Wake up!
The suggestions forums have been claimed over and over that the titles are all that count with not enough action from the devs. The titles are the reason we have been given a survey about pets, discussed in this thread: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/38623
What is worse, is that you cannot post a suggestion in, say, the general discussion where devs are active in because you will have other players upset that it is not in the suggestion forums. The big problem is that someone saying "Move this to the Suggestion thread" basically means "Move this to the Graveyard"
What if a suggestion was to be posted in the General Discussion?
Look here: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/4314 this person utilized a suggestion in the general discussion. Luckily, it had quick support so it lived. And you can see how well it went over.
and look at the activity of this "suggestion" (in a way) thread: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/39256
Here is a number of quotes related to the suggestion forums which I all agree with. Sorry I have to include names so they're easy to find if searched, all copy/pasted:
Orangeo: "those great, little suggestions I've seen? Like tabbed chat? Ignoring people in the fourms? Becuase there's ussualy only one of those suggestions at a time. All the delinquents that spam post are the ones that actuualy seem to get through to OOO."
Happyapathy: "This is not a suggestion, I'm pointing out that nothing that has been suggested has had any action taken on them."
Blue-Phaze: "I heard they do look at the titles, but only get to read threads about "popular" themes (like pets)
If you want their attention, you should get more people to talk about this or at least make this stay on the first page for some weeks..."
Holonimbus: "Im not sure if they actually look inside topics - it kinda seems that they mostly just skim thru topic names, and may only actually check in them every once in a (long/very occasional) while :/"
Tuhui: "This is a test to see if the GMs actualy check the suggestion threads, i know that this does not belong under suggestions but i need it to be here to test this. I also know that they might not decide to post on this thread, but it's worth a shot. One thing i've noticed that even though this is a suggestion section of forums the stuff that gets posted here, wether it has one comment or 200 comments, does not get a comment by the GMs."
Nacho: "All they do is check the the titles and see whats the most repeated. Wonder why we got a survery about pets? So they will just look at the title of this thread and be like meh."
Asukalanforum: "They would rather answer in completly useless spam thread like some silly story, or fun thread not related to game, than in actual important topic containing important suggestions about game."
Kalaina-Elderfall: "Why you not read suggestions OOO? =["
I just think that there is support in all the wrong places / the wrong ways, and we would really really like it if the suggestion forums mattered :,(
I really don't mind having my name there.
Actually, I appreciate your effort ^^
btw, you should change title to something more straight to the point, like:
"Devs, stop reading only titles. Read threads' actual content."