I just wanted to suggest that Three Rings should bring the Spiral Knights game to mobile phones (iPhone, Windows 7 phone, and Android phones). Mini Fighter had gone mobile so why not make Spiral Knights mobile too? I think it would do good on a mobile phone. Anyone agree?
Spiral Knights Mobile

If you tried to play this game on a mobile phone, you wouldn't be able to shield cancel half as effectively as you do with a keyboard and mouse, or a gamepad.

If they were ever going to do something mobile it would be minigames.. not the full fledged spiral knights I'm sorry that would never work.. but par say a spiral knights themed bejeweled or some other type of minigame that's basically like a slot machine (you put crowns from your game in to play) and then you play to try and earn crowns maby but its doubtfull that OOO is looking to go mobile.

@ Kentard It will be the same Mmo just on the Mobile phone. @ Metagenic the controls will be similar to the game on the iPhone called Zenonia (I think thats how it`s spelt) you would tap on the icon with the sword to attack and tap on the icon with the sheild to block. And, ofcourse, the virtual analog stick will be on the left side of the screen, tap on your character picture and it will bring up your HUD and your inventory (it will be where it usually is located in the game not popping up and opening everything at once, you have to tap on the inventory icon to open it, the same as clicking it with a mouse).

Yes, lets bring graphic intense game that make heavy use of 3d rendering and neverending lag problems into mobile phones (just 3 mobile operating systems, no more, no less, leaving all others away) instead of further improve game, reduce lags and fix bugs and add new features.
Seems legit.

Are summed up by Vanillateddy.
Too much graphical intensity required; that and to have a real-time MMO on a phone would downright kill your phone's processor.
I'm sorry, but as much as you want this to happen, it'll be next to impossible given the current state of technology.

I can imagine seeing something like a minimal app for buying/trading CE, and displaying the entirety of the Auction House, and keeping track of your Crowns and Energy (both Mist and Crystal)... but as said before, the full game itself (while made in Flash) is far too graphically intense for a mere phone processor to handle - let alone the controls and lag being fickle at best.

I think your all wrong for saying that it won`t work on a phone cuz Mini Fighter is an Mmo and it works just fine, and I believe that the iPhone and the other phones mentioned would be able to support the graphics. But if your still not buying the Idea how about this, Spiral Knights: The Beginning. I will post another suggestion if you would like to hear the idea for this one, which I think you would like better (:

Arsona : I think your (should be, "you're") all wrong for saying it won't work cuz Mini Fighter works.
Serells reaction : Mini Fighter is a 2D game... Spiral Knights is 3D... how the heck do you compare them?
Arsona : But if your (should be, "you're") still not buying the idea how about this, "Spiral Knights : The beginning".
Serells reaction : Ok... what the heck is, "Spiral Knights : The Beginning", supposed to be?

Take a guess...oh and thnx for pointing out that I spelt your (you`re) wrong, lol. But anyway forget the idea Spiral Knights: The Beginning, scratch that whole idea.
u should put mini games and earn crowns from the mobile.u can use those crowns in SK

*slow clap*
go search for something newer next time.
I have the sinking feeling that somebody is making alts to necro theads.
Too many buttons to put, not enough phone space
Guys 2019 just entered and gaming phone are now available😎
What kind of mechanics would you like on the phone version of the game?
The same as what we have right now, complete with its faux auction house and CE purchases?