Just thought I'd push this up for everyone to see :D
Rogue Knights: looking for a few good souls =^,..,^=
Is this group dead......or still alive? I am very curious this group's progress.

Still very allive. Plenty of people to run with if your interested

Yes we are still searching out anyone who is interested in joining our band of rogues for some SK fun ^_^
If you are interested, please follow the format that Jace-Jarak has setup for applications and view others applications for proper use of it. This is just so that we get to know as much as we can about you to make sure you'll fit in nicely! :D

And a reminder we are still looking for some wonderful people to join us ^^
Like it's been stated, follow the application format set and one of the the officers/GMs will review it as soon as possible.
Hope to see some new Rogues join us ^^
~The Mighty WeeGee

I'd like to join if thats alright~
1) How often do you play? (We like players to be on a few times a week, and almost every day if possible)
Once a day or so on mist if I have the time to play~
2) Are you a good player? What are your strengths and weaknesses? (Relatively speaking)
I would say that i'm a good player, my only flaw is that I can't use swords for the life of me.
I'm a gunner/bomber. Aim to stay that way~
3) What do you like about this game?
Reminds me of legend of zelda. Only reason I picked it up and played for this long.
4) Are you a talkative social person? (who can use English without net-speak?)
No. i'll talk when people speak to me but i'm mostly quiet.
5) What is your usual gear?
Deadshot set/Pulsar/Shivermist or DA/crest of almire
6) Previous guilds?
Two from about 5 months ago. Went on hiatus, can't remember their names~
7) Anything you'd like to tell us about yourself?
Nope. Nothing at all~
Nothing at all~
8) Preferred mode of reference? (Aka, do you want to be referred to as he or she? Default if unanswered will probably be he)
I'm a guy so he. Or Aiiro. One of those two.

If someone hasn't been in contact with you so far I will inform them, when I see the GMs on ^^
~The Mighty WeeGee
Good day to you! I am a T2 player with equipment of 3-4* and am normally doing jk runs or playing lock down :D
1) How often do you play? (We like players to be on a few times a week, and almost every day if possible)
i play around 3-4 days a week without any homework in the way :D
2) Are you a good player? What are your strengths and weaknesses? i think i am a okay player. My strengths would be anything weak against elemental
damage and can take on any kind of monster with my unusual weapon, Javolec!(love the new two combo special) My weaknesses would be shadow attacks but i am soon to fix that :3
3) What do you like about this game?
What i like about this game is the wide variety of equipment and the constant new updates always giving something new to think about!
4) Are you a talkative social person?
i am usually talkative when out in haven. though when in the clockworks im normally very quiet to make sure i don't get myself hurt typing.
5) What is your usual gear?
My usual gear is:
Dusker Cap, Dusker Coat, horned owlite shield
My weapons are: Javolec and Boltbrand
note: none of the weapons have UV
6) Previous guilds?
Love Puppy Order, sadly i didn't see anyone going on... :<
7) Anything you'd like to tell us about yourself?
I like to have fun!
8) Preferred mode of reference?
Anything to everything is ok!
i would like to join.
1) almost every day.
2) I am a pretty good player, adventurous is my middle name; but i can get aggressive and fail sometimes (ie, attacking a monster expecting to die in the next second or two)
4) oh yes!
5) wolver gear/fast swords, and sometimes bombs or guns.
6) none
7) uhm.......I'm alive, I'm breathing, and ..... uh...... I'm starring at a screen right now trying to figure out what to type.
8) hehehehe :)

Been working a ton of extra hours past few days. Invites will be sent out tonight in a few hours when i am out of work.

Again, still looking for new members :)
Just follow the application template and a GM/Officer will review it and contact you when they have the time :)
~The Mighty WeeGee

We are still actively recruiting :D
Feel free to post applications :P
also, if you post an application and don't hear from anyone within a day or 2, please feel free to send a quick mail to any of the Officers or Guild Masters (listed on our Wiki) that you have an application posted here :D
Ps. Bump ^_^
1) How often do you play?I play 1-2 hours on weekdays. 3-6 on weekends. (We like players to be on a few times a week, and almost every day if possible)
2) Are you a good player? I consider myself strong and good player. I love doing runs, and helping people when i can.
3) What do you like about this game? I like the weapons,social game, and the difficulty.
4) Are you a talkative social person? Yes i talk alot but not badly Lol. More like good and fun.
5) What is your usual gear? I have my ash tail cap and coat. I have acheron, gigawatt pulsar, temper calibur, and my sealed sword ( soon Da)
6) Previous guilds? Devilite Inc. Vortex Legends.
7) Anything you'd like to tell us about yourself? I love doing runs ^.^ and wanna be strong!
8) Preferred mode of reference? I wanna be called Ray. :D

Welcome to the guild Ray ^_^

One of our members has been removed for the following reasons:
Acted in an unsportsmanlike behavior (goes afk in LD matches). Then argued with the the GM who said that was unacceptable behavior. If a GM tells you he doesn't like something, you then don't go arguing with him about it and say no one cares. Also, you should not bring shame to the guild you're part of, especially if you've already earned up member within the guild. If this member is willing to change his conduct, he'll be welcomed back into our guild.
Furthermore: Please, we're looking for good kind members. We want friendly people with a nice attitude who like to have fun. Ruining fun for others is not a good way to go.
We pride our members on exemplary conduct and being the friendliest members in the game, we'd like to keep our reputation. That said, we also believe everyone deserves a second chance ^_^

1) How often do you play? (We like players to be on a few times a week, and almost every day if possible)
I always try to play everyday, becasue It's annoying knowing that I had 100mist and I didn't use it:D
2) Are you a good player? What are your strengths and weaknesses? (Relatively speaking)
I think I am a good player, seeing as i solod jk while in 3/4* without any revs and solod RT in 4* with 2 revs on boss:/ my strengths would be on beasts, jellies and lichens, I have a good strategy (Hit and run while charging). My weaknesses would be with devilites and kats... (I HATE EM)
3) What do you like about this game?
Everything. I've tried to find a good mmorpg game for ages, and then I finally found this one. I always play it now:D
4) Are you a talkative social person? (who can use English without net-speak?)
I'm very talkative, and i love having arguments, so watch out!
5) What is your usual gear?
Combuster, Industrial Catalyzer or Prisma driver, Grey owlite shield, vog cub set( still working on vog cub set though..) I want to upgrade to neutralizer, and Divine cap and coat.
6) Previous guilds?
Dragon army, Sacred.
7) Anything you'd like to tell us about yourself?
I love arguments, and I'm a major pessimest...
8) Preferred mode of reference? (Aka, do you want to be referred to as he or she? Default if unanswered will probably be he)
Thanks for reading:D

1) How often do you play? (We like players to be on a few times a week, and almost every day if possible)
I play at least on weekends but since it's summer holiday I can play everyday
2) Are you a good player? What are your strengths and weaknesses? (Relatively speaking)
I would say I am a average spiral knights player but I can weapon switch when I feel like using my tier 2 gunslinging set.
3) What do you like about this game?
I like spiral knights because it is a fun game. You get to play with your friends and help noobies lol.
4) Are you a talkative social person? (who can use English without net-speak?)
I guess you can say I am a talkative person and yes I can speak English.
5) What is your usual gear?
My usual gear Is wyvern scale helmet, azure guardian Armor, glacius, and a blight needle if we are gonna own vana. But when I'm bored I would wear my gunslinger gear to mess with those tier 2 lockdown peeps.
6) Previous guilds?
My previous guild was aurora which I really enjoyed but then it died out after one after another left.
7) Anything you'd like to tell us about yourself?
I like black ops going on horrible death streaks. I like play other mmos like bloodline champions and heroes of newerth. And I love baseball!!
8) Preferred mode of reference? (Aka, do you want to be referred to as he or she?
I'm a 13 year old boy

1.Almost daily,but have work and might not be able to play every single day.
2.I used to play a lot on my old steam account then I had to quit for ~1 year and now I'm back,I think that I am a pretty good player,nothing too hardcore or top-notch but I can hold my own and work with a team.
3.The fact that is does not penalise casual players.
4.Very,I can be extremely social at times. ;)
5.The max I had was almost full 4* and now I have 2-3* combined.
7.Not much,I always want to let people to get to know me rather than talking about myself. ;)
8. he(or anything really)

sent invites
If you guys don't get anything within 12 hours or so, send me a message ingame and i'll come check out your application :D

Hope you don't mind, but I'm gonna bump this again. :D
I am macho-nacho. I would like to join rogue knights for these reasons.
I get on everyday unless a blackout (which almost never happen) or i'm packed with events.
I am a good player who loves lock down and jelly king runs. My weakness is in lockdown which is avoiding hammers.
I am very easy going and laid back but I work hard when im in battle.
My usual gear is gunslinger hat, dusker coat, swift flourish, shadow tech alchemer MK2 and a heavy plate shield.
Legend Of Snipe, Weapon Masters, Immortal Warriors, Pwnage, Weapon Masters( which i left two times due to Daniel being a jerk).
I absolutely love Jelly King runs.
I prefer being called Macho.

To anyone interested I have more than enough Cheese to share :D
Consider it a welcome gift. So apply away!
~The Mighty Cheese Knight; WeeGee

1) How often do you play?
-I'm on at least 2-4(approximate, if there is a holiday or such in the country I live in...)(Less if I'm stumped with projects or homework) days a week, if April & May, I can be on at least everyday...
2) Are you a good player? What are your strengths and weaknesses?
-Honestly speaking, in terms of being a good player, I'm still medium-ranked. I'm good at both sword and gun, mostly if I act strategically(happens); weakness... bombing, especially in the charging conditions, I dislike waiting for the full charge.
3) What do you like about this game?
-Hmm... Well... In my opinion:
(1), its the friends and nice people who always tried to be patient when I was messing everything up, dying and such else, as a newbie. (2), it's patience with everybody, the Game Masters always try to fix the bugs we report, fix the glitches, and I don't know if they've implemented anything in the Suggestions forum yet... (3), enthusiasm of the new players to question somethings they don't understand.
4) Are you a talkative social person?
-In terms of "talkative"(because my definition of talkative is always talking and talking and talking...) I'm not much of that but once I get to know somebody, that's when "social" comes in.
5) What is your usual gear?
-I'm currently saving for my 4 star armor and helmet, as I have already met the requirements for my weapons and shield.
6) Previous guilds?
-Night Fall, Ultra Knights, Retaliation and Preachers of Dubstep.
7) Anything you'd like to tell us about yourself?
-I'm very patient with anybody; I like doing boss runs as long as it's under T3(Until I have the experience and gear to overwhelm T3).
8) Preferred mode of reference?
-Either Abyss or just plainly when in use as third person as he.

Looking forward to meetin' you. Runs runs runs. We love runs!
For the record, we're all still super active and looking for some new blood to keep myself and my veterans busy. So if you're lookin' fer a social and laid back guild, this is a good one to give a try.
Go go gadget GM away~

I don't know whether to be ashamed or proud of the fact you used a Inspector Gadget reference as a signature Azo....
Oh and don't worry about the 'always talking and talking and talking' thing. I have that covered 8D
I'll look forward to meeting you too Abyss ^^
~The Mighty Cheese Knight; WeeGee

1) How often do you play? Least: possibly 3 times a week. Average: Once a day. Sometimes I do all day'ers
2) Are you a good player? What are your strengths and weaknesses? All around person, I perfer to be the one playing defensivly. Rather as the one who tries to maintain the most health as possible to assure I can revive atleast someone else.
3) What do you like about this game? Honestly I just love doing dungeons with other people, PVP isn't my thing.
4) Are you a talkative social person? I am when I'm aware of the chatbox. But err, when I'm in a dungeon I tend to rule out the chatbox, even private messages.
5) What is your usual gear? I mostly wear my Snarby set with my Fearless Ragidoon, Dread Venom Striker, Argent peacemaker, and Venom Vailer (incase of massive healing spam from Germlins), sometimes I just go mad bomber though.
6) Previous guilds? Yes sometime ago, I forgot the name but I remember them saying it meant Shadow Knights. (It was Japanese)
7) Anything you'd like to tell us about yourself? I like helping people out, if I'm free I really won't hesitate to join your game to help. I may help out other with a few energy or crowns but there's a limit to the point where I believe you're merely begging.
8) Preferred mode of reference? He.

Ahs mah god it's a mad bomber! You're officially cool.
....Invited you, by the way.
And yes Weege. I am fully aware of how much you talk. WELL. AWARE. >.>
Lookin' forward to running with ye.

Venom Veiler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
And Azo someone has to make up for Vato's lack of it, so it might aswell be me 8D
At least I'm not crazy!..... 8D
~The Mighty Cheese Knight; WeeGee

i would like to join
1) i play SK every day for at least 1 hour
2) my strenthness is to kill monsters without lose too much health and my weakness is the lag
3) i don't like only one thing , i like all the features apart from the raise of crowns with energy on trade senction
4) i'm not very social and i can speak english,may i'm not expert but even this i don't use translasons servises
5) right now i have 1* and 2* but i can easily reach the 3* equipment
6) i haven't got old guilds because i just started
7) well... i'm good person and i like to help others with their missions when i have energy of course
8) what?call me robot...

I appreciate the interest but the guild is currently looking for 4* (or very close to it) or higher individuals. This is done because the majority of the guild is 5* with many sets and most are looking for people with similar gear levels to do runs with. However; if you are still interested by the time you obtain the bar the entry gear requirement, feel free to make another post in the future.
We still have many spots open in the guild and if you have any questions about joining or the guild, please feel free to ask.

okay...i have this friend named soulstaker in this guild...who i owe4kcr...which i was going to pay him on saturday...but, i have a family emergency, andthus cannot do it, i will instead, pay him 5kcr asap, once i return from the family emergency

I'll pass the message on Ultraskull, of course if he hasn't already been told ^^
~The Mighty Cheese Knight; WeeGee

it will take some time to reach 4* with 5* but right now i'm 2* and 3*

1) How often do I play? Almost everyday. Started about 3 months ago, have been inactive for a while because of vacation and school year.
2) Am I a good player? I would like to think myself a one. I'm pro at many monsters, but kinda sucky at others. NEED ELEMENTAL! I'm extremely low on elemental weapons, so I tend to avoid construct levels, as well as undead. I've failed at zombies since the missions update, but am good at kats. Nowadays, I'm extremely pro at beasts and slimes and fiends, including multiple trojan slaying, and average at others
3) What do I like about this game? Well, if it was a bad game, I wouldn't still be playing it now would I? I like music, action, monster looks, armor and weapon auras, and, last but not least, the confetti.
4) Am I talkative? Totally.
5) What's my usual gear? Well, I can't do shadow lair yet, not even T3, so i'm stuck with 3* gear.
-Chroma gear
-Nightblade, or snarble barb for beast
-Great Defender
-Shadowtech Alchemer Mk II
6) Previous guilds? I've had a few, about 3, but I quit a long time ago, forgot names, but I remembered they sucked.
7) Anything I would tell you, I excel at Snarby, RT, and JK runs
8) Preferred name? "Shot"

Robot if you would like to add me to your friends list I would have no problem with helping you out on missions, helping you heat your gear or just answering any general questions you may have about the game. My username is; Weegeftw
Of course that is if you would like my help :P
And I'll inform a higher up of your App as soon as I can get on Shot ^-^
~The Mighty Cheese Knight; WeeGee

I reached 70k Cheese yesterday. I just thought I'd put that out there!
~The Mighty Cheese Knight; WeeGee

Thanks to the help of many guildies and friends I 100,000 Cheese(Light Shards) the other day! <3
I love, love this guild :P
~The Mighty Cheese Knight; WeeGee

1) How often do you play? (We like players to be on a few times a week, and almost every day if possible)
Well im on at least 30 minutes a day but usually i play for about 1 hour
2) Are you a good player? What are your strengths and weaknesses? (Relatively speaking)
Well i really hate fiends [ they run way to fast] i'm pretty good at ld i think. Well I excel with beasts and undead and slimes. The rest well im ok at them [except fiends!]
3) What do you like about this game?
LD is so fun seeing noobs trying to kill you. The gameplay is nice also.
4) Are you a talkative social person? (who can use English without net-speak?)
5) What is your usual gear?
Vog cub cab
miracle cloak uv shock high [planning to get skolver though got dusker.]
6) Previous guilds?
Well i had a fews guilds but they were rubbish. I really did like collusion [i stayed right at the beginning [so friendly]]but i decided to move on
7) Anything you'd like to tell us about yourself?
Well I'm from australia and well i lag alot so dont blame me if i'm crap at times.
8) Preferred mode of reference? (Aka, do you want to be referred to as he or she? Default if unanswered will probably be he)
He, Him, WIll [not william]
WEEGEE ill give you some cheese
I want to join your guild.
1) How often do you play? Everyday.
2) Are you a good player? Preferably my strengths are my sword and my team mates. I can't live without them. My weaknesses would be the turrets and friends. I find them hard to kill.
3) What do you like about this game? The challenge to get into the core, and my goal to get the best items.
4) Are you a talkative social person? (who can use English without net-speak?): Yes.
5) What is your usual gear? Dusker Coat and Cap. Hunting Blade. Swiftstrike Buckler and Stunning Gun I think.
6) Previous guilds? Trilliux and Precious Light
7) Anything you'd like to tell us about yourself? I love improving my items, and having fun with my friends and guildmates.
8) Preferred mode of reference? Him.

Just so you guys know, we've got some big updates heading towards the guild in a few days. A name change among other things.
If you are interested in joining, please send me a friend request and a note that you want to join, and we'll go over our revamped recruiting policy (a test run and some new questions) ahead of time and get you set up.
My IGN is the same as it is here.

hey guys, hopefully a new recruit here, and.. my app
4&5 star gear. 2x5 star Chaos Cloak and Chaos helm, the rest is 4star
1) i play pretty much every day lately, roughly 5 hours or so give or take a couple depending on how long work was.
my buddy and i are pushing to get into the core, so we will both be on quite often/
2)I consider myself and my main playing buddy, pretty good players yes. we are more often than not the last 1-2 standing in a party,
the ones paying for our groups mistakes with our hard earned pills :p
Strengths: good with swords, guns, and bombs. i carry one of each and mainly support the rest of the party, Graviton charge for CC/
Jalovec for heavy knock back.
Weaknesses: Chaos armor. as a glass cannon of sorts, i play pretty risky, with a slow hard hitting sword i am technically vulnerable after
every attack. higher chance of dying for my mistakes.
3) well, the only thing i don't like about the game is the lack of different pvp game types. thats about it. its has great co op, the boss and dungeon mechanics are pretty fun. nothing beats a solid multilayer co op game and this is one of the better ones around.
4) i am a talkative and social person, so long as the people i am talking to are engaging enough. ive got Ventrilo, Pr mumble, Skype or Team Speak all ready to go. a vent server we can use if we wish(guild included) english without net-speak? no problem!
5) at this very movment. Jalovec/ Cold Iron Carver are my swrods, Chaos armor set (cloak+helm), Graviton Vortex/Freezing Atomizer, and Gigawatt Pulsar, Dark Thorn Shield and Heavy Plate Shield. of those, i mainly stick to Jalovec, Dark Thorn Shield and Graviton Vortex
6) most i cannot recall, all were minor guilds and did nothing in terms of progression. the latest was Shadow Inc. again another friendly guild with nice enough people, but never enough online members to get any serious clock work runs in. i ended up helping one guy pay for his end game sword (800CE) and getting a new player/member to 3 star gear up from 1-2. then i bailed in search of a guild that at least WANTS to get into the core
7) Friendly, generous, willing to help people/ new players figure out the basics even when it costs a bit of CE. i don't mind playing with new players, but at the same time, when doing deeper dungeons i do not like playing with people that end up costing the group energy, or force others to split hearts unnecessarily and or often. of course there is always the "bad run" or just some bad luck, but one can only blame bad luck for so long :p
8)He is fine. otherwise, Viconaut or Vico and sometimes Vic all work too
hope to see you guys soon, i want to do some clockworks!

Still looking for additional members, if you are interested in obtaining a position leave a post here or apply online at our website here.

Hello, I am pleased to be your acquaintance.
Here's the infosheet:
1) How often do you play? (We like players to be on a few times a week, and almost every day if possible)
I play frequently, but most of my time is taken up recording episodes of Let's Play Minecraft. But I do log on frequently to play.
2) Are you a good player? What are your strengths and weaknesses? (Relatively speaking)
I'm somewhat decent. I am quite quick at shield cancelling, but I do poorly in Lockdown.
3) What do you like about this game?
I like the game for being extremely addictive and fun, and quite easy to understand.
4) Are you a talkative social person? (who can use English without net-speak?)
I am. I know how to use English very well and I know some French.
5) What is your usual gear?
My costume is usually an Angelic Helm with a Tabard of the Coral Rose. However, I do use some 3* weapons(Usually swords) and have a Dusker Cap and Coat as the armor. The shield is a Bristling Buckler.
6) Previous guilds?
I have been in many guilds. Most notable are Resistance and Aegis Team.
7) Anything you'd like to tell us about yourself?
I'm a somewhat friendless person(I only have 2 friends) and I like playing games. I wear glasses(Please, no four eyes jokes) and I have asperger's syndrome.
8) Preferred mode of reference?
You may refer me to a girl in-game, but in reality, I am a male person.
Hey there guys, I have reviewed all of your Apps, apologies for not responding earlier, all of you meet our minimum gear requirements and I look forward to meeting all of you in-game ^_^
P.S. I really like the amount of detail you put into your app Chaossonata, its nice to have so much effort put into these apps, giving such detailed answers, we really do appreciate the time you guys take ^_^