2x 5* fire res armors, 2x 5* fire res trinkets. Would we still burn like the knights of yore did when confronted by an angry dragon?
Just wondering, fire immunity - possible?
Vog Coat UV Max! Fire + Vog Cap UV Max! fire + Two soaking wetstone pendants= ???
= Decreasing returns
Okay maybe not, but it would make sense.
@Ranger: Nothing because unless it's been stealth patched the current cap is two Maxes and a Med so a full Vog set and a Med UV or two Low UVs would give you the same amount of resist as a Vog set with two max UVs.
Also Juances is correct, different levels of status are inflicted by different things so you can immunity to certain kinds of fire such as Ash of Agni in Lockdown, the fire inflicted via a zombie's swipes, Vanaduke's fire snakes/waves, ect, but you can't gain immunity to say a zombie's fire breath or a Magma Driver. I don't believe there's any fully compiled list of exactly what each level of status will grant you resistance to especially given that it seems to vary with tiers and depths. It's worth noting though that once you get to the cap you're generally taking less than 3 pips of health from fire damage anyway and the chances of you being set on fire are lowered as well so for the most part you don't really need immunity; fire doesn't restrict your mobility after all.
Hm, I've noticed that with full Vog and a pendant, I cannot be set on fire by the grate in Advanced Training Hall. Of course, ATH is all wacky in terms of damage and status, so that's not super reliable. Also, do statuses in Lockdown correspond to the same in Clockworks? It's been shown that two pieces of max fire gear (either a Maximum! UV, or an armor that has full status resist) yields immunity to minor status, and additional levels can grant immunity to moderate and strong status in Lockdown. But is the same true in Clockworks? I seem to recall seeing people with resistance gear/UVs that would render them immune to strong status in Lockdown still get set on fire in FSC... or perhaps I'm misremembering.
It's impossible to say since we don't actually know what levels of status monsters actually inflict. Presumably it does though for example it would make sense that a zombie's swipe is minor fire where as it's breath is either moderate or strong.
and additional levels can grant immunity to moderate and strong status in Lockdown.
I've never seen or heard this before, any link to where this was tested?
Mohandar could you still be set on fire by fire pots?
@Echoez: "unless it's been stealth patched the current cap is two Maxes and a Med"
What's your source?
I can confirm that 10 ranks (= 2*max + med) is the minimum amount to gain immunity to the status traps in the advanced training hall. I've heard numerous reports that 7 ranks is enough for immunity to status bombs in lockdown, but have not personally confirmed.
Lapper performed a test with the most fire resistance we can figure out a way to get, and reports the following:
For these tests, I am using 2 pieces of Vog armor, each imbued with UV fire max. In addition, I am using two 5* Wetstone pendants. Antistone says this is 20 points of fire resistance. Let's see what happens.
- Slag breath: 4 s, 3 ticks, 1 pip/tick (2 mini bars), 3 pips lost
- Shadow fire: Could not ignite. 0 s.
- Fire trap: 5 s, 3 ticks, 1 pip/tick (2 mini bars), 3 pips lost
- FOV: 4 s, 3 ticks, 1.5 pip/tick (2 mini bars), 4.5 pips lost
- Slag breath: 4 s, 3 ticks, 1 pip + 1.5 pip + 1 pip, 3.5 pips lost
- Shadow fire: Could not ignite. 0 s.
- Fire trap: 4 s, 3 ticks, 1 pip/tick (2 mini bars), 3 pips lost
- FOV: 4 s, 3 ticks, 1.5 pip/tick (2 mini bars), 4.5 pips lost
As you can see, and I find this very exciting, I am completely immune to shadow fire's wrath (beyond the initial damage).
The minimum amount to gain immunity to shadow fire's fire has not yet been determined. Immunity to the other fire sources listed is apparently impossible with existing equipment, but he does get the damage quite low.
What's your source?
Admittedly the tests are old at this stage, but it still remains the most accurate reference I've seen anywhere within the community.
There's a lot of stuff in that thread. Can you be a little more specific about what you're basing your conclusion on?
Near the end of the first page, Tantarian did one test each at ranks 10, 12, and 13, and he reports the same damage for each, which might give rise to the conclusion that the cap is 10. But he also has tests at 6, 7, and 8 ranks that all give the same damage amounts; if he had stopped testing there, we might just as easily have concluded that 6 ranks was the cap, and that turns out not to be true. His damage values seem to "clump" at some places for no clear reason (there's a big jump from 0 to 1, but then 1 and 2 are very close; there's a big jump from 5 to 6, but then 6-8 are all very close...). Based only on this data, it could be that 10-13 is just another "clump".
There's also a recurring problem with tests of this nature that the experiments are not controlled as well as they could be. It's known that health displayed in the UI is a rounded value, and "true" damage values are seldom an exact half-pip multiple, but most people just give us a single number from a single trial, which means the true value could be +/- almost an entire half-pip from the reported value. Status duration is reported in a misleading way in the UI (displayed duration is the floor of the remaining duration), which makes it very easy for people to report incorrect durations. Tantarian doesn't even tell us whether his damage numbers are per tick or for the entire duration of the burn (it would probably be obvious to someone who uses a FoV regularly, but I do not).
There's also an anomaly in the interaction of UVs and natural resistance on the same item. That might just be a UI bug...but then again, it might not. And if it's not purely a UI issue, then on several of these tests, it's not clear how much resistance was actually being tested.
Hypothetically, the maximum effective resistance could also vary depending on depth and/or the strength of the fire.
Though if Tantarian's numbers are for full burn, then his 8+ rank tests closely match Lapper's 20 rank tests, which does suggest there's a maximum effective resist somewhere close to that (at least for FoV fire).
I wish there was.. if there was, I would like totally solo FSC. But, as I wish that would happen, it does not. Reality is not fair gentlemen.
Although it will decrease your chance of getting fire in the first place, or a weak fire
There are different levels of fire. You will be immune to the weakest fire (those from status bombs) with just the armor.
I dont know about stronger fire levels.