Your amazing copyright bit aside, let me tell you why this idea wouldn't work very well.
It would not create a "low end" market, or if it did, it's effect would be minimal- only for 3* items. Allow me to explain why...
1*/2* items already sell for a very low price. At the high end, 2* items can sell for 2000 crowns. Most sell for around half that, at 1000. NPC vendors will pay 750 crowns. Now, it costs money to list an item on the AH- and if your item doesn't sell, you lose that listing money. It makes more sense for a player to NPC Vendor these items with negative UV's, as they will be hard to sell at a price that nets profit. There will be no market for 1*/2* neg UV items, because that market will never be created to begin with. It's not worth the risk for the seller.
For 4*/5* items, it would not be worth the time and effort to find a buyer. No really, it wouldn't. The seller would more likely than not be LOSING money from attempting to sell these, as it's already difficult trying to sell NO UV 4* and 5* items, even when bellow market price due to the unbinding prices. For neg UV items, they'd have to sell even lower than that, and lose money in the process. In the case you'd get a neg UV on your 4*/5* stuff, it would be a better deal to run over to Punch and have him re-roll the UV for 20k.
For 3* items, this market may be created, as no unbinding would be required, and it takes less CE to craft. Players would at least want to recover the spent CE for the craft, which would result in a lower price. However, this would only effect people crafting to sell. Others would hold onto their bound weapon and just let the UV re-roll when they craft it to the next star level. Even then, many players would probably recommend that new players get weapons that will help them survive- not let them play cheap. A player who gets a bound 3* item with a neg UV would be more likely to buy a regular 3* item off the AH. Heading into T2 for the first time with a poor weapon is just begging for a ragequit. The main market would likely be endgame players who want a new base item to craft up for cheap.
All that aside...
-Not all weapons inflict statuses, leaving this idea completely void for those weapons.
-Weapons that inflict status usually do so at another penalty- damage. Penalizing their only advantage can make the weapon near useless. Who wants a status bomb that can't inflict its status?
-There are already "bad" UVs. For example, getting "Bonus Damage Low: Undead" on a Nightblade, or another shadow weapon. Something like that is already a disappointment; we don't need another UV that is actually an outright hindrance. This isn't an RPG like Terraria. It costs money to create items.
-In the case that the UV is positive, it is simply another UV, and will be treated as such. It may be sought after for status bombs.
You're recommending "UV: Status Chance Increased" with a twist! *gasp* of something really really annoying and very unneeded, and would not create that new market you predict. Your twist would only serve to needlessly punish and anger players who craft- and crafting is something that is to be promoted, as noted by Nick. Not something to be avoided!
However, I think the idea of "UV: Status Chance Increased" or "Status Power Increased" could be a very nice UV! It would be sought after on status alchemers and status bombs, and could breathe new life into the Flamberge and Rigadoon! (What? I have to do something to make the praise/good idea I see stand out amongst the massive wall of criticism.)
As for your "Original idea, do not steal" trick, you do realize that the MOMENT you post on this forum, any ideas you have presented can be used by OOO, and they have full right to use it? It's in the ToS that keeps getting quoted. They can use it, and you won't see a cent or even a notification, nor do they need to ask permission. You wouldn't have any legal ground to stand on either, so if you were to complain, they would just laugh, and the rest of the forum would probably make fun of you, worse than they are now.
The game's creators can only have so many points of view; it's only human. The more points of view they have, the better, so that's why we have the suggestion forum! See, we suggest ideas in order to make the game better for others, and for a better playing experience- for more fun. We don't suggest for fame or recognition or money, which is what you've implied you're after; bad motives can lead to a bad suggestion, one that doesn't improve the game. When other player's suggestions do get added, those players don't care about credit- they're just happy to know the Devs actually DO look at the suggestion forum, where many players are constantly, earnestly, trying to help improve the game.
Cool story sis, just goes to show how conceited you are and how little you care/know about how the suggestions forum works.
For all those who know me, they know that for me to be making a judgement like that, something MUST be up.
Back off topic:
So what do you say guys? Should we:
A: Pester for a lock/graveyard/delete?
B: Continue with the DERAIL.