The Elite Bomber Thread

1027 replies [Last post]
Rangerwillx's picture
blast bomb time

Do you think a shadow/elemental blast bomb line would be awesome or what?
I mean sure, it might be way OP, but heh it would be fun.

Eeks's picture
I don't get why they would be

I don't get why they would be OP. DA charge can already hit an entire group for more dmg than a nitro vs undead/construct in a larger area and with more useful knockback and OOO hasn't done anything about that.

Negimasonic's picture
honestly, I still want a

honestly, I still want a potential expansion of cold snap/firecracker. Cold snap is what got me into the haze bomb series for freezing anyway (at the time). Though you couldn't use it for vana like you could with shivermist, I think it might be fun to have what is essentially a freezing/flaming nitronome.

Eeks's picture
I wouldn't mind seeing the

I wouldn't mind seeing the lesser statuses get made into cold snape-like bombs. Poison & stun would work perfectly with those and actually be helpful compared to their haze style counterparts.

The only thing with a 5*I coldsnap/firecracker is I don't think they could keep the nitro radius and I'm not ready to let go of that. Poison/stun wouldn't be OP at that size though .. at least in my opinion.

I'd still like to see an ele/shadow bomb before then though.

Iron-Volvametal's picture
Elite Boom Module+Full Mad Bomber Set=Good?

So, if I happen to get a Mad Bomber Set(Which is what I'm aiming for) & I buy a Trinket Slot for an Elite Boom Module to get Max! CTR & Damage, will it be worth it? Are the CTR & Dmg Bonuses worth it?

(By the way, I'm thinking of rolling a LOT of 2 UVs for the Armor & Helm to resist the De-Buffs.)

Eeks's picture
yes and yes

yes and yes

Fallout's picture

damn, finally maxed my irontech destroyer.... it is still terrible >.<
i guess i'll have to try BAB now to compare.

Iron-Volvametal's picture
Man, I want Irontech & Big Angry bomb to get buffed.

They look really good, but their radius & Fuse are a joke. I really want at least a Weapon Costume, but a Buff at the very least.

I mean, with a name like "BIG" Angry Bomb, its pretty Short.

And "IRONTECH DESTROYER" would have a Construct Bonus or something.

If I could change it, I would make it, so that the BAB has a very large radius, but a very long Charge & Fuse.

For ItD, I would give it a bit bigger radius, & a shorter Fuse.

Kinda off Topic, but the same with Skolver & Vog Cub. I saw someone say it somewhere, but I forgot where.
Skolver's description says its attacks are fast as blinding speed, but it gives Damage Bonus, instead.
Vog Cub is made out of a Powerful, Legendary Beast, but it has an ASI Bonus.

We also need moar Bombs, explosive ones especially.

Looking at the conversation above, they should really make a 5* Line for the Firecracker, Cold Snap, etc.
An Explosive, Status inflicting Bomb? Why, yes, I would love that.

Fallout's picture
@SkullKid Hooray for bomb
Legacy Username
Umm, the PvP bombs

Does anyone here have the five star haze bomb?
I'd love to hear about it. I got a tad lucky while crafting, and my Haze Bomb MkII
has a rather high CTR.

Eeks's picture
I have the Stagger Storm.

I have the Stagger Storm. Unequipped it and haven't looked back since. It makes the venom veiler look good.

Legacy Username

Well now I'm just sad. I was really looking forward to it.
Oh, and while I'm here, how is the electron vortex?

Eeks's picture
It's OK if you use a sword as

It's OK if you use a sword as a secondary with low knockback and high dmg on charge.

Legacy Username
Such as

an Acheron? or if not, what could I get? the Glacius?
or what if I tried to curse people with the swing of a Gran Faust while they were trapped, would they be
knocked away?

Michaelb's picture
which one?

I have a Master Blast Bomb and i originally wanted to get a Big Angry Bomb,
but then i got cold feet about it because of what the bomber guide said about
how it's really slow and that it doesn't have a big radius at all.

I'm trying to choose between BAB and Nitronome, but i noticed that this
discussion seems to have lots of good bombers. So I'm wondering if some-
one could help me choose.

I also want to know if Irontech Destroyer is a good option.

Fallout's picture
ew Big Angry Bomb. The guide

ew Big Angry Bomb. The guide is accurate (unless eeks is trying to sell the unsellable) and nitronome really is your best option. its really a waste of time effort and energy if you decide on BAB and its something you'll be dissapointed with. I cry every time i take it into a dungeon. Irontech Destroyer is a terrible option, it does 13 more damage than nitro at level 10 with no extra positives, no options for chaining and pure frustration - it is worse than BAB =S.
Pleeeeaaase go with Nitronome, there are reasons it is chosen over the other two, so unless you are confident in losing some money stick with nitro ;)

Legacy Username
Vortex + Sword Charge

Combining one of the Vortex bombs with a sword charge can yield some pretty high damage. A solo pure bomber won't find much use in the Vortex lines because they only really produce high damage when combined with a sword. Also of note is that the 5* bombs work much better than the 4* versions. Although the fuse radius is the same for the bombs, the suction area is larger and the suction time is slightly longer making it much easier to combo.

Because of its shadow damage, Slimes and Gremlins benefit most from the Graviton Vortex. Even better, use an Acheron charge attack with them. In the same way, Constructs and Undead will be most damaged by the Electron Vortex + Combuster/Glacius/Voltedge charge attack. Really though, you can use either bomb and any of those swords for great results. The Dread Venom Striker also works... but enemies in the vortex can still attack so will be quite dangerous.

The Glacius has an advantage that any enemies frozen by the charge attack will be stuck in the Vortex once it explodes, rather than flinging them away. This isn't too much of a problem though, because if you manage to get enough enemies in the Vortex so that it is over crowded (5+ enemies depending on their size?) then they won't be flung away at the end.

Swords with sufficient knockback in their charge attack such as Leviathan, DA, GF, Troika line, etc. are going to typically push enemies out of the Vortex, limiting their damage dealing abilities. There is an exception to this when using an Electron Vortex - if the charge attack is released at the moment that the Vortex goes off then the shock effect will prevent knockback, as through they were frozen in place. This is very difficult to time, but deals a massive amount of damage. The basic combo of a DA/GF/Troika will also tend to knock some enemies out of the Vortex, leaving one vulnerable as any enemies still inside will be in attack range while you are recovering... can get messy.

One note about using Graviton on Gremlins in T3 - to deal with their shields you will want to aggro them. This way they will turn to face you when in the vortex. Unfortunately their shields will frequently block the vortex explosion... but the explosion damage is secondary to the bomb's use anyways.

Michaelb's picture

@Fallout: ty for the advice.

but why did you say in your intro that Irontech is good?

Iron-Volvametal's picture
Hey, yeah.

^ That's wut I want to know, too. ._. ^

Fallout's picture

I wrote that forevers ago, before they buffed all the mobs rendering Irontech useless. I'm not sure i said it was good, it was just fun to use. I hadn't use BAB back then either so i didn't really have anything to compare knockback to, I assumed Irontech had the better knockback but later found i was wrong xD.

Haven't read that initial post in a while....i guess it needs some revision.

Legacy Username
down for some bombing runs

hey fallout if your still doing some t2-3 bombing runs id be down look up Blastdragon. hes my bomber some what new to the play style. but i enjoy it alot haveing funw ith master blast bomb with just me and a friend i try soloing arenas mostly when using this to avoid knocking mobs into friendly targets so they dont get gibbed. but one issue i keep running into. other than my blast bombs my other bombs are some what poor dmg wise. i have a fire cracker a rock salt bomb gravation bomb (good for jelly CC )) i am thinking about makeing a shivermist. i seen it in use with gravatation with 2 swordmens made a jelly arena go very smoth.

Fallout's picture
Heh, hit me up with an invite

Heh, hit me up with an invite anytime =p, I'm on almost all day on weekends and this time +/- 3hours

I think there needs to be more offensive bombers.... and shivermist isn't really needed as most swordies carry one nowadays. ditch the rock salt and trade it for an RSS if you plan on upgrading it and turn that shivermist into an ash =p. Graviton is also fun for team killing ;) so its nice you have that and like it.

Fraxur's picture
About Radiant Sun Shards

So I crafted a Sun Shards recently and was told that this bomb isn't good, even in FSC (he said that I don't know how to use it so it might suck because I am using it). There might be posts about RSS in this thread but I am just too lazy to flick through all the 8 pages. So can you tell me is Sun Shards good? And how should I use it? I read the Bombing Guide and it says spamming (in non-Wolver, Gremlin and Devilite environment) is good, but that guy said spamming any bomb is never good (which I totally agree). Really need advice, if it isn't good I wouldn't bother upgrading it to RSS.

Eeks's picture


It's OK in FSC. It's not the best though and using it is very risky. You basically have to kite with it which means you need real estate to move and there isn't a lot of that in FSC. It also doesn't always do a lot of damage because shards will miss, especially when numbers start to thin out. Using it in tandem with graviton has good payoff but it is also super risky, leaves a lot of stragglers that are difficult to clean up with RSS (since it gets so inefficient at low mob numbers).

I think there are better bombs/weapons to use in FSC but RSS is usable and if you can get it to work for your playstyle then you should go for it. :)

What bombs would you

What bombs would you recommend for FSC? I've been taking Nitro/Shiver/RSS but I'm finding that I only really use rss in situations where nitro would disrupt the team or I want to faux-shoot Vanaduke, I'm starting to think I should run DBB or possibly Electron Vortex over it. Or is Nitro & Shiver all you really need for FSC?

Fraxur's picture
Can you pls also give more

Can you pls also give more detailed advice on how to use RSS (not just a video because sometimes you can't interpret everything correctly from a video)? And what other bombs are good for FSC? Shivermist Buster is one but it is always used for crowd control not damage. I am guessing Nitronome but since I never go on my own, the huge explosion and blue cloud could really annoy my teammates. But don't you need to kite with other bombs? I know Nitronome knocks enemies back but sometimes a poorly place one can allow enemies to retaliate.

Eeks's picture
I wrote more about the RSS in

I wrote more about the RSS in FSC here.

Electron Vortex
Voltaic Tempest
Dark Briar Barrage
Radiant Sun Shards
Venom Veiler

are all decent FSC bombs. I've never used VV in FSC but if you get hit a lot it might help. I don't know. I mainly run Nitro/EV, Nitro/VT, or Nitro/DBB. Sometimes I'll run RSS but pretty rarely since I find it a bit too risky.

Fraxur's picture
Thanks a lot, I guess I'd

Thanks a lot, I guess I'd upgrade it to RSS to see its effectiveness before deciding if i should ditch it or keep it.

Negimasonic's picture
I used it today. Pretty fun

I used it today. Pretty fun but kind of made me miss what does the job better my gigawatt pulsar. The damage of the RSS is superior though in FSC. I think by like 40 or so points, but there's the fact that you can't aim perfectly to consider (and no shock chance). I didn't get to use it much on Vanaduke but I'm pretty sure that's probably for the best lol.

Still, I'm kind of having fun with it. There's a tier 3 devilite gate and I'm currently using that a bit to turn the tide, though I find myself having to still use shivermist to help. (Got lucky with some friends, they helped me get a crystal bomb UV vs Fiend Medium and CTR low).

I might give the snarby bomb a chance now that I've made this but I'm kind of wondering whether to bother or not. I mean it seems like its a slower nitronome that happens to deal piercing isn't it? (also looking into perhaps one of the piercing swords, but this isn't the topic for that).

Eeks's picture
DBB has the same charge and

DBB has the same charge and walk speed as the nitronome. It just has a longer fuse so set-up takes longer. This partially allows it to be used as kiting bomb (since there is no knockback) or it can be used normally if you dodge the first couple of attacks. It does take a bit getting used to as it isn't a 1:1 copy of the Nitronome but I think it is worth it.

Negimasonic's picture
I'll give it a try eventually

I'll give it a try eventually then, I managed to clear Stygian Steeds d27 alone after that (Twisted Snarble Barb , Radiant Sun Shards, and Shivermist Buster) so I'm starting to think about using it less anyway.

Selenashine's picture
Hm. ISB and RSS have

Hm. ISB and RSS have different charge times? It doesn't show that in the description :(
I really wish they made speed indicate how long it takes a bomb to charge. Having it be the bombs fuse before exploding is less important, when you just adjust your positioning so enemies still get caught in the blast. Also, I find Stagger Storm quite useful for mecha knights/wolvers in teamplay, but I use a Dread Venom Striker on enemies a lot and charge SS while moving between enemies. I don't believe Snarby bombs deal knockback.

Eeks's picture
ISB has the longest charge of

ISB has the longest charge of any bomb in the game. At level 10 it has a longer charge than a Level 1 Haze Bomb. (lol)

Legacy Username
Why on earth would they do

Why on earth would they do that to ISB, considering its being already bottom-tier in usefulness…

Fallout's picture
back from a week of stress

Apparently its leveled out with the shock damage it deals.....

Legacy Username
So, I need suggestions for my

So, I need suggestions for my third (and probably last) bomb. I'm using the full Mad Bomber set, and I currently have Nitronome, Shivermist Buster, and a Cold Iron Vanquisher.

I'm not sure I need another damage bomb, since the Nitronome takes care of that nicely. What are some ideas for good tertiary bombs?

Tipiak's picture
@biomechanika Dark Briar

@biomechanika Dark Briar Barrage ?

Fallout's picture
If you don't need another

If you don't need another damage bomb..... I don't know, give the vortex a swing - it's fun to use and it'll combo nicely with the CIV. ele/grav doesn't matter, they both do the same thing -> ele just tends to keep the mobs in the radius after the explosion due to the shock. your choice ;)


Elo. I'm a bombardier running with the full mad bomber set (no UV's) and an owlite shield. I recently came upon some great demo gear (I think?) and I'd like to know which line of armour I should make them into or if I should sell it and turn it into profit to fund other projects. The equips I found are a Fused Demo Helm (Increased Normal Defense Max) and a Spiral Demo Suit (Increased Elemental Defense Max). I don't really want to ruin these so I'm hoping for some feedback from other bombardiers who has had experience. Thanks.

Fallout's picture
well, the max normal would

well, the max normal would probably be of better use on a mad bomber mask as in t3 you'll probably want to switch the mask out for a v demo helm.... but you don't have one =S
the real problem is is that the demo suits already have pretty decent ele and normal defence =/... if you want to keep them just go for the v demo gear as you already have mad bomber, especially v demo suit to help with t3 gunpuppies.
If you can, consider trading the two for other max UVs, like max fire/shadow/piercing/shock. This is a tough question xD I'll let someone else answer it nicely.

Legacy Username
Ash of Angi


If two players both use Ash of Angi.

Is the Fire status stack up? or it just deal damage like one Ash of Angi.

Many thanks

Legacy Username
Counts as one

Two Ashes would count as one fire status. In a large room you can cover more area though so that everything stays on fire regardless of where they run off to. It might be more effective to apply two status effects though using different bombs - Fire/Shock, Fire/Stun, Fire/Poison...

I don't think two Ashes will reapply fire, like you can do with Ash + Shiver. The freeze puts out the fire then the fire thaws the freeze. It happens rapidly and every time fire comes up it does damage (the thaw does no damage.) It looks to be about 50% more effective than just doing Ash. This can cause problems though - if the two bombs are not perfectly on top of each other then you end up with some enemies completely frozen and some not at all. Also the intermittent freeze makes the monsters' actions unpredictable and thus dangerous for the knights. It is super fun to do with a partner though :)

Legacy Username

Thanks for the information..

Fallout's picture
Has anyone done an RSS JK run

Has anyone done an RSS JK run recently? I'm finding it hard to get a single bomb down =S and i don't remember it being this difficult with RSS only. Is it me having issues or actually a buff? either way, now I'm gonna need to get some suits with piercing defence =S

Michaelb's picture
Bomb Pics

I'm getting some pictures of bomb explosions for entertainment.

Should have them by the end of this week.

If anyone wants to see, the blast bomb makes a face when it blows up.

Edit: also, I'm thinking of getting Voltaic Tempest, and am just wondering if it's better than ash of agni.

Oh yes, and do you think that I have to get the bomber sets to become a full bomber? Because I have Vog and Skolver right now, and want to become a bomber...(I have Plasma Capacitor, Graviton Bomb, Master Blast Bomb, and Spike Shower) but I need to knw if it's completely, absolutely necessary to have a bomber set to become a good bomber.

Fallout's picture
The CTR itself is essential.

The CTR itself is essential. whether you get the suits or not it's your choice. You can either get two elite bomb focus mods or the suit its your choice, just remember its the CTR that allows for good DPS and effective bombing.

And explosion-wise, I've done some 10s videos of all the non-vaporizers at 5star but the qualitu is shocking xD --> If you manage to get good quality pictures it'd be awesome.

Legacy Username
CTR and ish

I have several questions about bombs:

1) If a UV: CTR is obtained on a weapon, does it affect the charge time solely on that bomb or all the other bombs/weapons you carry as well?

2) Can a player have a maximum amount of CTR? Is this even possible? If so, what is the cap?

3) Wouldn't the Haze Bomb (5*, I forgot the name) be a viable option for immobilizing mobs as well? Maybe not as good as Freezing Vaporizer (5*) but not freezing them could work to a bomber/swordie's advantage.

1) A UV only affects the

1) A UV only affects the piece of gear that has the UV.

2) CTR Maximum! is the max lol

3) Unfortunately the duration of stun makes Stagger Storm extremely hard to use in anyway that would make it superior to the other status bombs, namely Shivermist. On top of that stun as a status is glitchy beyond belief which doesn't help SS' case at all.

Legacy Username
1) O really? That sucks. But

1) O really? That sucks. But the CTR on bomber armor/helmet affect all weapons that have a charge attack right?

- Wouldn't it be better to obtain a UV: Damage on a Nitronome rather than a UV: CTR? I need an expert who knows their numbers for this one...

Legacy Username

Yeah, the CTR on your armor or trinkets will apply to all your equipped bombs. (One note is that armor can't get a Bomb CTR UV... all armor UVs are going to be defensive.)

There are 6 levels of UV. Each level is going to increase your DPS by about as much as a Damage Medium/High UV will increase it. So a UV CTR Low is about as good as Damage vs Type Medium/High. But also have to consider that the CTR is always active, the damage UV would only kick in against a specific monster family.

Fortunately, there are a lot of different ways to achieve CTR Max and Damage Max for all your bombs and against all monster types. One example:
Volcanic Demo Helm (CTR Medium)
Mad Bomber Suit (CTR Medium, Damage Medium)
Elite Boom Module (Damage Medium)
Elite Boom Module (Damage Medium)
Any level 10 bomb (CTR Medium)

Add them all up and you get... CTR Max/Damage Max and that is without any UVs. If you get a CTR Medium UV on your bomb then you can swap out the Helm for something non-bomber and still get all Maxes. Or if you are wearing full Mad Bomber then only one Elite Boom Module is needed to reach max damage, freeing up a trinket slot for something else.