Calling all testers!
We would like your help in testing part one of the Mission System, a new feature we will be rolling out for you testers in stages as more parts come online. Please read the following guidelines concerning the type of feedback we are looking for and the best way to communicate with the development team.
Posting Guidelines:
The Mission System is fairly robust, so in order to streamline our ability to address the issues you find during testing, we would appreciate it if you follow these guidelines when providing feedback and raising issues you discover:
For issues concerning a particular mission, always include the name of the mission in the Subject line of your post!
Example: "Mission: First Contact - Kora has a typo in her briefing."
Example: "Mission: Welcome to Haven! - The dialog was broken and didn't make sense."
Example: "Mission: Let's Go Shopping! - I'm stuck in a black screen after choosing a response."
Example: "Mission: Shadow of the Beast - I can't unlock this mission"
For issues concerning the Supply Depot, make sure to include "Supply Depot" in the Subject line of your post
For general feedback, include "Feedback" in the Subject line of your post. Please try to include what the feedback relates to in the subject line - be specific!
Example: "Feedback: It isn't clear how I gain ranks or where ranks are displayed."
We appreciate you taking the time to follow these guidelines, and it will ensure that we will see your feedback.
Additional Feedback:
Outside of any bugs or issues that you find during testing, we are most interested in getting your feedback concerning the following questions:
- How can we make this system more friendly and usable by YOU, the player?
- Are there any parts of this system, or any specific missions, that are unclear or confusing?
- Anything else that would improve the mission system?
Final Notes:
- The Mission System is a work in progress. You may notice art, sound, features missing.
- You will only be able to play Rank Missions up to rank 7-1
- All items in your Supply Depot will cost 1energy for testing purposes
If you have testing access, you are now free to access the Test Server. There is currently no time frame for when the Test Server will close.
Thank you for your continued help in testing this exciting, new feature!
-The Spiral Knights Team
it just gives me a black screen when im trying to load into haven to talk to the stranger