While there has already been a lot of talk about it, no one has actually made an actual topic on it, so I'll make it official and make one.
Wolvers and Zombies are a joke, watching an alpha wolver bite pass me with a simple side-step is just sad, I could walk through a crowd of zombies without worrying about getting hit, and most other enemies are attacks are so slow I could take a washroom break and comeback without worrying about dying, Honestly, the only enemy that may have needed a nerf is the Retrode's beam attack, and even that has been taken too far I think. If anything the game needed HARDER enemies, not easier ones.
I'm actually going to stop playing SK for now cause its just so BORING now, been good at it has gone from been like saying "I'm good at playing Chess" to "I'm good at Tic-Tac-Toe", I demand that OOO revert most of the enemy changes that they made to what they were before the latest patch and to do it FAST.
Go solo the shadow FSC/Vana