They go in, ask a Simple Question.(hw do i troww snoball?????????)
They pick one up, throw it at Teammates.(Got hit a Total of 21 Noobies in Lockdown, thinking it would give them the Achievement.)
They leave Mid-Game right after they get their "Precious" Achievement:
Lololololohdsfgdsfghseg: i got it!!1!!1!!
Sumsteamnoob[Team 2] Left the Match.
Lololololohdsfgdsfghseg[Team 1] Left the Match.
sfrdthsfdghsnr sth[Team1] Left the Match.
Justherefortheacheevement[Team 1] Left the Match.
asdfghjklzxcvbnm[Team 2] Left the Match.
I'm not even making these names up. They literally just bash the Keyboard & use that Name in Lockdown.
Please, OOO, do something about this. Temporary Kick from Coliseum, No more Frostbite(End Event), Must get new 0-1* Stuff(No Proto) to Enter, I don't care, just ANYTHING.
I've even found myself Leaving Matches, because it ends up Unfair(2vs6) or when I know my Teammates don't even know how to Shield/Boost/Cloak. It has to stop. I'm even sure most of them aren't even 13 Years old, with the Poor Spelling/ Grammar Skills they Display.
Ok, I'm done.
I mostly agree with this too. Fighting with leavers in either team really gets me down.
Trying to fight a tough matchup, when some noob leaves your team=You epic fail.
Winning against a team that only had half it's original people=Not worth celebrating.
Of course, I try and console the other team; Usually they fight really hard and give me a run for my money, even WITH leavers.
And sometimes my team even manages to win with leavers.
Once, due to a leaver and noobs, my whole team managed to dominate the whole frostbite field, then spawncamp the other team.
Once that happened, they had no chance :/
Perhaps you could configure them like parties? Someone leaves, another person joining LD can take his place mid-match?