Ashtail is available in HoH. It still sells, presumably to people who haven't unlocked that tier of HoH yet, or who are, as you say, ignorant. But ignorance is probably not going away, especially since there is a built-in gap between getting 3* stuff and accessing the 4* HoH. I still sell Standard Supply Packs at a profit on the AH, albeit at a much slower rate than initially. :P
Is Rise and Fall really the only thing? How about FSC? And yeah, I know that's T3, but it's still there.
Maybe RnF really is just a sop to F2Pers, and if and when it goes away, I'll be one sad jelly-killer. As of now, though, I have to say that F2Pers are in a better position than ever.
1) They can grind crowns for CE purchase indefinitely with the click of a button.
2) If they want to buy 4-5* gear rather than crafting it, they can do so more cheaply than ever.
3) CE is cheaper now than when I started a few months back, even after the post-mission rise.
F2Pers as a class have benefited. (And yes, each of those 3 could be changed, and/or have knock-on effects in future, but it's hard to predict for now.) Who's suffered so far? Rich, successful F2Pers whose money-making machines have suddenly become that much less efficient. I sympathise, I really do--that could easily have been me, had I started SK earlier!--but I just don't agree that their loss is everyone's loss. Quite the contrary.
Ashtail gear recipes still sell, for one. I know, I do it. Also, BTS and other stuff not in the HoH, needless to say. You probably wouldn't rely on rec-selling as a primary source of income any more, but it still helps if you're judicious in your choice.
Ashtail isn't available in the HoH? Pretty sure it is. I don't doubt there are some players still getting recipes off the AH for higher than HoH cost out of sheer ignorance that the HoH exists. And yes, there is still a market for the recipies that don't exist in HoH. For now.
And Rise and Fall allows any T2 F2P to play indefinitely while making modest profits. 3k gross each time for under 2k in energy costs. Not so bad.
This is a double edged sword. It's my theory that OOO has allowed only this mission to remain F2P profitable as ammo for a mea culpa that sounds exactly like your quote when us rabble rousers come out. RoF does indeed keep the F2P in spiral knights. But it's practically the only thing left. It boils down to Three Rings axing more and more of the options left to keep the F2P part of Spiral Knights intact and I for one don't like it.
For those late night mods/devs watching this thread, if I believed that this game had no hope of avoiding the horror that is today's market of dime-a-dozen mmo's that claim they are F2P when infact they are bottomless money pits, I wouldn't bother posting to this forum. It's also worth noting that I joined just before missions and the axing of F2P began. This would be my reaction if I had joined today.