WTS Fancy Dragon Wings
Crowns or CE is fine. Will consider trades if they interest me.
WTS Fancy Dragon Wings
Crowns or CE is fine. Will consider trades if they interest me.
Let me know your *serious* offers! Thanks, everyone. :D
IGN: Delano-Laramie
Regal, Shadow, and Toasty for sale.
Mainly looking for TF2 metal and items, but I'll accept crowns or CE as well.
Nintendax, I'm interested in your Toasty Dragon Wings.
Let me know what for kind TF2 items you're interested in.
I've many weapons or Halloween/Full Moon items (from last year's Halloween) I'm willing to trade.
I have a name or description tag as well. Or some crates. Ref metal if you want to.
PM me ingame in SK or Steam (both same name).
EDIT: I have traded with someone else, so this one's no longer valid. Thanks for your time anyway ;)
PM Me Prices. 12k CE obo
IGN - Skittlesxo
WTS Volcanic Dragon Wings for 600k crowns
(I'm looking for cool and fancy helm-mounted display and regal mecha wings - any of those traded in (I need one of each) lowers the price by 20k)
Merethif are you interested in tf2 items?
Hey im looking for Divine Dragon Wings im willing to trade a full Metal Sonic Set and a additional 100k cr?
If you are going to trade add me in game Thunderbeu.
WTT My Sonic Set & 3kce, for Divine Dragon Wings.
I'm trying to sell my Prismatic Dragon Wings!!! PM in game
IGN: Samta
Dafsh, add me and Pm me in game I'd like those fancy wings:)
IGN: Davidherox
EDIT: I can trade my Cool dragon wings for Fancy dragon Wings if anyone wants
Will pay in CE. Send me a /tell in game. IGN: Aphel-Aura
Edit: Purchased.
WTS Shadow Dragon Wing, send a message with your offer. thx. IGN: dodolisme
Mail me your offer in game...
WTT Heavy Dragon Wings for Toasty Dragon Wings
Have- Heavy
Want- Toasty
Please contact me in game
IGN Clwnbaby
I know this may seem kinda low, but if anyone wants to trade their divine wings for a Wise Owlite Shield + 100k cr, I'd love to talk. Just add me in-game if you're interested =)
WTT/WTS a pair of Divine Dragon Wings for preferably Divine Valkyrie Wings or a combination of other V wings and/or CE (sets also possible) :)
IGN: Alfresco
Trading Volcanic Valkyrie for Divine Valkyrie. Can haggle, if need be.
add me I'm caprexy on steam and tell me what u want I may buy
Taking crowns or CE Highest offer : 2.65 million Crowns
Wanting to trade divine dragon wings+Dusky valkyrie for divine valkyrie. jusr pm/add me In game
IGN neigh-Knocker
anyone that wants shadow volcanic or devine wings message or pm me
I am interested in the shadow and volcanic.
pm me in-game. IGN :krackalackin
Buying All Valkyrie Wings for 500 CE Each !!
WTS: Divine Valkyrie Wings and Volcanic Valkyrie Wings! Just add/pm me in game and we can talk.
IGN Neigh-Knocker
12kce buyout
pm in game or add me on steam (sparklepeep) for offers. don't check these forums often. am looking to sell these pretty soon so will entertain all reasonable offers.
Current offer on Volcanic Dragon Wings is 7kce.
I'm selling Prismatic Valkyrie wings for around 750k Crowns or willing to trade for Volcanic valkyrie wings.
Traded for a volc.
I got a guy who would sell it for a skelly suit with shawdow wings and 5000 ce but I lost him so tell me what u want
WTS Volcanic Valkyrie Wings, price negotiable. Please contact me in-game, IGN Azkaellion.
Are you trying to trade shadow dragon wings attached to a skelly suit for volcanic dragon wings?
pm me in game ;o no lowballs, I know how much they go for.
Oh, and its an accessory ticket still. not attached to anything
nope sold it also anyone got a prismatic tail for sale if do add me IGN caprexy
Lame Offer,but Someone get Volcanic or Shadow wings and in 2 weeks I guarantee 117,6000 crowns for you.To be specific,Valkyrie.Thanks for reading!^^
HAVE: Heavy, Fancy, Cool, Regal Valk Wings; Dusky and Regal Dragon Wings. IGN: Derpules (EDIT: Done. No longer looking for Cool DWings.)
@Tronios: No one will take that, so why bother making the offer? The price you're offering is barely more than the value of common dragon wings.
Also, since you want valk wings, and are not offering to trade dragon wings, why is your post in this thread?
I'd like to start playing Spiral Knights, and somehow ended up missing the wings promotion. If anyone has either Dragon or Valkeryie Divine or Volcanic wings, I'd like to trade the equivalent worth of tf2 items, or metal or keys for them. I think the wings cost 10 dollars each, so I assume they are 4 keys each as well? Correct me if I'm wrong.
My inventory is here:
And you can add me here to discuss:
Those wings go for upwards of 10k CE, which is a lot more than $10 and also a lot more than the worth of 4 keys. Be prepared to pay more.
Ah, thanks for your comment. I'm not familiar with the Spiral Knights economy. How much is 10K CE worth in terms of money? I have about $250ish worth of TF2 items, so I can definitely afford the wings, I am just trying to figure out the best way to trade for them in items from TF2.
WTS: Cool Dragon Wings
Start:140,000 cr
Buyout: 240,000cr
Edit: sorry for the .. strange post, my little brother had my iphone