does it annoy anyone that you cant tell the difference between male and female knights.
another thing that needs to change...............
Erm, this is going to sound mean and someone will probably beat me to saying it, but this belongs in the Suggestions. Actually, it doesn't even belong there, as there is a longer, more thought out post there about this already!
And yes, most people are thinking about eyes.
Yeah for you it doesn't. But how about the girls who play the game. Don't you think it's kind of leaving them out? I mean yeah once in the game you can buy all kinds of feminine accesories. I dont care for being able to know wether someone is male or female, i just think they, as players shouldnt be forgotten is all
Excuse me, but for me most things are unisex.
Valkyrie can look girly. Also various accesories help.
I agree with juances in that most of the sets seem unisex. I think It's more about how you use accessories and how you think of your knight. Like for me my knight is a girl. Just how I view her as a character from her crusader to ice queen. But I can see how accessories can be a problem the few I've received we're from friends. Just my opinions and thoughts : V
Don't forget -- we don't know what kind of species the knights are. Gender may not have many physical differences.
why does it matter.......behind those armors, we are all black beings with no mouth, no ears, no nose, just 2 big glowing eyes that stare at you.
There are too many immature kids in this game to justify removing the gender ambiguity.
Honestly I like the fact that we're all androgynous in this game. People tend to have preset behaviors and views toward you (whether they realize it or not) when they see that your character is a guy or girl (which also throws people off when you play on an opposite gender character). Now we're more on even ground so to speak.
"why are girls playing a fighting game?"
"ooooo....i think you look really cute <3"
and a lot of immature bs like that
I specifically remember a GM posting on the forums at on point that knights are intentionally unisex (probably in the thread discussing Bechamel). I'm feeling too lazy to look it up at the moment, but I'm sure a search could find it. It's also likely that a GM will appear here eventually.
bigfootm shut up about the dark ritual, nobody said anything about the dark ritual.
Anyway, I wish it was like Terraria where every (well, most anyway) outfit has male and female variations.
Waaaaaaaaait. Did he just say shut up to the dark ritual?
no need to be so aggressive. Bigfoot has had that as his tag for posts since AT LEAST June, when i joined up. Take a pill, go give mom a hug, whatever you need to do to calm down. jeez, man, there's just no need for this anger.
Anger leads to hate. hate leads to suffering. Suffering is the path to the dark side. No one wants that.
RE: metagenic
I concur. No need for gender, because as it is, sitting in haven wearing the pig tail helm, I have children coming up to my character and proceeding to hump my face, or ask me for dates etc. Gender doesn't matter at all. In a world where women fought for equality, why should we differentiate now?
"Waaaaaaaaait. Did he just say shut up to the dark ritual?"
I don't know what you're talking about!
Dear god, someone make a SK version of that ^
Yeah I agree that it sucks girls have to stick with 1 sort of helmet to give it away. There should be basic contimization features to dertirmine a male or female......
oh wait, they could try to do something with the eyes, no? Thinking of adding eyelashes perhaps?