Searching through the forums, i found a lack of threads to tell OOO just how well their doing. so i made this one.
This thread will be to say just how good you feel about how well three rings design is doing about spiral knights at the moment.
No Trolls. Just say how good, not even constructive criticism (unless it's really a compliment underneath the constructive criticism or vice versa)
No 'broad' things (like, good game OOO or good patch OOO)
If a dev posts, the person who posted before the dev gets 100 CE (very doubtful a dev will post, honestly)
If this thread is stickied, then the person who posted b4 it was stickied gets 100 CE.
try not to repeat
Hopefully the Devs and such will take a look at this thread, see how positive their community can be, and keep listening to our endless troll-rants about bugs broken designs lag and reallyreallyreally really long run on sentences. and incorrect grammar. and sentence fragments. ill stop.
I'll start it off:
Great PVP implementation three rings!