No floor in FSC (even the mission) gives 4500cr.
Want Lower CE Prices on the Trade Market?! Then Join the Boycott!!!
Only other higher payout I know of is D28 arenas, and I think one gets around 3500cr for it. 4500cr per floor is in all honesty, too high to be believable.
The video is recorded and I will render it tonight
I should also point out, you can get as much as 50kcr per 100ce if you are lucky.
Yes CE prices have gone up but that is why you get 100 mist every 22 hours at 1me every 13.2 minutes. CE prices have gone up because people that didn't bother to complete their missions or just run off mist alone and are restricted by that.
Strudul is right... honestly he is right. Simple to turn 100ce in to a large amount of crown. The FSC mission is the way to go to earn crown at the moment.
But according to Strudul, he's got a way that earns more cr than the fsc mission. Hard to believe, even though he says he has proof.
The proof that won't be shown until it is impossible to do whatever it is that he does.
I sell CE instead of buying it, so no thanks! :D
This wont go anywhere though; the buying players will keep the prices up. It would take sheer stupidity on the players who sell the CE to have our economy affected by any boycotting attempts.
Yeah, also all those ppl with unknown motives who have strange sick satisfaction from placing 500x100CE bids on certain CE prices to block process of lowering it wont let it happen.
I'd assume it's doing both forks of the 3rd FSC floor. That should be patched now. At any rate, running *just* a specific floor is rather difficult if you don't have a wide guild/friend network and so becomes rather impractical.
"I'd assume it's doing both forks of the 3rd FSC floor"
"running *just* a specific floor is rather difficult if you don't have a wide guild/friend network and so becomes rather impractical. "
Also nope.
You just need good friends with an elevator pass and a similar mindset to you.
^ I didn't even rick roll you guys. See how nice I am, passing up on amazing trolling opportunities.
But yeh, you get between 4.5 and 5k from D27 of FSC mission :D
I put it in 2x speed to speed up render/upload times. The actual content is just a normal D27 run, nothing special or important (just break the lamps and kill everything).
Now everyone will know, so I am pretty sure it will get a big nerf. Enjoy it while you can.
Don't argue with the Strudul, :p
Obvious proof is obvious. You still need invites to just do the one floor, but if you can get them reliably, it works.
Also, the boycott is doomed to fail. Like in real life, a large number of players control a small amount of CE/CR (the 99%), and a small number of players control the largest amount of CE/CR (the 1%). Unless you get the 1% to join the boycott, it's doomed to fail. They can just wait it out, because they already have enough CE to play content and craft items, and can just get any Crowns they need from running the Clockworks (and at a much better Energy to Crwon conversion rate). You, however, are reliant on them selling you CE to craft your items and such, and therefore will eventually have to give in, unless you can fork over a couple dollars to Three Rings to buy energy. Rich people have more power than you, welcome to real life.
Okay, i admit that you got those crowns. Now go record a video of yourself doing that floor 10 times in 50 minutes like you claimed at start.
Which part don't you think is viable?
I have multiple friends who can give me boosts and we can do D27 in under 7 minutes. (Also if you look, I re-thought and corrected my self and changed 50 mins to 1 hour).
I think you are just upset so you're finding little things to complain about. Just admit you were wrong. :p
I find it cunning that you still claim you can do it even in 70 minutes totally ignoring the fact that there won't be always a party with an exclusive slot for a d27 parasite. In case you hadn't noticed, i already admitted that you indeed got those crowns. Now you doing it in even 70 minutes? Techically possible, practically not possible.
It wins, so long as you don't fall past the LZ or land on the area above it.
That, or you realize there is no LZ, so you wait till it exists.
To be honest, i stopped playing for about half a year or more.
When i came backed, i thought for sure CE would have risen to like 10+k
Quite surprised that it stayed constant at 6k++
I do not know what happened in the 6 mths, but i did not see any such post. so i assume it wasn't bad.
Whats the energy price now? 7K?
not in game now and hence cannot check
But if it stayed constant, i don't think you can complain..
Actually I have various people who are pretty dedicated and give me a boost, I can get back into a run within the minute.
To each own i guess, i wouldn't be able to parasite people like that all the time. I'd feel like a horrible person.
But you see the thing is:
-I found out about it and introduced it to them
-They also make a huge profit
-They don't lose out on anything
-They are friends
-I am a pretty good player and help speed up the runs
-If a mission has a full party, the profit is larger (by a few hundred cr)
Yes, the whole reason I said it wasn't viable was because you had to get a boost. You still need that friend/guild network to hang off of, and *someone* has to start from the top. Plus, those people have to be willing to work to your own exclusive advantage.
More often than not, you're gonna be joining mid floor or so, or at the wrong floor entirely. Or just waiting for a group to open up. Doesn't help how this is more effort than its worth really.
I will say I'm surprised it's not the double fork floor though, since you specifically mentioned that your technique needs patching when this is really as big a deal as getting friend invite to a D28 arena (impractical, and unlikely to be abused too badly).
Seriously? After new FSC mission was realsied it gives loads of crowns, so it shouldn't be a problem to buy CE even if it's prices are near 7k.
There is no proof that party size affects party drops. Unless you want to prove it by running the FSC mission 100 times solo and 100 times in a party you shouldn't really be dropping baseless claims like that.
I thought it was a well known thing, I read it somewhere.
But since they have elevator pass, energy is not an issue and they can speed run D24 and D25 in under 3 minutes.
D26 gives between 3.3 and 3.8k so I often will do that level with them too.
I am not saying anyone should do this, if anything I would prefer you did not.
Wow thanks Strudul, we are blessed to have you in our groups..
Go use all this tonne of money you're making (that you'd get from going through FSC anyway) to go get yourself down to that mission and start forming your own groups. Stop asking / getting your cohorts to ask other people for a jump for you.
Don't be lazy! Your point about them having an elevator pass irks me.
Full FSC = less profit
And I am sorry I have friends T_T
I should go be a loner and do everything by myself?
Can you not see how joining for just a depth would annoy people? Even if you were to go solo at the start of it?
When were games about profit? What happened to people enjoying them? Stop being so srs, it's a game.
Since you have some friends, they can join you at d24 after you've unlocked the mission and go all the way up to d27 with you :) doesn't that sound nice? Then you won't have to be alone.
They are friends, they happen to want me to come... I am sorry that you have never experienced this.
Games are all about improving, in this game it is about improving your *skill* and getting money for nice stuff. Since I am f2p and don't waste money on this game my only option is not make money, get bored merchanting, or grind. I grind with friends and chat with them so it is still fun.
Why waste money unlocking all the missions? People are more than happy to invite me, often people want you to go solo as they prefer to solo/duo.
Yes you could say I am using people, but everybody wins. I am not forcing anybody to do anything.
Maybe you should try making friends? I would recommend it ^-^
i was thinking today that i haven't seen a CEQQ topic but here it is...
and hate to brake it to ya kiddo, but it's not exactly working ;-) prices are going up at a steady pace.
Yeah I never do runs with anyone ever. I think you need to do a little bit more research before accusing me of having no friends ^^ but thanks for your concern and sympathy.
Well thank-you for letting me in on that little secret on what games are for. This game isn't about improving your "skill", it doesnt take much to realise when an enemy is going to hit you and react to it. It's logic not skill.
How is it a waste when you could be a "friend" and give those who give you jumps, the jumps back / if no one is at d27 at your beck and call, you can get there yourself.
If you know that someone won't give you a jump, don't ask a friend to ask them for you. It's a sly thing to do.. multiple times.
To each his own. if they like it playing the way they play,
I think they should not have to have someone telling them how to play the game in a way that they do not enjoy.
You are the one who implied people should not do levels with friends.
Lol, well how come so many people die so much. And why are you not the best player?
You have pathetic standards if your idea of a friend is just someone who gives you a boost. There are many other qualities that make a good friend.
I don't ask friends of friends often.
I didn't imply you shouldn't play with friends. I'm just saying that getting your friends to ask players for a jump when you know full well if you'd ask them you'd get denied is a sly thing to do and that the people you play with are nice enough to let someone just jump for d27 every time.
They die due to being put into situations where there is no logical route out of it. I never said I was the best so that point is invalid, I play lazy since I know I'll still achieve what I need to achieve without putting 100% into it. I play this game casually.
Did I say that inviting someone who gives you a boost is the ONLY quality to being a friend? Stop accusing me of things I didn't say. I'm just saying that it would be nice to give back to those who give you the jumps. It is a friendly action.
There have been several moments just today in fact.
God your persistent
I have very rarely done that Hadn.
Then part of the *skill* is avoiding those situations and learning.
I think you just jelleh bro. Is it my sexy hats? Do you want to lick them? .-.
Since when did having a discussion mean that someone is being persistant? It's a discussion.
Rarely? I guess we will agree to disagree on that point but sure.
That isn't skill still, if you were logical then you would realise the movement and behaviours of the enemies and not get into those situations and end up dying in the first place.
Yes I am jelly. Thanks for talking to me buddy :) (Am I making friends right?)
Is it really a discussion?
Ok, give 3 examples.
Are you insulting most of the SK community there? Saying they can't be logical?
If you are lucky I might let you stroke them.
Well yes it is, we have different views on something and are discussing.
It isn't my place to name names as it isn't the issue, but they all involved the same person.
Well are you equally insulting the SK community there? Saying they die because they aren't skillful?
Edit: Talk to me in-game if you wish. Apologies for the discussion on this thread. Good luck with that boycott..
I think Ironskullkid is summing things up much better
I know names, and I can not think of more than 2 occasions.
The community can not deny that they die, and they should also admit that they are not as skilled as is possible. There are definite variations in skill. Or are you saying that you are only as good as a noob?
And yeh, in b4 lock.
Sleep time now :3
OMG its no fare ppl I have to pay 7k CR!!! fore CE dat ppl spent REAL MONEY FOR I want mah free handoutZ
:C Gotta wait for the CE selling prices to hit 7.25k now so I can sell all mine.
By the way, does anyone know who the hell is selling over 100,000 CE at the 7k mark? Gonna take awhile to get over that...
Boycotts have failed but next time make sure they post another form about before doing any stupid things again.
cat fight 20$ on paweu. all kiding aside he basically does vanaduke ( the highest paying thing in SK). buys 100 more ce and repeats. I do this myself. the only thing is that it is somewhat time consuming. of course there is no level that can give you crazy money fast.