dirt complaining about over opinionated players.......the irony is so thick i can't even
Competing with the developers in the AH is not right!
anyone who says that accessories do not compete with gear are either be argumentative for the purpose of being argumentative, or are incredibly obtuse and don't understand how the AH works.
again, i am living proof that THEY DO compete vs items. There were about 5 different 5* gear items with good UVs that i was looking at buying with my crowns. Since they dropped these accessories i am ignoring all those items (they end before the accessories do) so i can use my crowns to try and buy the accessories. Thats 5 items, 3-4 of which i would have bought out, that have all lost this COMPETITION FOR MY CROWNS because i need to hoard them to bid on rare accessories.
in short, if you posted up ur auctions on friday hours before the accesories dropped YOU ARE F0CKED.
@Porky-Pig if GM Oceanus decides to bid on either Flame Aura or Volcanic Wings then Rubyeclipse will surely loose :P
@Dzxi you dont understand ... GMS should be able to buy and sell items ... its only fair since its a free market :)
@Porky-Pig The thing is, the glitched crowns aren't just in the pockets of the (banned) bug abusers. A lot of them went on buying sprees on the AH and the CE market, and then the people who made unexpectedly better than average sales on their items/CE are flush with crowns and spending them as well, keeping the prices on the AH and CE market higher than they would normally be.
OOO can essentially afford to "burn" all the CR they make from stuffing the AH with the rare accessories, taking it out of circulation and reducing the general supply of crowns.
@Aumir I'd be willing to bet that the majority of bids being placed on these items are not only from legit players, but from legit P2P players. The same players who, on any other day, would be bidding millions of CR for rose sets and triple UV DAs, or that Darkfang shield that popped up a few days ago. I'm pretty sure that anyone who is going to get banned for exploiting the glitch has already been banned.
Mbcsp - probably so. I don't have any wish to go toe to toe with Oceanus in a bid war. ; ) (Lockdown, maybe...)
For those unaware, Oceanus was being sarcastic though - don't freak out thinking the items will go into the hands of GMs who are waiting with baited breath to outbid us all with 999999999 crowns at the last second. Game Masters can run around with whatever accessories they want - hence how we saw these wings and auras in the first place.
Also, agreed with Nicoya. Everyone I know who has one of the high bids on these items is a P2P player who really wants one. Most of them typically invest in high end items, like regalia and high UV items, and for this weekend will instead be investing in accessories.
Opened 70 lockboxes this week - got one low end divine item, 5x shadow keys, one ghostly aura and a ton of crap - put a lot of items up for sale on Friday to sell over the weekend - and now this, with no warning whatsoever. I won't make any money back on my 50k+ ce investment because everyone will be bidding on these super rare (read: never drop in lockboxes ever) items instead.
My stuff will go for minimum bid or I will just lose listing fees. Not only that but I might as well have saved all that ce and used it to bid on the items I was trying to find. Thanks a lot OOO, just kick me in the balls some more please. Not to mention that even if I did want to bid - due to vague timing system on auctions I cannot determine when I need to be online to bid - as we all know the serious bidding will take place in the last hour - I cannot realistically sit online all day waiting for it to go short...
The very fact that these items have been put up for sale suggests that the developers are acknowledging that the drop rate is too low - ie nonexistent.
INCREASE THE DROP RATES ON THESE ITEMS AND PUBLISH THEM. Anything less is a shady scam at this point IMO.
It's pretty clear that i could go on opening boxes forever and never open one of these 'rare' items. I feel cheated and lied to.
@ OOO - I want my 50000+ ce back.
At least when you gamble in casino you know the odds - this is a joke.
+1 for publishing drop rates on items in lockboxes.. and take the damn shadow keys out and leave them in the vendors
I won't make any money back on my 50k+ ce investment because everyone will be bidding on these super rare (read: never drop in lockboxes ever) items instead.
I have no idea whether you priced things reasonably enough that you would have sold your items anyway, but there is no way you can come close to proving that the OOO auctions are hurting you.
There is a *really* good chance that OOO's auctions are helping you. First, OOO has created a huge amount of free advertising for accessories. People who wouldn't have bothered to even check out the accessories on the AH are going to be going to gawk. Many of these will end up buying cheaper ones. Then there are those that sold off enough CE to place bids for 500kcr or 1.5Mcr, thinking they would like win these rare accessories. When they were easily out bid, well, what are they going to do with all those crowns? There is a very good chance they will buy your "good" accessories.
As far as the claims about OOO doing this to lure out the people who exploited the arena crown glitch, I doubt it very very much. At least in OOO's Puzzle Pirates game, ringers have publicly stated that they can (although it requires lots of database grunging) track every single crown (PoE in YPP) from the point that it was fountained into the game to the point it is sunk. In particular, they have expressed how foolish it is to try to wash your ill-gotten gains by trading with alts and such, they can see those trades and then ban the alts too. I don't know that ringers can do the exact same level of tracking with SK, but their recent sending of crowns for broken prize will winnings suggests that they probably can.
OOO has publicly stated that they will not discuss punishments that have been handed out to players due to privacy reasons. Just because you don't know anyone who has been band for exploiting the arena crown glitch doesn't mean that most of them weren't banned, and if the ban was temporary, their ill-gotten gains were removed.
People want to know that it is possible to get the halos, wings, rarer auras from opening lockboxes. The latest actions from the GMs somehow proves us otherwise.
I think the only consolation from this episode: GMs at least had the decency to tell us that they were the ones putting up the items on AH. They could have keep mum about it and who in the world would know?
Many people like Bindi-Badgi have been opening lockboxes trying to get one of these rare accessories, but to no avail. OOO has to be blamed, because they put it in the wiki section, making it look as though it was possible to get these rare ones from lockboxes.
I see threads like http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/33246, and feel so sorry for these people who were tricked by OOO.
Moral of story: Stop opening lockboxes. It is quite apparent that the possibility of getting these rare accessories from lockboxes are unfortunately, zero.
The latest actions from the GMs somehow proves us otherwise.
Not really. On OOO's Puzzle Pirates game, the most valuable item is a familiar. Familiars can be obtained in several ways, but OOO has long had monthly auctions for them. These accessory auctions are functionally, almost the same.
'Familiars can be obtained in several ways'-- There's only one way to obtain these accessories in Spiral Knights, through lockboxes only.
'but OOO has long had monthly auctions for them'-- How sure are you to assume that in Spiral Knights, such auctions will be continually carried out by the GMs?
Stop making such bold statements if you do not have any evidence to back them up.
And stop linking these two games together. They are two separate entities, entirely. Thanks.
You have a point, however I put my auctions up (at reasonable prices) on Friday, so my auctions are gonna end before these developer ones do. So they won't be buying mine as consolation for failing to aquire the rare ones, they won't bid on mine at all and save their crowns for the final hours of the big auctions. The advertising point is a valid one, so maybe those that can't afford the rare ones may well buy mine.
However, I still wish I hadn't bothered and saved my money to bid instead. I was under the impression that opening lockboxes was my only chance to obtain the accessories I am after (The existance of the rares ones was recently confirmed by nick), if I had known they were suddenly gonna drop a load of them onto the market I would never have opened a single box...
And stop linking these two games together.
As the old adage goes, the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. Yes, SK and YPP are different games with different development teams, but there is at least some cross-over from people like cleaver himself and quite a few of the GMs. The almost identical cr<->CE exchange between SK and YPP, the three character login screens, and the use of java are other examples.
There have been masks and shadow keys given out by twitter/facebook. There have been shadow keys placed on the AH by GMs. I never said that there would be more accessories auctioned off, but no one should be surprised if there were.
I hate how I keep getting outbid on the halos D:
I spent 60 k CE on lock boxes, opened all of them in a row. No luck.
So don't try this at home kids, just saying.
Pretty shady all around. i sincerely hope OOO changes the drop rate and make these items somewhat obtainable. and LOL at your posts Algol, free market... LOL.. yeah right.
oh and goodluck bidding against GMs
i mean Oceanus seems like a cool guy and all, and probably one of the better gms, but wow