seriously guys? I understand if you were slightly frustrated.. but I have seen at least 20 separate threads, usually the same people, all screaming about shadow keys, the ce market, etc. etc. etc. You have a right to be mad, but at least get organized. its sad seing good players just start ranting with no rhyme or reason, just to vent, not caring how they sound or what the say. Even worse when people folllow these prophets of mope and support the cause... then go to another prophet and support the same... and another... and another.... look. If you people actually DO start a petition. and thres 20 threads. and many of these threads are being visited by malcontenters. and some of these malcontenters "sign" multiple "petitions none of yours wil be accurate and OOO will just laugh them off stating that it reminds them of the Left 4 Dead 2 boycott in which most of the boycotters bought the game anyway... while they were boycotting. and thats you guys. You'll continue to play SK, and you know you will... and then you'll continue to buy keys, because you want to. And then, you'll come here -- to the forums, to OOO's HOUSE. and complain and whine about it hoping that they (the eponymous company) will notice you, and realize "what they are doing" and immediately retract their terrible, horrible, baby-eating decision.
good luck with all that
The super *OFFICIAL* mega all encompassing everything OOO has done wrong thread
There's something called chaos and order...
This is far beyond those...
You've caused Armageddon
I checked through the lists of forum topics to see if anyone else brought up the massive amount of angst. and I didn't see one. Hilariously, I'm not trolling. I'm dead serious in everything and heck, maybe if an angry little person reads this, they might ponder for a while and decide I am right, or at least to calm down and think before they act, so yes. this might help the matter. thank you for the compliment.
1. putting the word *OFFICIAL* in your title doesn't make it official (nor does the other threads that contain the word official)
2. wall of text: please use sentences and paragraphs correctly
People on the forums love to complain. Just let them, it will die down eventually until they have something else to complain about the next release.
you guys are not getting it complaining is GOOD for OOO it HELPS THEM know WHAT THEY ARE DOING WRONG. gawsh. ne quiet you annoying people hat dont like complaining it isnt YOUR forums its THREE RINGS' forum who cares if it annoys you CAPS lock BROKe BTW
Complaining is good when it is well thought out. The majority of people make stupid posts and they do not even think of the consequences of what they suggest or they just complain without any solution to the problem they are complaining about. If your going to complain, think things out and make a well thought out post, otherwise don't post at all. That is my only peeve with the complain threads here.
I think there's rarely anything useful about complaining.
but constructive feedback is always helpful.
and when I say constructive feedback, I don't mean "reduce the price of keys, the players can't afford them, make them 300 CE instead" because this doesn't really solve any problems.
but more along the lines of: "I believe if you sold silver keys for 500CE, more people would buy them and 3 rings would make about the same from sales of keys (because more keys would be sold), but what it will do is allow more people access to accessories and shadow lairs, keep more people playing and enjoying their time here."
I made this as a -- not very good -- satire of all the threads blasting OOO, all of which claim to be the *official* thread to do so. and trust me, if you think that's a wall of text, you haven't seen what I've seen. they'll give you a heart attack. I do think that if there was no complaining, it would be wonderful.... or if it was thought out.... or if peoples' arguments were intellectual.... but that is not going to happen. So, I decided to make this for the heck of it, thinking it might knock some sense into one or two people. Showing what they're writings look like to others, and also make them evaluate the level of their responses to updates. I really have no clue how well I did that.
These are the most thought-out and polite (and intelligent) complains I've seen so far. Before you go any further, may I kindly suggest you take a read through?
Soo you see forums filling with complaint threads, so you make a troll complaint. Congrats on helping the matter. Perhaps you should have taken your own advise and posted this in one of those "at least 20 separate threads"...