i dunno what it is, but lockdown has gotten much more fun. I'm winning a lot more then usual. I dunno what OOO did, but I like. Me gusta.
Lockdown, me gusta

Or....... teh usual 'pros' that kill you before you see them are in test server.

That's because their 2 most preferred weapons got nerfed.
And nothing of value was lost

But I though the GMs, even the Admin himself, said that they didn't Nerf the Swords. Or are they Nerfed & they didn't do it intentionally?

How some people STILL think that flourish/snarble barb line swords got nerfed, I have no idea. There were already two threads about this and the truth about the swords could not have been made any clearer. Let me reiterate: FLOURISH AND SNARBLE BARB LINE SWORDS WERE NOT CHANGED. AT ALL.

They're just Rolling tons of UVs on their "Precious" Gear in the Test Server...Even though they won't be keeping them...

I've had so many experiences where I see these comments that the range of the flourish was nerfed. It was not, and who cares if it was? There are other swords that are just as good, in other respects, compared to the flourish. The range is not too big of a deal, unless you don't know how to counter it. That range is why many flourish users would run into floor hazards.
On topic: I haven't really played lockdown much recently, but I agree with Juances. Many of the more experienced players have migrated to the test servers, and they enjoy it greatly. I tried it, but I got bored from starting in Tier 1 again xD

idk about it being better or not, but recently I moved down from t3 LD to t2 LD. And (imo) i was kinda average (if not a little worse) in t3, but when i moved down I (again imo) kicked some #$%. Not totally sure why, but "Me Gusta".

I heard they nerfed the heavy deconstructor in LD, but only experienced players can tell.

Claim "range nerf" is such a poor excuse for average players pretending to be "experienced" ones.
Back to the topic: The only thing i wish they improved is the team matching, I mean, how many games where all skilled players end up in the same team? winning (and losing) 500 - 20 is so boring.

I agree with the proper team matching. And if the toothpicks will get nerfed, I don't mind it that much. It will make it fair for players who doesn't use the toothpicks as well as prune out the pretend-pro toothpick spammers who thinks they have "skill" just because they get high damages. Hey let's make it more fun by removing the autotarget.
- Bobxloblaw

Today I did T1, T2, and T3 matches, they all started quickly, they each were fun in their own way, and the the tactics/fighting styles were different for each tier which was very nice.
In T3, I was a recon and got to assist my teammates by capturing and weakening the opponents, trying not to get hit and taking down a few opponents with my Kamarin/Faust when they were open, most if not all the people I played with were good so the matches were even for the most part.
In T2, I was more often than not a mainstream striker, preforming hit and runs or just being swamped by several others like me. The teams were the most erratic and and usually, I would sweep the other team or just try to live long enough to capture one command post as more skilled players slaughtered me.
In T1, I could be anything I wanted to be, so I was either a recon to assist guardians take down strikers and other guardians, a guardian to defend points and just be the healer while my team did the rest, or a striker to capture then dash away before the guardians got there.
To enjoy Lockdown to the fullest, try building a set for each tier and trying them all.
About the "nerf": I think the range of the Flourish was a little buggy during the last patch but it's fixed now, I'm not having any trouble hitting people from across the arena.
nerfed flourish range