This game needs some infusion of content badly I am sicked and tired of having to play the same levels over and over again. I mean i love this game but I mean somethings needs to happen here. Majority of the players are leaving mostly cause the reach the top and there is nothing else for them to do. Vanaduke/jelly king/ snarby/ twins are all good bosses but even they get old. Truly the thing that is gonna keep your player base happy and interested is content. Please make that your focus 000 and chill with featured auctions.
This game needs content on top of content with a side of content

regardless of what it is, we need new content. the bones have been cleaned and boiled, even cracked open and scraped dry of marrow.
i seriously hope that they have a back log of new content and are just waiting until the new year to open the game up. We can't continue at the pace we have been going. If they do, this thing will have ran its course (more or less) by mid year.
edit: even if the game had twice as much content as it does today, it WOULD STILL be played out by now. Why not just create a "Random dungeon generator?" Allow for user created dungeons to be uploaded (i realize that neither of these are necessarily easy feats, the latter being particularly abusable).
Why not have a "create a dungeon" contest and implement the winner's idea?
Again, i realize that programming and coding this stuff is easier said then done. That it takes time and troubleshooting. But i also realize that in 8 months it is completely feasible (8 months i have been around) that they should have created more than one new boss. The shadow liars were novel, and cool, but it seems like they could do more stuff like that. And in a shorter time frame. but again, i'm sure its more difficult than it seems.

I have only played for about 2-3 days and I knew from the start I would not be investing money in this, even with the energy situation. The game is fun, compelling, and a good time waster yet I knew it was just another one of those low content, highly alluring, market strategy games. Honestly the game was released before it even had enough content. New F2P games now days have players testing their content for free, paying cash to either play/advance in the game, or pay without much value for their cash. Its sad to see so many games now days doing this, when the games that started it all were worth the time and effort and even the cash invested in them. But so many companies see the amount of profit to be made with games, the free testers, and even the paying customers for a game far from complete.
Its a shame really. But for hardcore gamers with years of experience there is one company that has never let its players down. For the good of this post and for 000 I will not mention the name. I really anticipate their game coming out soon, a complete game, without any market strategy tricks, ect.

There are only two things that Nick mentioned that are in development, (although, there are more things being worked on, he cant reveal them just yet) the new class "drones" and scenario rooms. Keep in mind that OOO is a small dev team and it takes time to work on big things and I'm sure they are working on new bosses/weapons/armor/T4(core) but it might take awhile. That could be their downfall but since SEGA is now a parent company, I'm sure they will now have more funds to work with and to speed up the process with some of their more time consuming material

Having more funds is just one part of this puzzle. You also need time or man hours. Having more money = being able to pay for more man hours. More man hours = more work. More work = more content and fixes.
I like this game. It doesn't have that "Pay to see/do X" that other F2P games have.

I'd love to see some mini bosses based off the content they already have. One mini boss per level theme. Candlestick keep, graveyards, etc - even scarlet fortress. Make them difficult and with a good payout and I'd spend a lot more time playing this game (because looping vana and jk is getting boring).
And what I mean by content they already have is that they should just use tortadrones and vog cubs etc. Even something like a static version of the slime-largo monster would make an excellent mini boss. Or a room where you fight 5 trojans. It would fill in for the time when I don't want to do another vana run but also not just dungeon crawl.
Anyway I digress.

Scarlet fortress could be streamlined into a 2 stage thing like Dark City. Mini boss could be a big freeze ghost with some howlitzers around that shoot freeze bullets, awesome.

I have to disagree with you on your last point. One of the recent updates shadow lairs made it difficult for many to access it. Even tho the shadow keys are in the boost still have to pay to play the content. So it refutes that this game doesn't make you "Pay to see/do X

it needs a freakin expansion set.

is disappointed in vanaduke. He is promoting jelly king and demoting the duke. new bosses
Jelly Duke
Vassal Vana
Jelly Duke now lives in the Jelly storm citadel. All skeletons have been replaced with fire jellies. All slags replaced by a new bigger and meaner lumber. Shadow Fires are replaced by Jell (you walk super slow over it, and then for 5 seconds after getting off of it). Firepups replaced by jellyturret thingies. The level design is the same as FSC for all other tense and purposes.
Jelly Duke Fight. Jelly king now is bigger. He has 5 phases (like vana used too). He leaves a "slug-jelly" trail behind him, that again has the super slow affect and the trail dissipates over 5-15 seconds. Everytime you "Beat a phase" he does a minor explosion, glops out a a pull of jelly goo around him and shrinks in size. (this gloppy pool is permanent for the rest of the fight. good parties make it a point to beat all phases in a small area, so all the glops overlap, instead of all over the map.)
in phase 5 lichen colonies spawn (like slags used too). There is a minor t2 curse vial and poison vial respawns where the water used to be. The poison works on jelly duke, but the curses dont'. poison keeps him from healing, obviously, and curse is to help with lichen colonies.
Vana is now found in the old jelly king castle. Rename it Vassal Vana's stronghold?
Replace all jellyies with T2 non-fire Skeletons. Replace Lumbers with "minitrojans" and mini jellies with skelly heads (like whats left when they get rezz'ed by totems) that chomp along the ground. Replace all the random goo for ambiance in the stronghold with scorch marks and replace spike traps with firepits.
Vana fight: vana is now a 3 phase boss, and no longer has a mace. He is about 70% the size he used to be (30% size reduction). Instead of mace attack he does an overhand "monkey punch" like a lumber. Same attack he used to have--basically-but less range, and less mean, and no fire drops from ceiling. A couple of unarmored slags could appear in phase 3.
they could adjust tokens accordingly. Not the most fantastic idea you'll ever see, granted. It could be a mini-event, this vana demotion jelly promotion. it could be a one month only just to spice things up while we wait. I don't see why they don't do little "mini-events" like this. Seems like it wouldn't be terribly difficult to work out. and it would at least be worth throwing us a bone while we patiently (or impatiently) wait for somethign new to do.
just a thot, tryign to be productive instead of just whining "OH MAN NO NEW CONTENT. WHAT THE GIVES?!"

They been working on this games for ages playing this game close to a year now or might be 1 year not sure do know I joined some random date in December though lol...they added a lot to this game before all we had was Vanna...and weapons and armor we could not make only because materials were not even out yet we have 3+ bosses shadow lairs and two types of pvp. This game is getting boring, but you can always find a new armor set or new way of playing this game for sure. They will give us new content eventually all you need to do is be patience at the moment it seems like they just been updating older content to well make the game better.

Well, I think the problem here lies within the current energy system and the people this game is marketed to because of the game style itself: we have a restricting "gameplay time" element, energy, with Zelda-hardcore gamer fans, which want to grind/play many hours. This leads to the current constant incrementing CE prices situation, which discourages casual players or people that don't have much time to play, and a hardcore-gamer mostly population.
The problem with a dedicated gamer population is that they tend to breeze through every single content because they want to be the best at it or want to know what the game offers them and THEN enjoy it (nothing wrong with that kind of thought, just in case) which tends to result in "man, just this content? This game doesn't offer s***" responses, so we need new content constantly.
This game has 4 dungeons + 4 more that are pay to play (yeah, when you make 2k+ CE the entrance fee to a dungeon it IS pay to play), a pvp minigame and a pvp team arena and, well, the Clockworks itself with its little quirks. This wouldn't matter in a casual game, but the people who play the game aren't the "facebook type" and the award that OOO got for Spiral Knights is something that is proof of it, we won against Zynga!
What should OOO do then? I think that it could:
a) Rework the energy system: This would be the answer if OOO wanted to cater to the casual market, because it would make the game much more "playable". As a result, we would get many users and OOO could figure out other CE sinks to make CE attractive if it were to lose its value. We still have those Iron Lockboxes and Shadow Keys after all.
b) Insert constant playable new content, for everyone: And this means no "Shadow Lair" type of dungeons, unless you want to reduce population to "hardcore gamers that subscribe to games". Future content that is coming such as the "challenges" may be the first step of it, but we need more pvp modes, weaponry and armor sets, dungeons, new clockwork levels... and not one every few months.
I know that I may be comparing in a wrong way, but if Riot can make a new champion every two weeks, OOO could make something more than just a few new accessories in a month. I mean, this game works in Java, so sorry if it is a bad comparison.
Tl;dr version: I agree with OP, and it better changes for the... better or else this will be a Spookat town in a few months.
paste this right here
if someone chooses to click that and read post #2 by rommil, they can do that. if they choose not to, they can do that too XD