The Elite Bomber Thread

1027 replies [Last post]
Fallout's picture

eh can i till bomb in t3? i havn't played this update due to slingshot lagg in haven, so will i still get the satisfaction of bowing the bajeebus out of jellies?

Legacy Username
Blast Bombs

I had my 1st time experiencing 4 bombers using blast bomb in Flame Arena.

Developer should put a health warning about using 4 blast bombs together. XD

Fallout's picture
>.< well.... i guess thats

well.... i guess thats the end of bombing in JK runs.
the range on them spike attacks is to much, i've been getting KO'd in a couple of shots just while I'm charging half a screen away from them.
there's no more satisfying feeling when you blow the bajeebus out of jellies...this is your fault boswick
I'm sure i'll work around it.... but for now im hating these ugly looking jellies

I died less times in FSC..... problem?

It's not so bad, from what

It's not so bad, from what I've seen. Move in looping circles, but never cross your own path to prevent them from leading us, and watch for the tell-tale rubble around our feet. It's not much different from what we do anyway. I'm more worried about what it'll be like trying to do that with shivermist around our feet =/ Think I'll call shivermist a strict no-no to jellies anymore. It's just not worth it, and there was never much of a reason to do it anyway.

What I don't like is that the jellies' 'charge' comes AFTER the rubble graphic.

(Edit)...Now that I look at them, they really don't lead us that much, but we still can't do the 'step-in, step-out' trick anymore. Long as we don't keep a regular path, we're MOSTLY okay. They do lead strafing gunners slightly though >< pretty much relegates them to single shots.

Legacy Username
I was using bombs without

I was using bombs without being hit in Jelly Palace/Jelly King. Learn to keep moving, and learn to keep an eye out on all of your surroundings.

The problem in Firestorm Citadel is that it's not much of a challenge once you learn the ''tricks''. Most of the battles you're in in every Citadel stage can have you kill off everything from the safety of a barrier and/or other obstacles. It's incredibly broken, in a, ''This shouldn't be so simple and easy'' sort of way. Vanaduke is also very easy since he's just a very large Trojan, but with a few extra attacks.

Eeks's picture
You can still bomb jelly

You can still bomb jelly cubes. Just use the same bombing pattern you use for devilites. This works in T2 and T3 unless they randomly do the perpendicular spike pattern then you're kind of defenseless.

I don't know what your

I don't know what your problem with jellies is... their aim is terrible, just stay in motion OR keep some distance (no need to do both). As long as you don't constantly run back to your old position right in the moment the attack they started 3 seconds ago is about to come through, they should be easier than before. Watching the swordies, the new attacks seem to be a much bigger problem for them. As bomber & gunslinger I mostly just enjoy that jellies now tend to keep some distance instead of trying to surround me (no more forcing me to shieldbump when really I want to charge a bomb).

Fallout's picture

eh well for me with my permanent lagg, the time between seeing the charge attack and it hitting you is null. turning gunner seems appropriate, i need a new experience once i complete my bomb collection haha.

As long as you don't constantly run back to your old position

haha, and that used to be my tactic for JK.... blast bombing is a joke there now. and as for the swordies- i seemed to do better spamming left click with a sword at the jellies then bombing. anyways i got around most of it (still got hit a lot)
just used a freezy atom instead of nitro (which i now miss); which also eliminates the 'can't see' thing people had with shiver =/

Thanks for the tips guys, i shall not be so discouraged to play JK anymore.

Grrr, yeah, it's getting

Grrr, yeah, it's getting frustrating the amount of creatures that are simply easier to just smack down with a sword. Grievers, devilites, now jellies, even gun puppies and Trojans to some degree. Heck, the ease with which I smack down a gremlin healer with just a Vile Striker is such a startling contrast, It's almost infuriating that they make one of the creatures we trivialized into a pain in the ass. Practically literally.

Add in the focus on swords in general, and it's just discouraging.

Legacy Username
Combo: Vortex & Radiant Sunshard

Hi guys, what do you guys think about sucking monster with vortex and place a sunshard near the vortex to get 2-3 hits on monster? I've tried doing this, the monster gets shard damage + graviton's final blow. Do you think this tactic would be more efficient than spamming sunshard? Btw, if im not mistaken, there isnt any monster that are weak to graviton and shard damage. So is it worth sacrificing shard spamming time to gather the monster and deal small amount of shadow damage?


Fallout's picture

your mekz 0.o
but i'm not sure on this one, havn't tried it myself - but i know spamming sunshard is quite effective.

also updating myself:
i have all 15 bomb lines now, but I am in need of a few recipes >.<
so I am looking for an irontech destroyer (no one sells it on AH and i am yet to find it anywhere)
i can buy all the others from AH, just need to level all my unused bombs like fiery vap mk2 and an unupgraded toxic vaporizer =/

so anyways
Shivermist Buster
Graviton Bomb
Spike Shower
Master Blast Bomb(for BAB)
Irontech Destroyer (neeeeeeed recipe >.< lol)
Ionised Salt bomb
Heavy Deconstructor
Fiery Vaporizer mk11
Toxic Vaporizer
Static Flash
Cold Snap
Proto Bomb

Fraxur's picture
Here are some questions

Here are some questions:
1. If you are only to equip 2 bombs, which bombs will you equip?
2. Big Angry Bomber vs Graviton Vortex vs Nitronome vs Irontech Destroyer, which one is better or what are the advantages of using each one of them?
3. What are the most preferred bombs of each damage type?

Legacy Username

1. For FSC, I'm enjoying Shiver + Nitro. Otherwise I like to roll with Shiver and Ash. Play with the different bombs, see what works for you.

2. Nitronome is a middle-of-the-road bomb, and as a result has none of the drawbacks which "balances" the other bombs. Eeks wrote a comparison of the different blast bombs earlier in the thread.

Graviton Vortex was just recently added to the blast bomb line, previously it started at just 4*. It is more of a novelty bomb than one you'd actually want to use at the moment. Check out the Bomb Balance thread for the many reasons why the Graviton line isn't usable.

3. There aren't a lot of options for bombs right now. So...
Normal Damage: Nitro
Piercing Damage: Dark Briar Barrage (sadly the Crystal line stops at 4*, limiting its damage capability)
Elemental: Shiver or Ash as there is no elemental blast bomb... the haze bomb line just has a small elemental blast, their strength is instead in the status effects.
Shadow: No options, so Graviton is best?

Fallout's picture

My holidays are coming up in about a week, and I'm feeling a start to a wiki page with a complete bombing guide for no apparent reason. I'm planning to add top-down strategy sketches with each of the main tactics, as well as a few bombing combo's i find work. i guess ima have to find my compass and a wad of paper.... shall be fun - and definitely add to it if you can.... i have no idea what other tactics there are besides the ones i use. e.g. i saw some awesome use of Graviton vortex in FSC the other day.... makes me want to put gravidos ahead for leveling instead of BAB and them other vaps i don't use.

Legacy Username
In case anyone was wondering...

My in game name is Leafy-papercraft. I can't wait for your guide Fallout!

Legacy Username
I'm starting to get more

I'm starting to get more seriously into bombing, and so far it's been...interesting. Right now I'm working on the mechanics of the bombs and CTR.

I spent some time in the training ground running a stopwatch on various bombs. Currently, I'm a bit limited on which pieces I can use, so the sample size of different combos is small.

As far as CTR goes, there are 6 ranks to reach max. How you get those ranks (bomb, armor, helm) doesn't seem to make any difference. All bombs go to +2 CTR time at level 10.
1 Medium = 2 Lows, 1 High = 3 Lows or 1 Medium and 1 Low.
So, Medium, Medium, Medium = Max CTR. This can be achieved multiple ways:
1) Full mad bomber, and a level 10 bomb
2) Mad bomber armor, volcanic helm, level 10 bomb
3) Any armor, mad/volcanic helm, level 10 bomb with medium CTR UV

Each point of CTR of the 6 reduces a bomb's charge time by .2 seconds. So a total reduction of 1.2 seconds seems to be the best possible.

Two same-tier bombs with identical speed ratings can have wildly different charge times (I checked Fiery Vaporizer vs Spine Cone, and there's a .9 second difference in charge time, despite the speed bars being the same)

On every bomb line except for the Crystal (since they don't use a radius at all), each star improvement in a direct line gives a half a "square" of radius improvement. Different bomb lines have different starting points though, so you end up with different total volumes covered. The smallest bomb radius I've seen is 1.5 squares, which is the Haze line. If a bomb line diverges off the main path, the volume may not scale up eg: You go Super Blast -> Graviton. Super Blast is 2.5 squares, but Graviton stays the same despite being a higher tier.

1.5 square radius = 7.06 squares hit.
2" radius = 12.56 squares hit.
2.5" radius = 19.66 squares hit.
3" radius = 28.27 squares hit.
3.5 radius = 38.48 squares hit.
4" radius = 50.26 squares hit.

1.5 Bombs: Proto, Fiery Vaporizer, Freezing Vaporizer, Toxic Vaporizer
2 Bombs: Cold Snap, Firecracker, Static Flash, Fiery Vaporizer II, Freezing Vaporizer II, Toxic Vaporizer II, Spine Cone
2.5 Bombs: Blast, Fiery Atomizer, Freezing Atomizer, Toxic Atomizer, Twisted Spine Cone, Graviton, Graviton Vortex***
3 Bombs: Haze, Super Blast, Ash Of Agni, Shivermist Buster, Venom Veiler, Spike Shower, Deconstructor, Big Angry, Irontech, Irontech Destroyer***
3.5 Bombs: Master Blast, Dark Briar Barrage, Heavy Deconstructor
4 Bombs: Only the Nitronome.

***Seems strange that the higher tiers of these 2 bombs do not upgrade in blast radius. Could be a bug. Particularly for the Irontech.

Little wonder everyone loves the Nitro. Biggest blast radius available, no walk speed penalties, very high damage, and hits with Normal so nothing resists it.

Eeks's picture
DBB has the same radius as

DBB has the same radius as nitronome. Not sure why you have it listed with the smaller radius bombs.



do you actually have all these bombs to test? You say the shivermist buster and ash of agni (venom veiler etc) have smaller radii than a nitronome... but I find this to be untrue, even the opposite. In fact, the more a look back at your radii discussion section, the less I understand what you are saying.

Legacy Username
No, I don't have most of

No, I don't have most of them. What I couldn't check in-game, I was going by youtube videos of bombs being used, and screencaps in the wiki.

Annoyingly, the wiki picture for the Shivermist is after a detonation instead of the circle prior to it, but the pictures on the other vaporizers are clear, and I can't think of why the radius on the SMB would be larger.

I was not portraying myself as the ultimate authority on bombs...I thought that was made reasonably clear by the first sentence of my original post. I've found that there's a severe shortage on basic information regarding bomb function, and I'm trying to remedy that. Charge times, volume effected, fuse times...these are all pretty critical pieces of information, and there's no one place you can look to find them.

Legacy Username
Looking for advice

Hi, novice interested in starting bombing here.

I spammed out a bunch of haze bombs and bought some more; and ended up with this collection:
2x CTR low
CTR high
2x vs undead low
vs Construct low

I plan to eventually make all the haze bomb lines, but start out with the fire/cold ones first. Should I use the CTR ones only, or is it better to, for example, lose 1 ctr reduction and instead use the vs construct on ash of agni? There seems to be differing opinions in this thread, as well as mixes in what people seem to have.

Also, should I keep the CTR high and use it while my armour doesn't give very much CTR (until I can afford the 5* sets, which will be a long time on mist energy playing) or just sell it for funds to try to make/buy a CTR blast bomb?

I'm planning on getting volcanic bombing set first, then maybe mad bomber armour to switch out sometimes.

Edit: Is it possible to play pure bomber with 2 slots? Like having a collection of bombs and 1 backup gun, and swapping them in/out per strata? I saw some people say they can solo tier 3 with nitronome, how do they handle gun puppies and those annoying spike paths with rest spots blocked with blocks?

Legacy Username
So, here's an interesting

So, here's an interesting tidbit. It seems the minimum bomb charge time is 2 seconds. At least, that's how it is for the Super Blast Bomb. I have one with CTR Medium, and the base charge time was 2.2 seconds. Add on a demo helm and it's down to 2. Then I leveled it up to 5, and the charge time didn't go down. I tried with and without the demo helm on, and it didn't change.

I wonder if this is a hard floor for all bombs, or if it is type specific.

Legacy Username
(~O_^)^ Well now...

I wish to congratulate you for your methodology of the old art of blowing $#!T up. Though I have to admit that when I bought my first proto bomb, and I bet you know, I was a n00b then, and it was a painstaken process. Therefore I have not played with a bomb since.

However, I have been increasing my arsenal for quite some time, including the bombs. Therefore, now being even past "newb", I have acquired certain tactics for swords and guns. If you wish here are some of my tactics to share, and lend me some of your more detailed methods of bombing.

- Run and shoot, especially solo or in teams on those "arenas".
- Push (shield) and shoot to keep enemies at a distance.

- I prefer heavy swords because of their push-back ability.
- 1-swing then shield repetition: keeps multiple targets at bay and pushes those missed target farther with the shield. I do this because heavy weapons have a drawback time, which leaves you open for attack. Thus the shield after the first swing blocks attacks (and of course room to evade).

- Of course to push and hold.
- Push enemies farther from allies so they can use guns, but never acquired a REAL team to do it.

Otherwise, I try to equip the right stuff but I am still experimenting.

Please I would love to play demo some time, but I want a recipe for the demo suit. Until then, I am just to level up my t2 equipment.

Legacy Username
Charge time

@Matuse how were you recording the charge time for the bombs? I found that Master Blast at CTR Max had a charge time of just 1.35 seconds. For Ash the minimum I got at CTR Max was 1.9s.

Legacy Username

im not sure how to record the charge time, but thers no real charge bar and the animation often lies, u can end up placing the bomb before the animation lets u know

eventually the animation doesnt always change while the charge time does, yet u cant always be 100% sure when the charge is over

also, the game lags whatsoever make a huge difference even in advanced training hall, the charge times never felt the same to me all the time, just about a standard minimum value, which could be the maximum delay caused by lag, i got used to

its not good to not mention the methods of ur testings

Legacy Username
Stopwatch in one hand,

Stopwatch in one hand, mousebutton in the other. Press start on both, press stop on the stopwatch when the little "ding" of the full charge goes off.

I time each bomb 20-25 times to account for human reaction times.

Eeks's picture
I think the best way to test

I think the best way to test this would be to use an autoclicker.

Riodaisho's picture
Dear Fallout, I hate you, you

Dear Fallout,

I hate you, you made me make a Shivermist Buster which is actually useful and fun to use,

sincerely, Rio

PS: I want my deaths due to lack of frozen enemies back.

Fallout's picture
Dear Riodaisho,

You are intruding my front lawn
=/ its your own fault.... i think....
Sincerely, Fall

PS: Remember i only just upgraded mine recently cus i r poor =S

Eeks's picture
Hey guys I decided to test

Hey guys I decided to test CTR bonuses with the use of an autoclicker. Unfortunately, once I got down to pinpointing the shortest release to drop a bomb the results got a little inconsistent. I'm guessing this is due to latency. Once I get within 100ms I start getting duds where I won't be droping the bomb half the time. While these charge times aren't precise, they are pretty accurate and they're probably enough to gather the information we need. I basically started charge time high then went down until it wouldn't charge reliably then went back up until it was relatively reliable (i.e. 8 out of 10 charges)

HAZE 3180 2960 2700 2447 2230 1975 1755
BLST 2200 2040 1866 1701 1545 1400 1225
*Time in milliseconds (round UP to get reliable charge times w/ latency)

HAZE 6.92% 15.09% 23.05% 29.87% 37.89% 44.81%
BLST 7.27% 15.18% 22.68% 29.77% 36.36% 44.32%

Other observations: Graviton and Big Angry bomb have the charge time of Haze bombs. Dark Briar falls under Blast bomb charge.

Fallout's picture
=O cool eeks. also i think

=O cool eeks. also i think irontech Des is bout the same as haze... ill check

Legacy Username
Nice data eeks! These are

Nice data eeks! These are more consistent than the method I was trying to use by taking screencasts and counting frames. What autokey program did you end up using? I can try out some different swords and bombs too.

Any chance of trying out Radiant and Ion, curious to see if they fall under those two categories?

I'm surprised Graviton is only as slow as Haze... it seems so slow; probably just caused by the painful walk speed making 2.7 seconds feel like forever.

Eeks's picture
Hey culture, I have more info

Hey culture, I have more info on how I did the tests here:

I went ahead and tested radiant sun shards. I tested low and ultra and they line up with the blast bomb. Unfortunately I don't have ionized salt bomb so I can't test that. D:

Legacy Username
Hello, first of all, thanks


first of all, thanks for this thread! It was very helpful. My career is set now as the bomber in our group. The Spiral Suit even looks like the one Bomberman wears... :D

My bombs of choice right now are Freezing Vaporizer MK II for CC and the Super Blast Bomb for damage. I have plans for an Ash of Agni for later, but the two-star version I have right now has an explosion radius of a beer mat, so I will wait for upgrades.

However, sometimes I feel quite useless when it goes to finishing single mobs, destroying crates/crystals or blocks. Against Snarbolax I was left dodging around uselessly. So I use a Calibur for that right now. I thought that maybe I could use a sword that complements the weaknesses of my bombs. Since the Haze Bombs are elemental, how about going for a (shadow damage), or (both piercing)? Any other sword lines you would recommend? Or don't use any swords at all and stand around while others do the work for you? What do you say?

Eeks's picture
Haze bombs deal elemental

Haze bombs deal elemental damage but only in a very small radius around the bomb. The rest is the mist ring that applies status but NOT elemental damage. There are always going to be stragglers when you're bombing. It's sort of the nature of dealing with AoE damage which you're applying at uneven rates and to enemies that spawn at different times. The calibur is a very good choice for this. A UV calibur with higher CTR is an even better choice.

The reason the calibur series (leviathan alchemy path being the better of the two) is so good for a bomber is because it deals normal damage so it is equally good and bad against all types of stragglers. Clean up duty should be taken seriously and the fastest way to deal with single targets is using a sword.

It just happens that the best sword for dealing with stragglers also fits the bomb playstyle perfectly. The calibur has one of the best charge attacks in the game. It is essentially an extremely high damage, low-radius, no-fuse bomb and that's exactly how I use it.

Legacy Username
I was going to come in here

I was going to come in here and ask about Nitronome vs. Irontech, but there's a post about it earlier in the thread, plus I'm pretty sure all the conversation about how good Nitronome is is good enough of an endorsement anyways.

Got me a Freezing Atomizer, and will be getting a Nitronome as soon as possible. Looking forward to seeing the craters!

Legacy Username
Whats the best bomb to use

Whats the best bomb to use for pure DPS? as a pure bomber, is it the nitronome, or big angry bomb, or one of the crystal bomb series, or possibly dark briar barrage?

Eeks's picture
- Nitronome+Ash of Agni is

- Nitronome+Ash of Agni is probably the best DPS combo (possibly in the game).
- DBB is a very good alternative for wolvers, gremlins, devilites but it takes an adjustment period if you're used to nitronome.
- Crystal Bomb series is OK but it only out-damages the nitronome if it hits twice or three times which you can't rely on. Sometimes it hits, sometimes it doesn't. It has a much higher learning curve than the other two bombs.

Big Angry Bomb is not good. The push seems to be between a DA and Levi charge which means it pushes enemies very far back. It has a longer fuse and charge time so even though it does more base damage than the nitronome, the attacks are unleashed at a slower rate. One usability issue with the BAB is that it will push enemies so far out that they will be unlikely to reenter the damage circle (which is smaller than the nitronome) by the time the 2nd bomb explodes. Assuming you're even able to get a chain started despite the long fuse time and slow walking speed holding you back, you'll likely only be hitting enemies every other bomb which is terrible for DPS.

I have not used irontech but it's between nitronome and BAB in dmg but has a longer fuse than BAB which isn't very user-friendly. No clue on the charge time.

Legacy Username
eek5: Thanks for the

Thanks for the interesting reply! So if you encounter the elemental-resistant gremlins or beasts in Tier 3, you finish them with common-damage bombs like Nitronome and Leviathan? Of course I didn't aquire the Freezing Vaporizer for the damage ;-) Or do you say a status effect like fire is NOT elemental and thus deals normal damage to gremlins and beasts?

But Leviathan ist fine for me, no hassle finding all the recipes :-)

Eeks's picture
It's a bit confusing but fire

It's a bit confusing but fire deals fire damage, not elemental. Some enemies are more resistant to fire (or just plain immune). I almost always finish stragglers with my sword. For a single target, it is the fastest way to "snipe" an enemy. For groups of enemies I'll deal with them using AoE from bombs. The thing you'll quickly find is that bombs get very inefficient the smaller the group gets. For example you might be in the last wave of an arena w/ gremlin menders. Kiting with the ash of angi will out-dps mender heal for most of the mobs but once it gets down to 2 menders and 2 mobs it could take forever to kill them (if it's even possible) with the ash of agni. At this point it is best to switch to sword and snipe out the remaining enemies.

Another thing about the leviathan is that it combos very well with the shivermist. Freezing an enemy will allow you to charge up the levi and do the full 3 hit combo on them instead of 1 or 2 hits and then knocking them out of range.

Legacy Username
I read it up, now I

I read it up, now I understand the difference better. Thanks for your insights and guidance!

Fallout's picture
ok irontech destroyer is the

ok irontech destroyer is the same as blast bombs, radiant sun shards also seems to be the same. ionized is in a league of its own... slower than haze.

cant get any time on them cus i dont have no program for it lol. but ill your way eeks in the future.

Eeks's picture
I can confirm Radiant Sun

I can confirm Radiant Sun Shards CTR. Heavy Deconstructor also has blast bomb charge time.

Legacy Username
So I have aquired two Haze

So I have aquired two Haze Bombs and a Calibur with low CTR quite cheaply from the AH, I will work on upgrading them. Blast Bombs with reduced CTR are very expensive though, I'm considering just mass-crafting them myself. Then again, that's 50 energy every time...

One more question for you elite bombers: How do you deal with Greavers?
When charging up my bomb I seem to be too slow to run away from them, and they really hurt. Using a sword seems to be more sensible. Still, they are not easily defeated, because they are so fast. And if several follow you at once, there is a good chance at least one will attack at the same time you do.

Eeks's picture
Here are some greaver

Here are some greaver clears:

Greaver Clears

Sun shards also works surprisingly well since the greavers close in on it and get hit multiple times.

Legacy Username
My solution to the greaver

My solution to the greaver issue is a gun. Additionally, it solves the gun puppy and lumber issues. Also phantoms.

Legacy Username
eek5: Wow, you got something

Wow, you got something for every issue, don't you? Kind of comforting that you take damage, too ;-)
Still, I'm not sure I could pull those fast bomb - U turn - bomb moves as efficiently as you. The better I get, the more I become aware of the bad latency for an action game. I'm used to 20-30 ms, but as the servers are in the US and I'm from Germany, I guess I will have to live with that.

Probably, yes. But after realizing that being pure bomber has some serious downsides which can be resolved by using a sword as well, I'm not yet ready to also use guns. *g*

Legacy Username

ty for mentioning the nitro and ash combo, made me play with bombs again

just wondering, is ther any use for a shivermist? i dont really find it useful anymore, it doesnt kill, it doesnt really protect(just puts obstacles in the way and disables knockback), oilers arent really an issue either by now

also, does the %- dmg- increase from venom veiler poison debuff get higher at higher tiers? or is it the same percentage because of the same MINOR poison?

and whens new weaps coming out T.T

Eeks's picture
>Still, I'm not sure I could

>Still, I'm not sure I could pull those fast bomb - U turn - bomb moves as efficiently as you. The better I get, the more I become aware of the bad latency for an action game. I'm used to 20-30 ms, but as the servers are in the US and I'm from Germany, I guess I will have to live with that.

I made that when I was testing DBB to post in the bomb balance thread. Even though it is possible, I don't think it is really viable. Sun shards seems to work really well though and nitronome (as you can see in the video) is a very safe way to deal with them as long as you can drop the bomb before you get hit. The nitronome pushes them away allowing you enough time to drop another one. Note that you don't need to u-turn or dance around greavers with the nitronome; you can just drop it and shield on top of it and let them fly into the blast radius. The sun shard method works similarly to this but you get no knockback, it just does more dmg than the DBB.

>just wondering, is ther any use for a shivermist?
I rarely use the shivermist anymore outside of very specific situations (i.e. fire strata). I was using it most in devilite levels to hold them where they spawned so I could DBB but the ash has a better advantage. The DBB two shots devilites at the top of a strata but towards the bottom and on the back end of a tier it takes 3 DBB to kill but if you ash of agni instead of shiv you can still do it in two since the fire ticks will even it out. Basically, if you can deal with mob attack patterns the ash is better but if you need to do crowd control, the shiv is better. There are few things that deal with retrodes better than shiv+levi combo.

>also, does the %- dmg- increase from venom veiler poison debuff get higher at higher tiers? or is it the same percentage because of the same MINOR poison?
I haven't tested it specifically but the def debuff from poison on the VV isn't very good at any tier. It is probably the worst solo bomb you can use and in a team setting it doesn't make a huge impact outside of specific rooms where there are healers. Even then, you can easily do a shiv+levi to snipe a healer or snipe them out with DBB which would probably serve your team better.

Eeks's picture
@Fallout I tested the ionized


I tested the ionized salt bomb. It has a 4.2s base charge time and 3.57s charge time at medium. Pretty brutal lol

HAZE 3180 2960 2700 2447 2230 1975 1755
BLST 2200 2040 1866 1701 1545 1400 1225
IONI 4200 3850 3570 3250 2950 ---- ----
*Time in milliseconds

HAZE 6.92% 15.09% 23.05% 29.87% 37.89% 44.81%
BLST 7.27% 15.18% 22.68% 29.77% 36.36% 44.32%
IONI 8.33% 15.00% 22.62% 29.76% ------ ------

Legacy Username
First time post! Knew right

First time post! Knew right off when starting the game that I wanted to play a Bomber. This thread has been quite informational and inspiring (in a maniacal squee kind of way!).

A few questions:

-I am currently running (in tier 2, mostly JKs atm) a Super Blast Bomb, Sealed Sword, and 2/3-star Demo Set/Gloamwood Shield (can't remember the name atm). Planning to upgrade the shield with a Jelly Shield, and getting a Haze Bomb going.
I am not sure which Haze Bomb to grab first though. As I'm running JKs mostly, a Toxic Vaporizer would be most immediately useful, but reading the threads, the Fiery seems more useful overall. Tips? I assume CTR: Medium+ would be the best UV to attempt getting, but the suggested monster damage ones earlier in the thread would be fine too?

-Armor UVs: I haven't seen much suggestions on these yet. The wiki reads that status defenses are better than protections, opinions? I got a Shadow Protection: High when I upgraded to my Fused Demo Suit. Wondering if that's worth keeping and if so, which 5-star version I should aim to upgrade it to.

Any other thoughts and suggestions for a relative newbie? I know Calibur is suggested for a fallback weapon, but any preferences or bashing on my Sealed Sword is fine. ^.^

Thanks for the reads!