It amuses me to no end how ignorant you are and the fact you called me ignorant is astounding.
Would you like me to prove I am not "newgen" like you say I am? I have the closed beta outfit to prove it if it suits your majesty greatly?
Like Iron and I have been saying is that patience is a virtue, wait and you'll get your reward, if your not happy leave. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT US TO SAY TO YOU?
I don't know how to make it any clearer! Would you rather I drew a picture of PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE stuck it to a yellow wall and nailed it to your head? It seems it's thick enough to keep you alive no problem.
If you REALLY want new Content, ask a GM yourself. C'mon. Do it. I dare you. Say that they're Slacking off on new Content.
Also, my name is a Reference to every person I play as in a game Wearing a Helmet. I've always loved Big Armor & Helms. And behind this Sturdy, Diamond like Dome is a Reasonable person, unlike your Snobby Greymatter lump you call a Brain.
And lastly, you must be so easily Entertained by using such a Childish thing such as "lol" Every time I see or even HEAR someone say that, I want to fudging throw them off a cliff. Stop it.