Selling Toasty Dragon Wings for 130K CR or the equivalent amount of CE.
PM me in-game or send me mail in-game @ Wishbone.
Official Dragon Wings Buying/Selling/Trading Thread

Selling Shadow Dragon Wings for 22k CE or its equivalent in crowns as of the days it is sold. PM in-game or send a mail.
IGN: Typanos
Edit: Sold

I'm looking for dragon wings,I only want one.
I'll take any type accept Fancy.
I want one less than 2k CE or exactly 2k CE
Hopefully I should have the CE somewhere around May I'll pm you.
Reply if your interested

@Shockachu I will sell you dragon wings either toasty/dusky Dragon wings.
-> Contact me @ the user : yourvalentine. ^^
I'm looking for Divine Valkyrie Wings pm price
Steam Profile:

Selling another Shadow Dragon Wings for CE or its equivalent in crowns. PM in-game or send a mail.
IGN: Typanos

IGN Kiniro-Tsuki --lowballers will be ignored <3 CE or crowns accepted. or a trade for a volcanic or divine wolver tail
I also have some valk wings if anyone is interested, not many though.
IGN: reqy
Dragon Wings:
Divine 8k CE
Heavy Dragon Wings
Military Dragon Wings
Dusky Dragon Wings
115k cr or ce equivalent. prices negotiable.
WTS Dusky Dragon Wings for ce or crowns. PM in-game or send a mail.
IGN: Cheloko

WTS Regal Dragon Wings for 2k ce. Price is Negotiable. Mail me or PM
IGN Da-Shawn
Crowns Also accepted

Have Dusky's for Sale or Trade.. I'm looking for 150k cr|2k ce range... Tho I prefer a trade for Cool Dragon Wings..
Plz message me in game.
IGN: Heartlessleet and I'm normally selling in Haven 1..

I am selling a set of Prismatic Dragon wings.
IGN: Rich-Tbiscuit
Prismatic Dragon Wings attached to Drake Scale Armor with a Cool Parrying Blade attached as well.
Already unbound and desperate to sell.
IGN Suraydo
Steam name slayedofblades
Typanos I'll buy that second pair of shadow wings I"ll send you a message in game since you probably don't check this post anymore.

Looking for Prismatic or Divine Valk Wings. IGN is Thich.
WTS prismatic dragon wings! starting offer 10k ce.

Willing to pay around 2k CE!
IGN : Monocelha
selling prismatic dragon wings looking for prismatic valkyrie wings. bump~
WTB Volcanic Dragon Wings, name your price, negotiable if possible, need it as soon as possible.

I have a pair of volcanic dragon wings for sale, send me an offer
WTB Shadow Dragon Wings for 6kce and Valkyrie Volcanic Wings.
IGN: Amaranthinn

Hey selling Divine Valkyrie Wings, my in game name is Darkemo so mail me an offer and we can negotiate ;D
PS if you don't want to mail me because you don't want to waste 25cr then pm me when I'm online and we can meet up. (mailing me is best though :3)

WTB military or cool dragon wings also is looking for dusky val wings. Mail me ur price plz.
IGN: White_Saber
WTB volcanic dragon wings or shadow dragon wings, It would be nice if you could send me your prices. Thank you.
IGN: Apoyoaereo

Selling Divine Dragon Wings 10k ce
Send mail or /tell to xxenohart

2 x Fancy,
1 x Military,
2 x Toasty.
IGN: Xenolith

[WTB]: any dragon wings. Mainly looking for any that are cheap XD
WTS Prismatic Dragon Wings 11k ce. May seem a bit high, but price is negotiable. Message me in-game, Darkarkangel. Thanks!

WTS volcanic dragon wings
accepting offers!
contact via mail or /tell

Want to buy dem Regal Dragon Wings for 2k CE
If not for 2k CE, add me (Dtechnik) and mail me your price
wtb volcanic dragon or shadow wings! name your price. :B

Fancy -- 5K CE
Heavy -- 5K CE
Toasty -- 5K CE
Divine -- 11K CE
Shadow -- 40k CE
Contact if interested.

They will look fabulous with your new Hallow color suite! Not sure if Shadow or Volcanic is currently going for more atm. Prefer CE, but willing to negotiate. Possible trades too.

I am willing to pay 1.5k CE. If you wish to negotiate please do.
P.S I hope you accept my offer because i have been hunting down dragon wings, but all are bound to other people :(. Well thanks again for selling them! :P
Note: PLEASE add me IN GAME so we can negotiate face to face. Thanks! I believe we can set up a time through mail.

Selling Prismatic Dragon Wings !!
B/o: 15Kce
IGN : Kabraneel

Selling volcanic dragon wings B\O is 1,500,000 crowns taking offers though too.

i have dusky dragon wings & i would like to trade for fancy dragon wings
(will throw in dusky helm guards to sweeten the deal)
Have Military, Dusky and Toasty Dragon Wings for sale.
IGN : Groovo