So I come back from a really long break and see my name was stolen by some OOO npc. The only button at the end of the paragraph is I understand.
EDIT: Thanks Eurydice :D
So I come back from a really long break and see my name was stolen by some OOO npc. The only button at the end of the paragraph is I understand.
EDIT: Thanks Eurydice :D
That's actually intriguing.
Did they lock your knight? Or give it a generic filler name?
I was expecting something like this to happen! Ouchy. So what's going to be your new name? How about see the good things:
1) You're very unique that your name was to come in the future.
2) You're one of the few to be able to CHANGE your name without restarting.
3) Your old name will be forever remembered in the Hall of Heroes.
Does that cheer a tad bit?
I... I am speechless. Just... Why? Was this really necessary?
Echo, I am terribly sorry for what happened to your name. Never before have I seen a playername compromised for NPC-usage. Never. Even if they do use your name, removing yours for the sake of putting it on an NPC is an unnecessary, rude move. In my honest opinion, you should have kept it and you deserve a proper apology from the developers for this unreasonable act.
Three Rings just lost a lot of my respect.
oh man that just sucks... ya they normally do it early on in MMOs but never after the fact like that.
Why couldn't they just choose other name? This is quite unheard of... at least as Heavy-Duty says, you will be forever remembered there! Are you a swordman, by the way? xD
Yeah I'm a swordsman, and they just added 'The-' to the beginning of my name. I guess it's not so bad. Oh well, it just doesn't seem necessary.
LOL I LOVE that picture
The only button is "I Understand"
XDDDDD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wonder if a developer will speak on this. If I recall Echo is just a vendor of recipes.
Maybe there's a way that the game handles names that players and NPCs can't share it. If that is the case OOO would have a hard time if most generic names were taken and it'd be easier to get a slight name-change for the player. I'm just speculating, though.
Strange that a brand new NPC had to be named the same as a long-standing Knight and somehow the Knight loses the battle to keep the name.
But who is this new NPC? I don't recall seeing an 'Echo' anywhere. ???
Echo is a recipe vendor in the hall of heroes if I recall.
Hmmm.....I am very curious as to why they had to change your name because they wanted a character to be named Echo. They should have chosen a different name, like Kick, or Parsley (Basil and Punch exist, so why not these two?).
that really made me lose the respect I had for OOO. I mean, REALLY?
Echo's the Wolver Knight, too. This further Extends my Hate for them.
They could've just named the NPC something else... the name "Echo" isn't exactly a unique name to begin with, and to my knowledge there's little backstory behind any of the heroes in the Hall of Heroes, making the name change essentially pointless in almost all known regards. I also highly doubt that the name "Echo" is going to be important enough to basically tell a player to change his name for the sake of some "story".
Sure, offering him the chance to change his name for free is nice, but why should the responsibility fall on the player to begin with when it comes to picking a new name, when the party responsible could just as easily altered the NPC in a number of ways to conform to the playerbase? This is arguably a miniscule thing when you look at the big picture, but to force a playerbase to essentially bend over for any sort of developer or IP purpose in this sort of aspect where a player is essentially told his name doesn't belong to him anymore, then yeah there's really something wrong with the way matters are handled.
OOO screwed up here from a "customer service" perspective in the sense that you just don't tell players that their name isn't allowed anymore because the developing party decided "Hey, you know what, we want that name now so you can't have it". I never really thought I'd see the day where OOO genuinely disappointed me to the point that I couldn't even come up with a half-baked reason for anything they've done, but I guess there's a first for everything right?
Huh. Better think hard. You might be able to pry a name that's been lost to time out of them for compensation. That is, a name reserved by some guy that hasn't played the game in a year. Any other 4 letter name you'd like?
...Not to mention, how long of a break? I mean, what were the odds of you coming back if you were gone for 8 months? This could have just been a contingency they placed on what they thought was an inactive account that would never see reactivation. >_>
Couldn't they just call him Echofournineteen or even ECHOechoech or perhaps Echy.
Tbh, I think OOO should have come up with a new name when they realized Echo was taken by a knight already, unless the name was ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL to some part of their updates.
Or maybe it was 'Name chosen for NPC' -> Auto-message sent to existing player.
^Highly unlikely, but possible.
Why couldn't they choose a more common name like Chris or something?
Lol Trying. My guildies and I had a conversation on npc's named after players.
Trust me, it will not end well for any of you people.
Well, you might be able to use this as leverage to get a unique name, or allow you to add a special character. I don't think I've ever seen a toon in any MMO that has a "space" in their name, for example.
Something like this happened to me aswel, perhaps I should make a topic about it to aware people how 3O treats their players.
They should have called their NPC The-Echo, and left your name alone.
I remember something like this happening back in City of Villains, to a player named Black Scorpion.
That sucks! I've always loved your name, too :(
Now that I think about it, Engie is a somewhat likely NPC name
and that's terrifying
Why force someone to name change for the sake of their NPCs. It's not like they actually have a storyline to them. (Or do they?) Besides. If that was the case, I would of exit the game before even wanting to accept it and email the company. Using the name "Echo" doesn't sound right... He's a swordsman that uses fast weapons. So... why not "Swift" for a name? (Sorry maybe that's been taken as well...) or at least "Swifter", he's using a Swiftstrike buckler and a Cutter. Give him that name instead. Sounds a lot better and is more appropriate for that NPC since he is suppose to be fast, just like the wolvers.
If they are going to start name changing then... you can start doing a name changing service (which I know some people won't agree but hey... I kind of wish I can fix my name for a mistake I didn't realize when starting out. As far as I know, they could be using Zeak as an NPC Name. (Don't get your hopes up Zeakstarwind... will not happen. lol)
Anyways, none-the-less, I think it would of been a bit nicer if they gave you the option to reason with them than the so call "I Understand" Button. That's the only option they got... Really now? I apologize if I'm being rude but OOO you could of at least reason with him instead of just forcing him to rename. Anyways... oh well what's done is done.
What a selfish move by those in charge.
Either give the person their name back or send them a message, a personal message not some corporate excuse, explaining why you will not.
That's pretty sad that OOO would make you change your name which you had established already. And giving you the only option of "I understand" button is just rubbing salt in the wound. They should have told you to contact them to work things out, and compensate you well if they were insistent the NPC must have your name....which in this case doesn't seem to be the case.
To me this is just another example of how they put themselves before the player. How do they expect us to trust and respect them when they keep doing things like this, stealth patches, and etc?
I'm sorry but stuff like this just makes me not want to give them another cent of my money in the future.
I'm not sure I understand the whole uproar and "OOO I've lost all respect for you!"
Now, I concede that they (probably) could have just used a different name and fulfilled the same purpose.
As for the actual matter, I'm sure we all already understand that OOO can revoke the name of a knight for whichever reason they so choose. The reason in this case, was that they wanted to use it for an NPC.
As the OP has indicated - his account was inactive, and he was away. Maybe the name "Echo" just really fit for their purposes, and seeing as the holder was not making immediate use of it, they took it. Is that really such an outlandish thing to do? I've been in numerous games where you can't take the name of an NPC, but I highly doubt this is the first time a developer of an online game has done the reverse.
All in all, I definitely understand the sentiment that this seems kind of ridiculous. However, it is hardly a reason to tout OOO as having terrible customer service. You guys have to remember, we are only seeing this from the player's perspective, thus far - no comment on the situation from OOO, besides the message to The-Echo. Perhaps there is a much larger reason for this situation.
@Guyinshinyarmour Trust me any semi-good/good 4 letter names are already taken. I tried at least 30+ names from a scrabble word bank before settling for my current one.
I just wish they'd clear 6-8+ month old inactives. Or at least send them an email after a certain time to say ''Hey if you don't come back in the next month, we'll delete your account. Alternatively, if you are unable to log in but wish to retain your account, please contact support!''
That way at least we can clear out all the 5min players from the Steam holiday achievements.
This would also help with the ''need to name NPCs but has a very limited amount of short-medium length names/words'' problem.
You had to consult a board game? o_0
hahaha at all you people getting so offended. Yea OOO probably should have used a different name, but to lose all respect (or a lot of it) for OOO because of this is just internet overreacting drama.
OOO please take the name Nordlead for one of your NPCs, then I will name myself "TheOriginalNordlead" and be forever immortalized in this game.
Punch is named after the tool called Punch not a strike made using the hand closed into a fist (same goes with Vise). So probably you should suggest Clamp instead of Kick ;-)
BTW all tool names are reserved (I've been trying to make a fostered-by-gremlins-as-a-baby character once) so maybe they are planning to populate Haven with more Emberlight refugees :-D
Since Alpha Squad has been named after first letter in military/police phonetic alphabet, Echo may be seen as logical consequence, but why other Heroes in HoH aren't named Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Foxtrot, Gulf, Hotel, India and Juliet? Make no sense really.
I'm also wondering what does "our main NPC" mean. I though agent Kora, captain Ozlo or lieutenant Vaelyn may be consider main characters, but a recipe vendor. Strange...
Yikes. I'm checking into this.
Has Eurydice always had the title Community Manager.........Promotion perhaps.........Demotion?
I've been community manager for SK since May of 2011. However, my title was incorrectly put in as "community support" until recently, when it was fixed. :P
*goes to register alt named TheOriginalNordlead*
Poor Eury, suffering under bureaucratic laziness/impromptitude (shush spell-check, it's totally a word! Well okay, maybe not, but it's so fun to say :c).
I wonder why they can't have a knight named the same as an NPC. It's not like you can trick people or whatever, since Echo is only in the Hall and I'd think most people don't know the names of lesser NPCs like that anyway. I know of Basil, Punch, and Vise...Kozma too, and that's about it.
'most people don't know the names of lesser NPCs like that anyway'
Yet again I'm in minority :-)
I've checked into this, and it appears we did grab up some names from active players who had the names of our NPCs. This was done as an effort to reduce the opportunity for confusion and scamming, but it should not have happened the way it did, or indeed, at all. We understand that players are attached to their names, and that barring a Terms of Service violation, Knight names should be left alone. We are reverting the grabbed names--Echo, yours should be fixed now.
We are deeply sorry for the mistake we made and the distress it caused those affected. To avoid this situation in the future, we'll be reserving names in advance, and considering alternate names in cases where a player already has taken a proposed NPC name.
Thanks for bringing some clarity to the issue, and fixing it right away. This is where customer service really shines.
Though, is the NPC still called Echo, or is he receiving a name change? Guess I gotta go check.