Haha, I was just giving you a hard time. No offense taken! :D
Okay, I am seriously getting Sick & Tired of these Fracking Steam Noobs in Lockdown.
Sorry about that. I didn't think it posted the first one!
Not all people on steam are "Noobs". In fact I got this achievement, but didn't quit out! I sadly didn't get the reward, but the reason people wanted this achievement is because you can win free games, get coupons, or even an entry into a contest to win every single game on steam! In fact I got sonic generations from doing an achievement! I got a little off topic, but back to what I was saying is the people are just being stupid and selfish. Don't judge all steam people if they ask how to get the achievement. Personally I originally did lockdown to get the achievement, but I ended up liking it a lot!
This was back in '11. Nearly FOUR months back!
This was forgotten, and happily was. Please don't bring up the past.
I understand what you mean. I don't like it to much either. I think spot taking would be great like phycodestroyer said. But i could barely concentrate on this thread because your brilliant uses of internet memes. *applaud*
EDIT: *sigh* my bad... this was a necroed thread... *face palm*
~(' 0 ')~
Hhaha, I was just kidding out "steamnoobs". Just giving you a hard time!! :D