This is a small thread created after the release of the 3 Rose Regalia sets into the Featured Auctions section of the AH.
You heard me right. Rose Regalia. First-edition Rose Regalia, which not long after being released, shot up to an astounding 400k cr... per piece.
The following thread is for those in the /2 chat to vent/discuss this new update, along with potential future updates, and what they think of them.
This paragraph does not reflect the views of others other than myself, though other players may share the same views: Whoever is running Spiral Knights has become more money/CE-oriented than player-oriented. True, there is a Christmas update coming up, but from what I have heard/seen it is just another update and nothing major and plot-oriented. As for these featured auctions, like Pawn said, they are blindsiding the playerbase. For example, my GM Rubyeclipse has been attempting to sell one of his 1st-edition Rose Regalia sets recently. The re-appearance of the sets has caused quite a stir and, to my knowledge, is sending Ruby into the SK threads to see if there ever was a mention of 'not releasing this Regalia again' in the records. Either way, this has become a bone to pick with the creators of SK.
I have no preconceptions of what I am entitled to in this game, other than enjoyable gametime, and that is what I feel I am losing: the enjoyment. There is no enjoyment for me to see myself bid out by 1 million crowns, nor is there any purpose for me to continue now that I am a "poor" 5* player. I may sound like I am griping, but here is what I think of the Featured Auctions: They make it harder for the lower-classed players to move onward and upward, and have less appeal to the veteran class than was originally expected. And, like my friend who quit due to an earlier update, I may one day log on only for the pleasure of seeing how empty Haven 1 has become.
How did the Featured Auctions hurt the playerbase that bad? I understand many people feel that way, but as I recall, every single thing sold in the Featured Auctions has been aesthetic only. It's not like the FA made it easier for people to get exclusively powerful weapons or something.
Not hating or attacking anyone here, just an ignorant middle-class player asking an honest question.