Is there any really good recon user? I have only encountered one which is call Zave.
LD Recon User

What do you consider as a good Recon? :)
Damage output, Caps, Defends, being an annoyance to the enemy team or a mix of that? It's a bit up to your definition of "good".

I've played a good amount of LD with Zave, he's a great player.

I used to only play recon before everybody started only using striker/skolver/toothpick
I mainly used 1 piece skolver 1 piece vog with my gran faust. Never encountered a better recon while I was playing.
Now I don't pay much attention to names of recons.

When in T3 I mostly play as a Recon. I love the assassin class. Been playing in T1 while the Steam event is going on, where I am purely a Striker... nothing like beating on people with nerf bats. Am taking advantage of the extra crowns I receive on a win from all the leavers.

I always play recon in T2 since it gives me max CTR on bombs. In T1 I've switched to sword/gun with my heavy hatchet and pummel, and I find that the sword ASD makes recon unplayable with the heavy sword since the swing gets interrupted before it hits anything. If I rolled ASI I could probably manage it, but in the mean time I've switched to running guardian since it's like having a built-in heart pad everywhere I go, and the low ASI is a nice touch.
I'll probably go recon in T3 once I build up a decent set. Nitro, RSS, VT, SB with full ancient plate and some heart trinkets. I'll probably die horribly but at least I'll have fun while I do.
Now imagine my surprise to search my name and find this forum. xD
Thanks for all the compliments, and I try to live up to expectations. :P
Redilaw (a current guild-mate of mine) is known as "Zave's clone" sometimes. Only real difference is he doesn't refuse to use a Flourish like I do. Firewhisperer played recon for a little while, and I have to say he killed me quite a lot. (unfortunately he's back to striker) I know there are others, but they've done a better job than me by staying hidden so much i can't see their names. :3
Keep up the good work recon's! It's hard to play right, but well worth learning! :D
If you're wondering why i don't use flourish's, go visit my forum node.
Blueflood (Ithink)
Striker or recon, he's a good gunner.