO would likely add anything namely because the risk of complaining due to this or the risk of making a rule and losing players....... id go with the 1st one

Oh and it also as i said takes them away from the releasing of new content to fix a pvp mode that will be unimportant much once new content is released so like i said id rather see the effort be put where its needed most which is getting out new content not revising old and slightly soon to be non-needed content

I think that putting cooldown timer on ragequitting would increase their player base. People like me would certianaly play allot more. Plus, the people who left would generaly be the ragequitters who created the problem, and their absence would make the game all the more appealing to new players.

I think that putting cooldown timer on ragequitting would increase their player base. People like me would certianaly play allot more. Plus, the people who left would generaly be the ragequitters who created the problem, and their absence would make the game all the more appealing to new players.

sorry about the double post, using my lesser computer at the moment.
"Oh and it also as i said takes them away from the releasing of new content to fix a pvp mode that will be unimportant much once new content is released "
I can see what you mean there. Now it's just down to weighing values. I'd perosnaly rather fix what we have before we start something new.

That diminishes the fact of people wanting to return the PVE should be more fun then the pvp its a MMO

Stop hitting space bar after each sentence. That is all.

People are intitled to chose to favor PVE or PVP. Yes, I consider PVE the main section, but that doesn't justify leaving problems in other peices. Plus, more people playing pvp than pve means that the CE price will go down, something allot of thew player base complains about, becuase pve makes crowns, but pvp removes them.
Also, whatsyourface, you're supposed to press space after each sentance. That is all.

True but this isnt a pvp game its a PVE game for the most part so technically PVP should be done after the PVE stuff is sorted out atleast in my eyes

I guess I wouldn't be dissapointed if they made a boss before fixing the PVP issue. As long as fixing ragequitting or balancing teams after someone leaves is addressed at some point in time.

i think they should focus on important things seems like a bit of a annoyance to ignore adding content for something like that... give us better content which will make pvp non-existant thus the problem will fix itself

Hah, yhea like fixing teambalance. That could fix the problem, to some extent. Having a shivermist Vs three sklovers three times in a ow is annoying, and linehart knows it <_<
PVP still should stay a lively part of spiral knights however. It balances the CE price that frequently spikes due to a surplus in crowns. It's the games greatest crown sink, by far. That being said, I can say keep pvp alive, but I'm certianaly not going to discourage you for asking three rings for better content.

This is a long one, but bear with me, ok?
"...some1 whos always in the losing team despite his efforts and some1 whos always in the winning team without doing much..."
It's randomized, so I don't know where you get the "always". And the solution doesn't make it in any way worse, only more fair.
"u cant force a player to play, u can try but thats it, he/she aint a robot lol"
Yes, we can't force anyone, but we can encourage. That's the whole point of the punishments.
"lockdown is a virtual competitive*add pointless descriptive words here* game, not a war. u may consider it 1, which i dont mind. but u shouldnt expect every1 to do the same."
That's why I said "virtual war setting"... Yeah, kind of changes the whole point.
"ur solution is very flawed. it doesnt contribute much to the fun..."
Doesn't contribute to fun? Yes it does, because more people will play all the way to the end. And it changes nothing in actual gameplay mechanics, you play the same as before, but now with full matches. Win-win.
"the punishments, which dont prevent people from leaving teams"
The ban punishment actually DOES prevent people from leaving the matches for two hours (or whatever the ban-time is), because they can't even join one. Rest of the people can then enjoy full matches.
"in either case most people might not be influenced by the punishments as they should"
They will be influenced by the punishment if they can't join another game for two hours. Quite concrete cause-and-effect in most cases.
"the chances of them landing in your team are rather little"
Like has been said before, there's usually 1-2 quitters in every game. Full matches are quite rare nowadays.
"...a punishment and change of rewards isnt gona solve that"
How is banning of the quitters NOT going to remove the quitters? I don't get your logic. You know what a ban means, right?
"...cover of fun and reveals the strive for victory, which every1 is after"
Yes, I like to win, I'm competitive, never said otherwise. What's wrong with that? Isn't "winning" also the basic idea behind PvP? And it's fun for me to win. Don't see anything wrong with that. But if the other team has three people less than my team, then it's not a satisfactory win, thus not that fun (though losing because of quitters is even worse).
Here's the order:
winning an equal game > losing an equal game > winning because of quitters >> losing because of quitters
Yes, that's true... Maybe add an algorithm that tracks how much time you spend near the enemies?
I like the capture bonus (etc) idea. Also like the hiding of the prize, although it does give an extra edge if there's a prize in the horizon.
Dynamic ban time sounds good.
Also: "Plus, the people who left would generaly be the ragequitters who created the problem, and their absence would make the game all the more appealing to new players."
Spot on.
I don't see how P2P and F2P has anything to do with this. Why couldn't we regulate F2P games? Lockdown is only part of the whole game, they can still play the rest of the game while waiting for the banhammer to lift. I don't see much effect on people quitting the game altogether (though granted, that's only a matter of opinion). Also, there ARE already AFK rules in place (because people complained about AFK'ers, so they're not afraid to venture there), meaning they already tell you how to play. This would be just another set of rules (and people are now complaining about deserters/rage-quitters). In bomberman rage-quitting didn't matter, because quitters were usually making it easier for the rest of the team, and also increasing the loot. Unless you're left 2vs5, then it could make things harder, though. And everyone not commenting here doesn't mean they're happy. It didn't take half of the player base to come to these forums to complain to convince OOO to create extra rules for AFK'ers. Furthermore, the change is only one objective of this thread. Awareness and visibility is second. I for one am very vocal about deserters in the game. I wish others were, too.
Yes, the solution is more effective for recurring deserters (bribe-prize-hunters, for example), not laggy players so much (assuming they won't play for a while if they're lagging).
Additional solution:
Re-distribute the 200cr of the quitter to the rest of the team (even if they lose). That should lessen the contagion enough. Though not sufficient enough alone, imo.

Wow, this thread really devolved into a whole bunch of worthless. I'm not going to bother arguing anything from this page. What I am going to do is direct "No-Thanks" to the definition of the word "Paraphrasing." Specifically, paraphrasing "is restatement of a text or passages, using other words." Don't mistake my paraphrasing for a direct quote, mixing the two up makes you look like a child, or at least uneducated, which matches up with your typing skills.
And now I'm leaving this thread as well.

Then why did you comment edibs. It's not worthlessness, anyones point of view is valuable information. You, me, Aatu, and Over.
Dynamic ban time sounds good."
YES! about time someone noticed that a giant immidiate ban jst pisses people off! Give em a freebie, just incase they gotta take a dump (for two minnutes?) >_>

I'm still getting used to this new mouse.

Due to this thread we should incorporate a new word into our vocabulary which is Rage-Whiners :D

Ok tengu? Err, nice mouse. Also, your username is tengutengu right? The name update is confusing.
Not sure what you're getting at overourlimit >_> I'm assuming your post concerns Eldibs, who basicaly just walked in here and mooned us then left.

I don't like it when people quit in lockdown.
So... Yeah.
"I've spent about $60 and you hear me whining and crying? yea i thought not"
Uhh yhes, I do hear you. Right now.