Guide for Easy money making?

I swear there's been WAY too many threads asking what to do in General Discussion.
I know the answers are really common knowledge to more experienced players, but why not have a page for some simple tips by those players?(So we don't have to retype the same thing of 5 paragraphs EVERY time.)
Would be nice if we could get this working.

We could search this thread which is mentioned in the "Useful Links for New Knights" sticky:
Some basic, and probably obvious ones from that thread:
- Always wait for arenas, plenty of heat+crowns
- Never run through graveyards, fight. They seem to give more money and definitely more heat than treasure vaults.
- Once you reach Tier 2, Jelly runs (skipping the boss) yield great money and heat. Usually there's an arena right before it, so that sweetens the deal.
- If you're confident or simply with a strong team, do the danger rooms.
I'm not too good with the wiki, I mainly just update a picture or fix typos... So yeah, I wouldn't know where to start :3
There is no easy way to make money. Unless you're Jim Dale.