right now I've spent around 12 US dollars. 5.95 for Elevator pass. 2.95 x2 for when the explorer packs where on sale.
How much money have you spent on this game?
Me alone, somewhere aroudn 30$, but together with my fiancee we'd go past 100 maybe.
<3 you OOO, use it wisely.
I ended up spending about 300-350 us dollars on this game... Good thing I only play skyrim now!
"I ended up spending about 300-350 us dollars on this game, then i took an arrow in the knee"
Corrected for you
Nothin, and I reserve the right to feel superior because of it.
Too much!
But it's been worth it. : ) Always nice to support a game you enjoy.
zero dollars. okay, thats a lie :)
i've spent approx 100-120 bucks on it. But thats about half-and-half spent on me and my twin brother pawn.
Just $5.95 when the original elevator pass came out. <broken-record>OOO y u no bring back unbundled elevator pass</broken-record>
I don't see why free to play seem to think they are superior, not everyone that buys ce buys gear directly. People craft up things just the same, on an expedited timeline.
If you're talking about the 'Nothin, and I reserve the right to feel superior because of it.' comment, Aemius was joking about the 'feel superior' part.
Like a: "YEA. Did nuttin' and r beta dan u. YEAP." joke.
Or something. No need to take offense.
You can't blame him for misunderstanding (If, indeed he did....), it's a common attitude for people to play F2P games and think they're "da pro'z" because they don't spend a penny. They also are typically the ones who think "it's a free game, therefore i SHOULDN'T pay to play" (which is a horrible attitude to have, if you ask me) and are also typically the ones who demand content the most. Many also have a "you spent irl money on a free game? lol loser" kind of thing going, which I think's stupid enough considering you can spend more on a 20-hour xbox game than on a year-long MMO...
(Disclaimer: This is not directed at any single person, nor the f2p community as a whole, just an observation based on clear trends across all MMOs about a number of the f2p's with worse attitudes, who are the ones who make folk feel (wrongly) defensive about this particular question, sadly).
Sayin' that, there are also p2ps who completely overspend, and then also those who utterly abuse micro-payment games by spending ridiculous amounts of irl cash to monopolise ingame currencies and items, so on the whole, it's more down to the person and their attitude.
If you have the time and patience to play SK from T1 up to Vana/SLs without paying a penny, good for you; you've outdone me on patience by far.
Between me and my girl, we've paid maybe £100~ish since we started in summer..? Bit more, probably. We haven't spent it on ragecratfing gear as much; I initially spent all my CE on just doing runs since the ME bored the crap out of me (T1 before Snarby cost well more than it paid back :( ) but since I've mainly just used CE to speed up the crafting process. When I want to build gear from scratch up to 5*, I don't have the time to just sit around all day and farm the crowns to pay for 2k ce to do it. I make more of an effort to craft a few separate sets for different occasions, rather than UV-spamming to get "the perfect set", so that when I do play, I can choose which set/style/gate I want to play in, making it more than worth it imo,
Althooouuugh, the holidays with elevator passes were nice! Hardly touched another game since the end of semester! :D
I spent nothing, but I introduced friends that spent way more combined than I ever would have, and they didn't regret it so I don't feel bad. They're also all better than me, literally. One friend however would probably like to come back and play again but is not allowed because of a misunderstanding... shame...he's now only on TF2 now...sure it's a good game but he really used to like this one...playing with him there is a way different feeling.
I long lost track, but I'm pretty sure I've breached the $500 mark by now. Now to break $1,000!
750 CE + Elevator Pass + Battle Pack + Starter Pack
Those were all presents for my birthday, Christmas, and Chinese New Year, so they technically don't count.
A regular offline game I'll be [very] lucky to play for 100 hours, and then I'll really feel like I got my money's worth out of it. Assuming an offline game costs $50, that's 350 hours of gameplay in $175. I've played SK for 580 hours and have no intention of spending more money on it any time soon unless a good holiday deal comes up.
People's "dollar per hour" rates will vary, of course, but I think this is a pretty reasonable approach to spending money on the game.
Unless you're goin' back to Sega/Ps2/N64 games, what modern offline/console games do you play that you can clock 100+ hours on reasonably without spamming them? o_o
Afaik, that genre died when Squaresoft merged, they don't have much in that way anymore; most modern games clock only 10~20 hours play, then it all comes down to online multiplayers (and thusly more money, in one way or another).
I've spent about £3.23 so far.
All I did buy was 1600 energy, so yeah.
It was actually extremely helpful, you can trade 400 energy for a lot of cr, spend that on stuff like Recipes, and you can make about 3 4* gear?
@Darkbrady I'm counting non-MMO multiplayer, too, i.e. LAN, console multiplayer, and playing online with friends (i.e. somebody hosts the server). Games that fit the bill include Civ IV, Terraria, SSB Melee, Fire Emblems. Elder Scrolls fits too even though I don't play it. GTA maybe? Don't play that either. 60- or 70-hourers for me are like Recettear, a couple of the Harvest Moons.
It's a lot rarer nowadays to have that much gameplay time, mainly because back in the old-school days people could tolerate tens of hours of mindless filler gameplay that we've now grown to dislike, but there are still a good number of lengthy games out there.
And yeah, spending a little bit of money as a newbie can go a really long way. Ironically it's the most useful at the time when people are least likely to spend money.
I don't think all games back then were long due to filler alone.
I mean some games had huge lifespans because they were incredibly difficult and had no checkpoints (sega mega), others just had plenty of content though (zelda, final fantasy, mario...) that could rack up easily 100 hours on gameplay for anyone who didn't just blitz through the game at breakneck speed. Game companies just started focussing their resources more into shiny effects and such at the cost of actual gameplay.
S'why I came to MMOs, s'why I'm happy to spend money on them to keep them runnin'; s'not as if I spend £40 a month on a console game anymore :/
Meh, the 'I'm superior cuz I'm f2p' I have seen a lot of, and I just didn't see why. And no I'm not offended haha I just don't exactly see the logic :p
Try dead island, I think it could keep you there a while
Dead island is multiplayer; I'm talkin' about console games that don't feature online/multiplayer (excluding couch co-op). They've all but died out in this day and age.
Oh yeah, hmm I guess you're right then
$0. I'm playing another p2p game, I just play this one as a little distraction on the side.
I put about 168 hours into Xenoblade on my first playthrough, and I didn't even do everything, though I did do most things.
I spent a good 200 bucks on this game. I spent like 0 bucks on steam/xbox games during that time. Not ashamed of it at all but not too happy to see where my money went. Wish that money went into the development of new content more. That being said i am eagerly awaiting the mission content. We will see if 000 can look inside my wallet again.
i love how 99% of people who haven't spent money on the game are like "not a penny! i'm not paying money to play a free game, lolz lolz lolz" and then with "OMG you paid XYZ.00 to play this game!!! how can u spend sooooo much!!" .... "INSANE"
And then they spend 20-40 bucks to go out and eat 3-4 times a week. then they spend 20-40 bucks a weekend on beer and alcohol, or 100s of bucks a week on beer and cigerettes (depending on their consumption levels).
Is it really any more frivolous to drop 20 bucks on a random thursday night for 7500 energy, and eat a meal at home vs "OMG i'd never spend money on a free game" now on to taco bell for the third time today. THen off to the local convenient store/liquor store to buy a case of budlight. "stupid pay to play players, what a waste of money!!"
p.s. oh and lets not forget about 5-7 bucks a day @ starbucks.
great point, hollafamer, about not spending money on other games (or perhaps forms of entertainment) while playing this game. An evening or weekend spent at home playing sk is a night u didn't go drop 20-40 bucks at the movie theatre, or buying COD/MW.
I find it semi-hilarious all these people that proudly pound their chest for "zero dollars spent" on this game.
It shows a lack of value of your own time in many ways. The fact that so many people will play 100's of hours on the game, and then act like paying any real money on the game is absurd, is absurd. I will invest countless hours into this game but hell no i won't spend money on it. My time has no value, but $5...nooooooooooooooo.
If you are playing this game with your spare time then you are already invested heavily in the game, with a currency i consider far more precious than money.
@Darkbrady I could easily spend a couple hundred hours in minecraft singleplayer. In fact, I probably already have.
I love how a single joking comment can start a discussion on the forums.
<3 you guys
Ahhh, Minecraft is a sneaky one! Didnae think of that, I was focussin' too much on storybased console games.
Do Sandboxes count towards my question!? I feel like I just got loophole'd! xD
People may do what they like with their time; there are many folk who'll spend a lot of time and money in a game. Over the holidays I've clocked dozens of hours on SK and spent money.
The people that bother me are the ones that act like they SHOULDN'T pay, since it's a free game. It's free to play, but someone has to pay or it closes down. If everyone that played even bought say, the starter pack, then never ever paid again, it would help fund the game unimaginably. It's supportive playerbases that give developers the funds to add new content faster, keep the game alive and improving. Stingy players leads to stingy developers who want to keep their game alive despite lack of funds; it's that attitude that leads to greedy cash-shops. We're lucky, in the sense that there's no cash-shop, and a set CE price already (thusly, they're not likely to increase it without noticable fury), but that's also a downfall; if people get stingy with the game, they'll be hard up for ways to keep it going without increasing CE costs.
Although, I plan to spend $20 using a Ultimate Game Card.
Can't use a credit to pay since my parents think everything on the internet is a scam. <. <
F2P here, and I really don't care all too much about P2Pers, in the sense that I don't think it's ridiculous they spend money on a game.
They want the extra edge, that's all cool, I'm not gonna mock them about it, people can make their own decisions, I may think it's stupid, but unless it'll affect other people or they specifically ask my opinion, then I don't say it (If they ask, I euphemise it)
But in this case, I honestly don't think it's ridiculous. In fact, I can see why they would, just that I don't, cuz that's how I am.
That's actually a similar favor I'd like to ask of P2Pers, but I can't actually ASK them not to bug me about how I don't just buy ce, cuz it's faster and I really don't want to be making generalistic comments but meh.
But really, I once saw this guy in Zone Chat saying about how much SK sucks, how everyone playing it are a bunch of F2P noobs and 'Spend $5 (or something) to get TF2 and stop being F2P noobs' etcetc...
^That attitude annoys me...
I rofl at every person who says anything negative about spending money on this game.
We are the reason you have a game to play.
Awaiting a thank you.
Also let's give it this kind of spin.
Rather than spending 100 hours to get full 5* gear you could simply work 20 hours at a job and buy all of the gear.
This is a good way to bypass grinding that makes this game boring to most of us.
What annoys me are the 5* people that dont know how to shield.
finally someone says it.
idk if u guys know this or not, but CE doesn't just appear for free.
Does ANYONE remember Birdsong Trading Co. giveaways anymore?
"Rather than spending 100 hours to get full 5* gear you could simply work 20 hours at a job and buy all of the gear.
This is a good way to bypass grinding that makes this game boring to most of us."
And then you have nothing left to do but... what, more grinding?
No, not really, but that gave each player like 1K CE anyway, so that's not really much, even considering how many players would have won.
I've spent $2.95 on this game for the Explorer Pack while it was on sale (to get a head start), but I got it on Christmas with my parent's money. I don't really plan on spending more money unless a new deal comes out and/or I'm super bored.
30 to 35€