Guide for Easy money making?

2 replies [Last post]
Xylka-Mkii's picture

I swear there's been WAY too many threads asking what to do in General Discussion.
I know the answers are really common knowledge to more experienced players, but why not have a page for some simple tips by those players?(So we don't have to retype the same thing of 5 paragraphs EVERY time.)
Would be nice if we could get this working.


Jim-Dale's picture
There is no easy way to make

There is no easy way to make money. Unless you're Jim Dale.

Extribble's picture
We could search this thread

We could search this thread which is mentioned in the "Useful Links for New Knights" sticky:
Some basic, and probably obvious ones from that thread:
- Always wait for arenas, plenty of heat+crowns
- Never run through graveyards, fight. They seem to give more money and definitely more heat than treasure vaults.
- Once you reach Tier 2, Jelly runs (skipping the boss) yield great money and heat. Usually there's an arena right before it, so that sweetens the deal.
- If you're confident or simply with a strong team, do the danger rooms.

I'm not too good with the wiki, I mainly just update a picture or fix typos... So yeah, I wouldn't know where to start :3