Diablo 3 will be coming out in Q1 of 2012. Diablo is a MMORPG series with many successful years of experience behind it. Diablo is widely regarded as the most played game in its era.
1) While the initial purchase of the game has to be made, roughly 50-60 USD, it allows for unlimited gameplay.
2) Real life currency pumped into the Blizzard account can be withdrawn out anytime.
3) DB3 has such an extensive gameplay experience, and there are just so many maps.
How the above mentioned points will adversely affect the SK population, both F2P and P2P players.
F2P players:
SK works on a 100 Mist energy system a day, effectively allowing players to only do 10 runs a day. Its recent update of the Energy Pass allows players to go on unlimited runs for 30 days, at the cost of 6 USD. This strategy worked well, as I personally know of many F2P players who took up the bait and bought the Energy Pass, even telling me that they hoped this Pass idea would stay. Do the math, and for unlimited gameplay in a year, you have to fork out ~72 USD. By forking out 50-80 USD, you can have an unlimited MMOPRG experience in Diablo 3 for the years to come.
P2P players:
Many P2P players have spent hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in SK. The money inserted into this game cannot be taken out, you can only convert the crowns you have into CE, and trade CE for Steam games. This ultimately benefits Steam, unlike in Diablo 3 where funds being pumped in can be withdrawn. Imagine in SK where you spent cash on CE, convert it into crowns and roll a Sealed Sword with CTR Very High. You can only sell it for CE, whereas in Diablo 3 where you were to get an item of similar status, you could sell it for USD and profit. This is the main reason why P2P players will leave SK once DB3 is released.
F2P & P2P players:
Simply put, the lack of in-game, and endgame content. What's next after Royal Jelly King and Vanaduke for Tier 2 and Tier 3 players respectively? All the recent updates are about accessories, featured auctions, the only one concerning gameplay was the Shadow Lair, still it was just different versions of the existing bosses, and not something most F2P players would embrace. Players be it F2P/P2P want to see something new, entirely new monsters with end-game bosses, not just RJK and Vanaduke.
With so much being said, I hope OOO thinks of innovative ideas to improve SK, be it gameplay or cost-wise.
Thanks for your attention!
Funny how you say that Diablo 3 is a very successful game with many years on its back even though it hasn't even come out yet (Will be coming out in Q1 of 2012).
But I digress. OOO does need some innovations for it to keep our playerbase interested.