I've spent $75, but that was during beta. It was a good thing I bought it then because you got an extra 30% (Something like that) of it back plus the amount you purchased for whenever SK officially released.
How much money have you spent on this game?

I love how a simple Question turns into a Debate.
Just Shut yer Pie-Holes & enter a Number.

Not enough. Great game deserves great support from the members.

oh, so you do spend money on SK, Chris. I swear, I read oneof you posts in another thread that stated that you never ever spent money on this game. O.o does not comprehend.
I've spent 0 dollars and plan to keep it that way. SK is fun and all, but it's better to take a while to get to endgame than to just buy a bunch of stuff with real $ and zoom trough ina matter of hours.

Dunno who you know that "zoomed through in a matter of hours". They must have spent a hairy fortune to do that...

About $75, spread out in $10 clumps over a few months. I mainly used it to buy 1 of all the packs and the Elevator Pass when it was available (Except the Explorers Pack... I bought that 3 times)

*Cough* http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/39719?page=1 *Cough*
*Sneeze* http://i.imgur.com/3nLRe.jpg *Sneeze*
*ACHOO*Don't Necro*ACHOO*
EDIT: *Achoo!* http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/29090?page=1 *Achoo!*

I really want to necro that... Just point out to everyone how pointless that entire argument was.

$6 - two explorer's packs
I figured I'd be able to use it with time off over the holidays. I still have my 2kCE that came with it and the pass just ran out. I used a lot of the extra CE I earned to help out my brother and we are now both capable of T3. I also just completed one 5* item of each type of weapon and armor.
It also helped that I crafted a few good UVs with my spare mist and sold them for a good profit.

I haven't spent any money on this game, though I would like to. I don't have a paypal yet.
Also, I find it quite enjoyable to find unique ways of making crowns in-game. Playing around at the AH and the CE market usually works.
Another reason for not spending too much money on one game is opportunity cost. There are other potential items I could buy with $100 per month other then CE. Don't get me wrong though: I would spend money on this game if I could.

Some of us like to just play the game for what it is. If you see the entire game as a grind, you won't be a lasting customer.
The Elevator Pass helps remove that feeling, though, but it's unfortunately not easily accessible to those who just want to play. The pass currently comes in a flippin' pack that seems to be aimed at money-grinders as opposed to those who just want to play casually. $30 a month isn't worth it considering the content of said pack isn't all that great for the price it's set at.

Pound your chests all you want, F2Ps, but seriously you would have no Spiral Knights if it wasn't for those of us that have supported OOO through microtransactions.
I've spent $81 on this game and haven't regretted it one bit. I've gotten ~400 hours out of the game; I've spent $50 on some console games that didn't even get me a dollar-per-hour (looking at you, Skyward Sword). I've also supported OOO while making this game less of a grind. Honestly, spending a bit of money on an enjoyable game such as this isn't that big of a deal.
And yes, I can get a F2P account to Tier 3. I got my alt there in exactly 72 hours of play time without any outside influence. It's really not that spectacular.
Not to say that F2P players are criminals or anything; there is just no reason to mock those who spend money supporting a game they enjoy.

I was referring to those who say that paying money helps skip the "grind". However, that "grind" is exactly what the game is: playing levels over, and over, and over again. After you've spent money to skip this "grind", what exactly are you skipping? All that's left to do is... guess what? Play levels over, and over, and over again. You've skipped nothing.

Idk why everyone hates us F2P players. You do realize that we make up most of the playerbase, right? If everyone had to pay as some of you seem to want, most of us would leave. And then the game would fall for real.
Don't get me wrong, I am grateful to anyone who makes contributions to this wonderful game, but don't think that you can rub it in our faces because of that. Some of us don't have the money to spend because we are already in debt from college, and I'm not going to take crap from someone who makes the choice to spend money on this game then brags about it.

NOBODY here tried to provoke an argument about which category of players is better. It started with Aemicus' joke, but IT WAS A JOKE.
PLEASE guys. The LAST thing I want is another rage war on the forums between F2P and P2P. It doesn't matter what the circumstance of the other being here was, what matters is that they're both HERE, playing the same game.
So drop whatever guns you guys are holding and chill out. There's no need to be pointing fingers about how much the other players are total snobs because of [insert reason here].
YES, I KNOW some F2P players are total pains about how they want free stuff and give P2P players crap about how they're greedy etc.
YES, I ALSO know that there are P2P players who give F2P players a hard time for reasons that are known to all.
That DOESN'T mean we're all the same as the people of our category. People are individuals, and unless it is completely unavoidable, should be evaluated as such.

DON'T drop the bombs. Those things might go off.

I like my bombs. If I drop them...what if someone STEALS THEM!?!

Honestly This seem like a war between paying players and free to play players its kind of funny. To add more to the fire the Free to play players should know that its the paying players they should be thanking. You non paying players provide a big fat 0 to the development and the sustaining of the game. Us paying players have 0 to be ashamed off as we keep the game running and chugging. I do applaud all non-paying players who manage to avoid the temptations of buying ce and making the game easier for yourself. With the limited content, it is in my opinion better to play the game that way as getting 5 star gear right away is pointless. Unless your a lockdown fanatic. With only one boss to play its not necessary to rush and get to t3 as you will only be rushing to boredom. Once you reach the top nothing much to do but wield your skills in lockdown or acquire max-vh gear.
Gm of Active

"I was referring to those who say that paying money helps skip the "grind". However, that "grind" is exactly what the game is: playing levels over, and over, and over again. After you've spent money to skip this "grind", what exactly are you skipping? All that's left to do is... guess what? Play levels over, and over, and over again. You've skipped nothing."
Actually, just to point out that altough some P2Ps just blast money into the game and skip out all of the content, so they just jump to Vana stage gear, not everyone does.
What most P2Ps say when they mean "skip the grind" is that when you're lvling a set, you go through the levels, heat it up, find/buy the recipes etc, then you realise you don't have enough CE. You cbf spend another 10 boss tiers just to pay for the CE for a set that can't even be heated up anymore, so it becomes a "grind"; that is to say *only* doing it for the money. Not the heat, not the fun etc, PURELY doing it to get money.
Skip that, buy the CE, upgrade your set.
Now you can do runs again in your new set, heat it up, hunt down more recipes, more fun etc. It's no longer a grind becasue you're enjoying doing it for multiple reasons, rather than just doing it solely for one reason, w/o any other benefit or want, which is the grind that we typically refer to.
It does not mean that we skip the game, nor that we view the game as a grind in the whole.

But there is no difference between the two. If you're doing levels for money, you're doing the exact same thing as someone who's doing it "just for fun".
If you see making money by playing as a grind, there is no reason to see playing the levels after you don't need to make money as any less of a grind. Conversely, you can also not see making money as a grind and see it as simply playing the game.
There is no grind to skip is my whole point. "Grinding" or not, you're doing the same thing.

No, grinding is a mentality.
For instance, when I was in high school, I hated doing maths. Surviving the hour long classes was a grind to me; I had to think of ways to keep me occupied while I ignored the work, whereas math geeks couldn't get enough of it.
Doing a run purely becasue you're short on cash, when you would rather do a different run, or use a different set, or even just chillax in haven, is a grind, especially when your set is alreayd +10 and the heat you're getting is going to waste.
Doing a run becasue you're having fun, and wanting a combination of lvling up a set, spare cash/heat, looking for recipes, you enjoy it; it does not feel like a grind.
(EDIT: Also, take into account level choice differences. Grinding for cash is typically JK/FSC. Doing a fun level may just be regular tiers, Snarby, RT, etc. Cash grinding is the same level lover and over, where as fun levels could be anything.)
A grind may "technically" be classed as repitition, doing the same levels over and over again, but when people say "skip the grind" they certainly mean skipping the levels that are a total grind/bore to do when they would rather do fun/different levels.
If you went with the dictionary definition, then yeah; there's no point ever playing an MMO if you feel like it's a grind, because they all are. But no one who wants to P2P (excluding, ofc , the handful who do just blast to the top and waste the game) would rather just skip out all the fun of the game; they just want to skip out grinding cash, especially if it takes timethey don't have.
I mean, if you only get two hours a day, would you rather do I level you really enjoy (new, different and exciting), heat up a new set or w/e?
Or go back and do JK AGAIN (enter the repetition) for the tenth time this week, just because you still don't have enough to craft your next set?
Which is the grind, to you?

...I've always seen the P2P people as slaves to the F2P..... half of them don't even know what they're doing.

If you're doing JK, or FSC, or whatever, there are other levels before them. These also change over time. And those levels are essentially the same thing you would get by playing in a different gate. There is little difference in gameplay. There's essentially nothing new or exciting in this game. If you've played a few different stratums for a week or two, you've played just about everything the game has to offer in terms of variety.
If someone is not finding that fun, I see no reason for them to find anything else in this game fun.

You're talking about the ones that boost themselves beyond their level, not the ones that mitigate the time-consuming grind that I'm talkin' about toSumomo with.
The gates change on a weekly basis, so if you need to farm 10~20 JK runs just for cash to finish yoru set, it will feel like a grind, especially if you would rather just do something else.
It is purely a mentality thing; grinding purely to get money is exhausting, because there's an eventual progress bar, and that's all you're focussing on. Once you have the funds, you stop grinding and start doing [whatever you want to do].
Skip the grind however, and buy the CE to finish off your set and you can just go and do whatever you want to do.
It's not the level itself that's boring , it's the need to do the same level twenty times to pay for an upgrade that gets exhausting when (key words:) when you would rather do a different level.
It doesnae matter than the levels are all *relatively* similar, go do a random non-FSC T3 gate and you'll find it considerably more different and interesting tan doin' the same JK gate that you've spammed for the last two days.
If you honestly can't understand the difference between grinding for money and doing something you enjoy then...well, I either envy you for never feeling bored spamming the exact same level for the umpteenth time, or feel sorry for you for never feeling the excitement on a dififerent/more fun level.

Almost all of the levels are equally fun to me. There are a few exceptions, which I would love to skip.
Which brings me to... the elevator pass. This is one thing that I would actually like having if I played a lot more. I will admit that if I played more, I would love to get myself one of these.

Maybe we should take Psycho's advice and end the war...

Good point actually. The main reason that P2Ps might enjoy other levels more than the standard JK grind is because the passes allow them to do the runs *just to enjoy the run* w/o needing to worry about the run costing more than it makes, for example, doing a Snarb run for the lulz. It's fun, relaxing and won't *cost* you money. When you can do a run and just enjoy it for the gameplay value without worrying about the money, it lets you really enjoy those levels, but it also emphasises your attention to the levels that you do purely for the money.
I generally like just doing regular tiered floors. JK is for money, FSC is for heat, Snarb/RT is for fun when I want a different boss/lair, so having to spam JK/FSC gets old pretty fast imo; I like doing a regular tier, then switching to a different gate and doing a different tier completely, so the floors vary quickly and often, keeping it more interesting and not at all like a grind.

...You're not helping.
Then again, you're not trying to.
I GET that P2P players are the ones supplying CE to the game, and actually keeping it alive because OOO won't shut it down so long as it brings income.
BUT. WORST case scenario if all F2P players abandon SK:
CE market will be useless. All players will be buying all the CE they need, so they won't really need to market it.
Playerbase reduced by 60%+. F2P make up the majority of the playerbase, as stated before.
Spiral Knights becomes entirely P2P. Playerbase increases agonizingly slowly if at all, due to decreased public exposure the F2P-ness the game used to provide.
Each side just needs to stop insulting each other over silly matters like this. It's a game, so play it.
NEITHER side has the right to ridicule the other for doing what they do.
F2P can't say the P2P are a bunch of high level snobs for paying for an advantage for the game, because it's their money and their choice. The P2P players have their own reasons for spending their money on a game, 'justified' or not.
Likewise, P2P can't say F2P are a bunch of lazy couch potatoes who should go out and get a job to pay for the game instead of wasting their time, because Spiral Knights was designed to allow players (at least SOME) to play for free. (Do NOT bring in the argument that SK was designed to be P2P because someone has to pay for it to be 'free' etcetc. I would NOT enjoy having to explain that one out again).
For the same reason I say the F2P should leave P2P alone for their choice on spending money on an MMORPG, likewise the P2Pers need the respect the F2Pers decision NOT to pay for reasons of their own.
So just STOP, because it's completely pointless, unless you're a person with a twisted mind who enjoys seeing other people rage over how they have no valid argument against your invalid argument and just stir up trouble like this for personal kicks, to whom I'd have to say, "You make me sick" among other unsavory things.
Rest assured, I'm not referring to ANYONE in this thread as one of those people, I'm just trying to cover all bases before another war erupts.

Simply put, the game needs F2P /and/ P2Ps. If every player was P2P, then the ingame economy would crash.
The reason micropayment games are becoming overwhelmingly popular is because it lets everyeone and anyone play, keeping the playerbases potentially massive, which /attracts more players/.
If all the F2Ps left, P2P would suck, be boring and the playerbase would be tiny, no one new would join, many would leave, etc, people would stop paying,, game would shut down.
If all the P2Ps left, game would shut down off the bat.
We need each other people! Don't troll the other for [any reason], fact is that not everyone is horrible about it, and not everyone deserves it. F2P and P2P are both ingredients in a successful Micropayment MMO so..

Not one penny.
Now look at my inventory.
I worked hard for my equipment.

The rich people pay for us to get to do wonderful boss runs and play the game...
@ The people who think it's awesome that they have not paid a penny. You should be thanking the people that have spent money or it would not be here now for you to play for free.
I have spent maybe $50
I don't consider myself superior because I'm F2P.
Chris makes a good point when he says that you could buy all the CE for your gear if you decided to spend half the time you do a week on SK for a job.
I'm glad that people buy CE, and if I could've I probably would've spent some money on the 2.95$ holiday sale.