So the game's gotten quite easy for you. You've maybe taken your proto gear into tier 2 for some fun. But have you tried this? It's actually not as hard as it sounds - IF YOU'RE PRO! ARE YOU PRO?! WELL, ARE YOU?!?!
Complete Tier 2 solo WITH NO SHIELD! (I double-dare you!)

A ways back I attempted a Dauntless Delver run with no shield. I made it to Depth 23 before I died.

Ummmm funny story, I did this by accident once. :P
Alright, so the first half was an accident. The second was more or less "that was hilarious, let's do it again!" Though I did die once or twice on the second part, so does that count anymore?
Tier 3 Bomb only runs with no shields can be pretty funny too, mostly when you've got everyone in party on voice chat laughing at each other.

That sounds like amazing fun. Hey! You! Video makers! Yeah, you! Make it happen, and record it! :P

It was great fun. We died a bit, but never had to energy revive. Arenas were total crazy events, especially cause I mostly used a Graviton Vortex.

Back when we were allowed to run arenas over and over for 5 hours rather than run FSC over and over when we needed cash, the shields would break. So yeah, I've had a fair bot of action without a shield.

Inb4 double handed weapons
p.s. broken shields were fun with shield bonuses intact when looping was still possible

after LD came out I think we all did it at least once.
Gimme a stacked Beast/Jelly combination and I'll do T3 if I get to wear my bombing gear.
Swiftsrike is not quite NO shield, but in T3 it's pretty close. FSC mobs will destroy this in a hit or two. You spend most of your time never using the shield, it's just there for the bonus.

@Shidara I'm busy killing RJ with a toothpick. One thing at a time, for goodness sakes!

I did FSC with no shield, only an Acheron and full proto armor.
Even though I only passed 2 floors, Ive done no shield runs in T3 and made it to basil.
Challenge accepted, there better be cake at the end.

Although this guy hasn't found out what things have been done in proto gear Tier 2-wise.
Started playing again after a 4 week break...
About 2 hours ago, I did something.
And its uploaded about 5-10 minutes ago as of this post.
My channel shows more.
Remember, if you haven't seen the 1st movie, the sequel may confuse you.

Do a full Tier 3 run shieldless for some real challenge, or run FSC with a Swiftstrike like I always do. No pics or it didn't happen? So be it. T3, no shield, no rev, and just one of many I have done.

When we do no shields only bomb runs they allow me to pick out the maps since I like to pick out some challenges we did t3 shock fiends no shield bombs only...candlestick a few arenas with no shields and bomb only to make it harder we started doing runs with health trinkets but only proto/groundbreaker armor for fun.

I'll vouch for Kryptix. I've never seen him with a different shield than a Swiftstrike. I've started doing it too :D

I've got another challenge for you, something even tougher than solo T3 without a shield. Use a Swiftstrike on a T3 Fiend stage with devilites. Especially status dealing devilites.

Use a Swiftstrike on a T3 Fiend stage with devilites. Especially status dealing devilites.
Pfft, swiftstrike is crucial to my build, so I do those status devil levels with swiftstrike and a slow sword every time. No option for me other than switchin' to my bombs D:
Is that it?