The Lab
This is my thread for collecting myself and other's ideas. There is one rule though. The weapon and its line(s) must have a unique mechanic that has not been used.
The Limpet is a new 3* bomb bought from Brinks for 20 Jelly gems. It has a similar colour scheme as the Antigua and Sealed Sword and looks like a grey dome with a silver band running around the middle. The mechanics are similar to a Lockdown Control Point. When placed, it has the same fuse length as a control point with one person standing on it. If an enemy stands on it, it would charge with the speed of two people standing on a point, and so on and so forth. If left alone, it will explode as a normal bomb does. Limpet lines do half as much knockback as the Nitronome but slightly more damage. The charge time for a Limpet is the same as a Master Blast Bomb. If two Limpets are on the ground and one explodes, the other one will also explode multiplying the resulting explosion by two. The alchemy paths are:
3* Limpet (Normal) > 4* Phantasmal Bomb (Shadow) > 5* Seance (Shadow)
> 4* Volatile Mine (Elemental) > 5* Tunguska (Elemental)
Limpet: A mysterious explosive device salvaged from the arsenal of the Royal Jelly. How it can be used by creatures with no hands is still unclear.
Phantasmal Bomb: An upgraded Limpet infused with darkness, first discovered when a recruit accidentally left a Limpet in the centre of the Konjuring Kat's ritual circle.
Seance: A mysterious artefact of the Kat era originally used for summoning Kat warmages.
Volatile Mine: An upgraded Limpet infused with elemental energy, designed by gremlins for decommissioning rogue mecha-knights.
Tunguska: In the Gremlin dictionary, an image of this can be found next to the definition of Destruction.
Phantom's Flintlock:
The Phantom's Flintlock is a new 5* Magnus line gun that shoots phantom bullets. Like the other guns in the Magnus line, you cannot move while shooting. It deals half as many bars of shadow damage as the Callahan does piercing damage, but the bullets can go through enemies, and can hit any enemies in the path of the bullet, even when shielding. although they only hit the enemies once each. The bullets do no knockback and have the same range as Callahan shots. Although the bullets can go through enemies, they cannot go through blocks.
3* Magnus (Piercing) > 4* Mega Magnus (Piercing) > 5* Callahan (Piercing)
> 4* Mega Magnus (Piercing) > 5* Iron Slug (Normal)
> 4* Mega Magnus (Piercing) > 5* Phantom's Flintlock
Phantom's Flintlock: A mystical firearm found in the Kat Tribe Hero Preowa's coffin. The bullets, like ghosts, can go through anything.
Sounds cool