Dear brave delvers of the Clockworks,
I'm Ehsan, and I'm one of those few (mostly) free-to-play 5* players. I am an avid fan of this great game, and have gone to the Core countless times. I am familiar with fighting techniques against all monsters and what-nots, with the exception of...
Those devilishly-animated junkbots have killed me more times than all other monsters (excluding maybe Lord Vanaduke) combined. I know the attacking patterns of them, I know how to predict their moves, but I just can't deal with them. They simply attack too quickly. When I see them raise their arm for a swipe, I raise my shield but still get hit for some reason.
Sure, dealing with one, two or even three is quite simple with a bit of patience, but if you're soloing and get swarmed by 8 or 9 at a time (in Mechanized Mile, you veterans should know what I'm talking about) they're not funny. It's inevitable that I do get hit a couple of times, and in Blast Furnace where they spit fire, it's no joke.
So to cut a long story short, any helpful tips for dealing with retrodes, especially those that swarm you? Please also note that I prefer swords to guns and bombs any day. I'm a swordmaster and I have leviathan blade, divine avenger (which does not work too well when you're swarmed) and Glacius. I only listed the ones that are useful against retrodes, but of course I have others of other power types.
Please guys, tips? Blast Furnace is owning me. :(
Thanks in advance.
Retrodes are easy, just keep them in your sight all times and beware of the wide range of their beams.
Maybe you should try using something besides swords if you keep getting hit. Just two or three steps away and you are out of their melee range.