I tried typing my own fanfiction, Solus Inflammo, for Zetta-Lux's contest. It was originally supposed to feature all monsters, not just Vanaduke's legions, but after retyping the words 'Greaver', 'Mecha', and 'Wolver' 45 times... I decided to save my fingers some grief XD
Yet Another Fanfiction

good news! i didnt completely forget about this!

good to know you haven't... whoever... you are...
ALSO: thanks for the minor update Xev, its good to know everything is evening out on your end - heres hoping that internet connection stays!
ALSO ALSO i just read your other stuff, "just a dream" first and was like, "cool, our characters would get along well" then I read crystal wars plus epilogue and I was like "aw his psychee is ok now..."
ALSO ALSO, ALSO if you wanted any background for my character, I had posted a little fanfiction called "Grimalkin" that uses this characgter.

go back to the of page one to find out who i am.also read this.

Glad to see this thread is still alive, but I'm going to put it into hiatus until Dec. 1 due to a novel-writing thing called National Novel Writing Month. I apologize and do promise that if I finish my novel early I will immediately spend the rest of my writing skill finishing "Light into Dusk"

This is going to be absorbed by Argent in the point that this is a non-mentioned background event in the new continuity.
Xair, is this done for?

Argent is intended to be a month-long story serial; continuing into mid-January at latest. I'm currently working on a major novel IRL, so "Dawn into Dusk" will be given small updates, probably during my school-hour lunches. Thus I will not post major update bumps for this story but yes, there is some brainstorming/behind-the scenes work in "Dawn into Dusk" planned.

After a long time (sorry everyone!) Light into Dusk is (almost; I'm finishing it even now) finished! Sorry for the delay, and I hope you enjoy it. (Maybe I should continue? :P)

Name: Kantint
Gender: Male
Color: Dark blue
Personality: Smart and wise. Somewhat cold-hearted. Rarely helps, only when absoulutly needed, otherwise he just watches. He hides VERY well. He can sometimes pop out of nowhere, and can disapear suddenly.
Hobbies: Watching others while hiding. Doing scienc-y stuff.
Goal in life: To keep knights safe, and make a great invention.
Weapons: Big Angry Bomb, Electron Vortex, Valance.
Armor: Mercurial Demo Suit.
Helmet: Merurial Demo Helm
I tried typing my own fanfiction, Solus Inflammo, for Zetta-Lux's contest. It was originally supposed to feature all monsters, not just Vanaduke's legions, but after retyping the words 'Greaver', 'Mecha', and 'Wolver' 45 times... I decided to save my fingers some grief XD