I'm looking at my history, but the way the page is setup I can't simply copy and paste into Excel. Is there some way to datamine the page so I could look at my own statistics?
Does anyone know a way to datamine your Crystal Energy History statistics?
Mon, 11/07/2011 - 19:26
Fri, 11/11/2011 - 14:28
IE may work for copy & paste
I usually use Firefox but I have found that Internet Explorer usually works for copying table data and pasting into Excel. Seems like Notepad is table-aware and tab-delimits the pasted text so that is probably why that technique works.
Fri, 11/11/2011 - 20:45
Thanks I'll try that out at
Thanks I'll try that out at some point.
There's an odd little trick you can take advantage of which involves a simple text editor, like Notepad. All you need to do is scroll over the data, copy it, paste it into Notepad, re-copy the data, and paste it in to Excel. I'm not sure why Excel takes in the original data all in one cell, but doing this simple transition seems to work fine.
I'm doing this in Firefox, so I'm not sure how it works in other browsers. If you're using another browser and the above does not work, you may want to try selecting by cell with the Ctrl key. Otherwise, Firefox is always a good choice. :)
Hope this helps!