Nice ^^ Now reskin it to represent a papaya callahan >:)
Grim gun. ( Shadow callahan)

Two triple posts, a double post, and an octa-post.
Anyway, I think we should start coming up with a description for it, for the sake of having something to talk about and to help flesh out the weapon.

I aprove, this would be good for me as I have a mega magnus I wouldn't mind converting to shadow. +1
ALSO you should (if you even made it) post the model in a downloadable form so SK and OOO can look at it.
P.S. Maybe you can call it the Dark Brutalizer instead.

I really don't understand how this ISN'T in the game yet. Its pretty much flawless, as the curse would work well with the slowness of the magnus, and shadow needs more weapons. OOO, can't you see the amazingness of this suggestion?

This actually sounds good. The Magnus line is a lot like a gun version Sealed Sword line in terms of how they work. Okay, just the slowness and two attacks...
I'm no experienced gunner but I have an alt with both Shadowtech Alchemer Mk II and Magnus. I find the Magnus to be more efficient vs Gremlins as it knocks them down. I use the Alchemer for them though as it's really got higher DPS and Tier 2 is piece of cake anyway. As for slimes, it's pewpew all the way with switch-shooting. Provided this gun would curse the Sovereign Slime, it'd be really swell for slimes though, especially for those poor nubs who want double Antiguas and double Seeled Swords coughItotallydon'thaveAPandSentenzaandDAandaSSthatwillbecomeaGFsometimecough.

It'll be even cooler if it damage you if you miss. . . :3

I'd rather have a totally different looking gun that functioned differently then the Callahan.

Indeed why all magnus would need to have effective damage against dodgy enemies (originally beasts and fiends, now gremlins)

Agreed that this would fill the unique niche of gremlin killer, as callahan's built-in "anti-dodge" mechanic is already quite effective against gremlins, just lacking in damage. Also would be awesome to be able to snipe healers and demo gremlins.
For the same reason, I can't really justify an elemental magnus, cause construct and undead aren't very dodgy.
If you want a new mechanic completely, then why don't ya go find one and support that? Or come up with it yourself? I support this cause it's awesome, and it's mechanics are already in the game, so easier for OOO to add to the game.

That was my first double post ^^ Hooray for me!
Anyways, *coughs*, may I ask, how did you reskin the Callahan into the "Shadow Callahan"? Spiral spy?

I don't think the OP is still around anymore, so it's unlikely that they're gonna be able to tell you how they did it.
Anyone have summary text ideas?

Necro? Why not? Anyway, I do have something meaningful to add, so please excuse me.
A shadowy Mega Magnus refitted to fire slugs of pure Shadow Steel. It doesn't matter if your enemies are delicious or crafty, they'll be feeling seriously unlucky to be targeted by this mammoth firearm.
Also, this weapon could be a Krogmo weapon, but then it'd probably need 3* and 4* versions.
EDIT: Fixed some things.

Yeah, why not make a 2 star magnus, and then have the regular magnus branch off it, as well as a 3* and 4* iron slug and this gun's line?

1: "firing arm" = "Firearm" right?
2: beasts are also furry :3

But if this if made to cost krogmo coins I will hate everyone who thinks that's a good idea. And slit their necks.

Hey I remember this thread. Although I never posted on it... I love the idea. Would totally get 'Grim Gun' if it got released with those visuals.
Cool idea, can't wait to hear what gremlins think about it >:D

Just realized this was a necro. Damn you Qwote for leading me astray!
Oh what the hell, it's still a cool idea ---- +1!

Seems great! This will revive the Callahan! This thread need to stay alive eveyone!

I shallt rise thee from/forum the undead... thou must give 1+'s!

Maybe instead of that curse eye, you could have a Carnavon's curse seal attached to the front, so the eye is covering the hole. And it could have the same colour scheme as the Sentenza. With wood as well as metal. :)

@Zasher : Maybe design curse bomb?
Maybe a curse/dark bomb (cant think of a better name) that acts like 5* vaporizer (low chance of good curse) (so it only gives damage if it doesnt curse) and spreads out the swarm seed (something like that) aura/smoke

Cool idea, if they add this i craft it. :D
Ps: faust can curse in 2nd hit :)
Nice ^^ Now reskin it to represent a papaya callahan >:)