Hello, I am looking for a guild to join. I'm active fairly often usually about once a day. I currently have four star Equipment, Sunset Stetson, Ashtail Coat, Vile Striker, Master Blaster, Dark Thorn Shield. I have access to Tier 3 although currently I don't have the timing down for it so I am not very versed in fighting down there. I can get through Tier 2 pretty easily although lag kills my game (Which is why I have never fought the twins.) Basically what I am looking for in a guild is a chance to learn how to get better than simply learning on my own.
BraveEarth looking for a guild
You could consider Shadowmyst, a training guild built specifically for overall improvement in the game as a whole. A good amount of us have experience with most areas of the game and could show you just about any area you could have questions for. You'd be more than welcome to join us, if you're interested you can check out our guild page and send a message to either Soral or Myself in-game about it. Hope to see you soon :D
Although you probably won't choose us, we would like it very much if you would join Trollz Triumphant, as we can use some new members. If you need to build up skill, I usually do at least monthly JK hunts. Also, your trouble with T3 and not doing the twin turret boss is no problem, as I haven't got around to the Twins yet either, nor am I very good at T3. :/
For more info, check our topic out: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/35810
My guild is called The Lone Wolf, and now you might be thinking-why would I want to join a guild that nobody has ever heard of? That's the precise reason we feel this guild is perfect for you: we're a guild meant to educate and mutually improve our members, and when they're ready to move on, they do so. If you like us and choose to stay, you're promoted to officer and you can help train more people in the fine art of collecting protection money from the Jelly King or bashing in Vanaduke because his face looks ugly.
Not a lot of our members are 5*, but we have a couple of 4*s (like you!), and lots of 3* players, and even more 2* players. We're all willing to help and learn from each other, and there's no binding contract! You can leave anytime you want. If you're interested, mail me in-game. I'm the guild master, BTW. We're not the best guild, but certainly one of the most populous-since we like helping out people, lots of people want to join us in-game. We have around 6 vacancies as of now, so join us while you can!