Okay, this isn't exactly an RP, but something I got an idea for a long time ago, and I decided to let other people play if they really want to. I won't be angry if you don't want to (Not that I could, seeing that it wouldn't show). Anyway, back to the point. The idea of the game is to beat the the poster before you.
Billy: A rock
Jack: A pickax. {Mines rock}
Billy: Rust. {Ruins pickax}
Larry: A can of rust remover. {Removes rust}
Jack: A knife. {Cuts the can of rust remover}
Or you can defend the poster before the last poster.
Billy: A rock
Jack: A pickax {Mines rock}
Larry: A shield {Defends rock}
1) No super powerful stuff. (A black hole.)
2) Make sure you tell what it does. ({Shoots the man})
3) No making up things that don't exist. (A light saber)
That about all there is to it. :)
I'll start:
A man. {Nothing, there is nobody to kill}
A gun. Kills man.