So today OOO have released an update containing both the new festive haloween content which is admittedly a very nice addition and something I fully appreicate, and also the addition of the new tier 3 content we've playing for the last couple weeks on the testing server at long last, but with an unfortunate twist. If you aren't quite in touch with the times, players can only access this new content using 'Shadow Keys' items which will drop from Lockboxes when the planets allign while Boswich is juggling bushes. Should you be lucky enough to get a Shadow Key without wasting thousands of ce on lockboxes you may wish to use it to access thew new content, although bear in mind these keys are one time use only thus you essentially have to pay just to access this content, and pay again and again and again.
I think the vast majority of tier 3 players will agree that the new update is ridiculous. Tier 3 players have been waiting a very long time for new content, bearing with OOO and continuining to support them while they update the early game and add entertaining but ultimately superficial attractions like accessories in the mean time. How is that patience rewarded? A slap in the face telling us that the end game content we've been waiting for is not only a rehash of existing content and not really anything new but entertaining enough to be worthwhile if that was all there was to it, but on top of that you have to pay to get access. If that wasn't enough there's no way to actually gurantee you get yourself a Shadow Key through lockboxes and no vendor to buy them from which means the only means of attaining them consistently is from the ah, where the prices will be driven up to ludicrous extent by the few rich people that do wish to run the new content.
What this means is those of us who don't wish to waste excess amounts of crowns and/or ce on simply getting access to the new content (And for one run only I might add) we're left with nothing to tide us over, no new tier 3 content and no reason to believe that future updates won't simply follow suit resulting in the game essentially becoming P2P post tier 3. Understandly a large majority of tier 3 players are displeased with this update so instead of having a dozen rant threads where things will get jumbled up and lost, this thread is to form a centralized petition with a list of all the signatures of people against this update. If we can get enough people together then we'll either end up convincing OOO to at least rethink the implentation of shadow keys if not revamping the new content entirely, or we'll establish that they simply don't care what the community wants which I think would be reasonable vindication for end game players whom have been waiting forever for new content to finally pack their bags and find something else to play.
Pass the link around, encourage anyone you know whom is against the update to sign it, the more sigs we get the better.