Hi, lately, when a new FSC gate releases, the stratum before FSC is almost always Poison or Fiend but I have never seen Slime or Beast Stratums before FSC in this long time I played. It seems people meet in Arcade minutes before the new gate launchs to fill up the gate with purple minerals. I don't know why those guys are doing that every week.
I am tired of encountering Devilishes, Greavers, Kats, Zombies and Venomous stuff before Basil when I go to FSC. Why not put some Wolvers and Jellies in that Stratum for at least one time?
So I will try to fill it up with green minerals and avoiding purple minerals, Don't you?
The poison comes out as a counter of the shock, while undead counters the fiend. As long as we can keep those Poison zombies (Concrete jungle levels) instead of a shocking Dark City then we will be safe.
I tried to dump 6k crystals at once (lifetime savings lol) and the gate became beast, but reverted in like 3 hours.