so. Featured Auctions. I've noticed, that you have had lots of prime bombhead masks. Featured Auctions. I have noticed you have not had any steam gasmasks. I have also noticed no groundbreaker armors and helmets.
I have come, featured auctions, to extend to you an olive branch. Howsabout, since you have listed numerous prime bombheads and lots of people have got them, and enjoyed them, and we are all pleased for this, howsabout you go ahead and give us a few groundbreaker sets and steam masks up next. It would be pretty exciting, ya know, pretty exciting for a brand new featured auction with brand new stuff up that we never even had a chance to see before!!
Oh featured Auctions, please do hear this request.
your dearest,
Nooooo do not ask for groundbreaker, I like knowing who has been around, I don't want random people having it