Well guys...it's been a while, hurr, I am proud to say that while all of you peeps thought I was just being my normal lazy self, I was actually writing. The catch? Of course, I was also being my normal lazy self...so I'm not yet finished. ;D
What I can say, is that what I'm gonna give to you guys is 5 times as long as the original "Chapter 1", and that I know it'll be finished by Monday.
Why, may you ask? Because I'm going to be in a car for 10 hours to have some "family time" with my FAVORITE cousins. ._.
Anyways, the chance of internet connection is low, but there is still a possiblity that I will be able to post it sometime on Sunday. Until then or Monday, buh bye, and have a great weekend! :D
I forgot to send them... XP I'll just post what I need to say on this here thread.
I won't reveal too much, as it might ruin my own story. But I can say this...
Swarm =/= Faust.
That is all. For now.