o.o apparently its both +6hp
Penta-Hearts and True Love give the same HP Bonus? O-o
This was discussed at length in 2 seperate topics at the time of the heart trinket patch. There is no need to make another completely new topic about this. Forum search feature and google are your friends.
I did search, but I can't find it. It's why I asked =/
Oh, instant +1 respect from me then. Google is really friendly with this since it allows for searching by date (unlike this forum since it's powered by Drupal):
First search term: Spiral knights penta (no quotes)
Click on "More results from forums.spiralknights.com »" to limit it to the forums
Click "More/show search tools"
Click on "Past week" or "past month". We'll take week for now.
There is a thread called "Heart trinket feedback". If you search for +6, Gwenyvier answers your question.
Or as always you could also just find that info on the wiki.
Thxs for the update