Does a single suggestion in that section get noticed? I sorely doubt it. Which is sad because there are so many good ideas in there.
About "Suggestions"

some guy did a Snarby Armor idea, and now there is one. I guess the Gms just look at the threads that they already are thinking of doing, looking at them for good ideas on how do do it.

"some guy did a Snarby Armor idea"
Some guy... tons of people have wanted Snarby armor, which is probably why it came out. Same with Almirian. Now, if someone posted about mercurial demo... then I think we'd have a lot more room to say "That guy thought of it".

Obviously the suggestion forum is looked at as several ideas from it have been used... AH, Snarby armor, accessories (not described as that people "wanted ways to make their armor unique"), harder content (shadow lairs, shut up if that isn't what you meant, its harder content as asked for), and most recently last login timestamps! That last one every gm from a big guild has wanted so we know who needs booting for being inactive.
The ones that get used are ones that receive a lot of support or show up repeatedly. Obviously not the "teh erengy system is broken, game should be free herp derp" ones, or ones that would mean having to redo a massive amount of coding.
The reason you don't see a ton getting used is a lot of the suggestions are, well, bad. Look at the first page of the suggestion forum, I am not going to point any out specifically, but you can see what I mean. Another reason is that the dev team is rather small, assuming I have heard right of course. They might like a bunch of the ideas that show up in the suggestion forum, but it is not practical to work on them all at once due to having a small team so they have to pick and choose what they work on.
PS: Dev team! Shadow damage and Elemental damage bombs! Something like Snarby bomb or Nitronome! Shadow only has Graviton, its a crowd control bomb, not damage (does some damage, not a damage bomb though). Elemental has the status bombs and Electron, again, all crowd control. Crystal bomb lines don't count, they're the "gun" of bombs. I like being a bomber, give me something to work with here.

well i posted one about how links on the forums should be more noticeable and it got done shortly there after
i also posted an idea about bosses some time before the shadow lairs and one of them involved 2 snarbolaxes (just not in the same way the current game has)
i am fairly certain suggestions either work or spark some idea in some way

Gwen, ash is pretty much an elemental damage bomb, it just doesn't work on undead.
But I agree that there ought to be a shadow damage bomb.

@Khamsin Ash doesn't work on undead? Since when?

I think some people is in charge of reading them and discarding all the terrible ones, then giving the devs a short list of them for consideration. (Eury?)
During beta that forum had a lot more importance, now there are so many weird or silly suggestions that I don't think they care much.
PS: I agree that pure shadow and pure elemental damage bombs are long overdue.

Ash (which does work fine on undead, unless the only place you've tried it is in FSC or other fire-themed areas) is still a status bomb. The idea of a pure elemental or shadow bomb would be a version of the Nitronome that doesn't do normal damage, but instead a blast of elemental or shadow damage. I've also wanted such things for a while--the direct damage choices for bombers are a bit limited.

Gwen, ash is pretty much an elemental damage bomb, it just doesn't work on undead.
It does work on them. Whether or not they get the status inflicted is an entirely different matter.

Ash does work for the initial damage but the status effect may not Slag Walkers are immune to fire sooo Ash's fire status will not apply

Some additional things that Gwenyvier hasn't mentioned in her post:
Bomberman-like PvP has been suggested on forum and we got it.
Loadouts have been suggested on forum and we got them.
Piercing/thrusting melee weapons have been suggested on forum and eventually we got them.
5 rank Troika has been suggested on forum and we got it.
... there's probably more
EDIT: links added

Ash of Agni is a status bomb, as stated by Notbob. Status bombs have a small initial damage radius (about as big as the original 2*'s mist area, if not smaller) and a much larger area that the mist covers. Ash works on anything that isn't fire themed, just as Shiver works on anything that isn't ice themed, etc etc. The small blast of elemental damage is given regardless of if the monster is immune to the status. I meant actual pure damage bombs for shadow and elemental.
And sorry about getting the post off topic. :p
Anyways, actually what Tantarian said makes a lot of sense. It would take a lot of time away from the dev's working on content for them to go through the suggestion forum regularly, if a mod or GM did it and sent them a list of the good ones it would be a lot easier.

Going Solo My one and only good idea lol. Even with some of the "other" activities that came about afterwards, I still think this was useful.

You should have known what I meant. Most of ash's damage comes from the fire status, which doesn't function on the undead in FSC or UFSC. Also it doesn't work on half of the constructs in UIMF either. Sort of silly how what it should work against typically has immunity to it. Otherwise ash might be good outside of URJP.

And don't forget the Auction House which had at least 1000 suggestions for it.

Weapon keybindings getting added to the game is probably my favourite implemented suggestion so far.

> Does a single suggestion in that section get noticed? I sorely doubt it. Which is sad because there are so many good ideas in there.
There are so many good ideas in there, you're right. Which is why we do keep track of it, as others pointed out above. :)

And Unbinding.
And harder bosses.
And new items.
An more stuff I just forgot.

After reading Bigfootm's post, and knowing how 000 warped those things in ways that made those who had wished for them despise them, I imagine 000 as an Evil Genie now.

Three Rings is and all ways be an Evil Genie in a Bottle ejejejjejje it's all about the Benjamins $$$$

They do look at suggestions, but its pretty hard to see all of the suggestions come true since Three Rings (The Dev's) who made this game have their own ideas then you have to throw our ideas in that smoothie of ideas and once you mix it all together you get similar solutions from our suggestions or just their view point or ours.
Example: Last Login Time or Stacking Heat Amp's
Last Login time -- suggested for guilds now is used for all players
Stacking Heat Amps - Krogmo boosters stackable
Some do. Big suggestions probably aren't taken seriously. I look at it more like a place to blog your random ideas and get feedback from other players. I don't expect 000 to do anything suggested, even if the ideas are completely epic. Still... one can dream about Ultimate Dark City / The Underworld...